Same here man. I had been doing a variation of a Wendler program for so long.....I started getting bored.
Sorry for tge long post...but this is what I came up with for myself. So far I'm loving it.
I went to a 3 on 1 off with two different "waves". The first wave will be lower reps and heavier weights as I want to hold onto as much strength as possible, and my body likes lower reps.
The second wave will be higher reps with moderate weight and a slower tempo to emphasize time under tension...and to try to focus more on hypertrophy.
Volume will be cut way down. 1 exercise with 3 working sets.
Workout will go like this:
Wave 1 (3-5 rep range)
Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Day 2 - Back, Biceps
Day 3 - Legs, Calves
Day 4 - Off
Wave 2 (8-12 rep range)
Day 5 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Day 6 - Back, Biceps
Day 7 - Legs, Calves
Day 8 - Off
Then begin with wave 1 and keep alternating over and over.
First wave will be warm ups and only 3 sets of one exercise for the body part I'm training with the last set to failure.
Second wave will be the same....but since I'm doing higher reps each last set will consist of a rest-pause set where I will continue doing them until I can't hit a certain number of reps. I'm planning this to happen within 2-3 rest-pause sets of the last set worked.
After going through both waves, I may switch exercises up for the next two waves for variety
Its a lot less volume, but more frequency. Plus it will cut my time in the gym down probably 30% or more since my original programming had me in their for up to 2 hours sometimes.
Maybe you might see something in there you like. I'm keeping all my strength from the years of doing Wendler....but hitting rep ranges now to try and grow a little!
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