I'm just past a month in to new bulk figure I'll update progress.
Diet has worked pretty well, it seems I miss about 1 meal every other day, not sure what's up with it but I'm growing and not really adding fat that's noticeable. Strength and size gains are on schedule to meet my goals for the run so far,im sure this will get tougher as the run progresses.
As far as the gear I had planned to run the anadrol for the first 8 weeks but instead it ended up working better to run it higher and drop at end of week 4. I'll see where I'm at after week 8 and bring back in if needed but if the runs stays it's course I doubt I'll need it. I'm just starting week 5 ,dropped the anadrol and bumped the sust,primo,and npp just enough to take up the slack. At this point I'm not adding anything else, it's not needed. If I keep making gains by bumping each month I may not even bring in the tren at week 9 unless needed.
As of today, day 33, I'm up 12lb solid, gains have stayed really steady. Recovery is good havnt needed to add extra supps. I know I haven't but it feels like I've put an 1" on my arms. I'm hoping what I'm feeling is my muscle finally stretching to end with some good size.
Upright row wide
Hands touching bar shrugs
Wide lat pulldowns
Hammer block pulldowns
Reverse ez bar tri pulldowns set with rope pulldowns
Open grip bar tri pushdowns set with rope overhead extensions
Hammer curls
dB side lat raises
dB w fly's
dB rear fly's
dB front raises
Reverse ez bar curls
Machine rows flat grip