AON1's journey to 290


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit a back day instead of legs but honestly wasn't feeling it either...I decided to let var clear a few before bringing in the tren and I believe it's hit the workout a bit. ...tren in now so should be issue solved next workout....starting at 1050 and will adjust from there going to run it till New year.. have some pellet gear left I'm going to run the last few at a pretty good dose if the 1050 works out until then..
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Grabbed a great chest shoulders Tris and calve day ... hammered the calves heavy everywhere else.....tren has back strength up where it should be....just a good day

Running post slin and really dropping anything in the diet that's iffy and upping proteins a bit hoping to bring in a little leaner gains but scales moving finally that's all really matters .....that clearing the system shit really cost some fat gain but it's going the other way I believe so we'll see if it was a waiste of time or not


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Fuckn a killed back....pulled 615 pb for me....could have pushed it I believe but didn't feel right so happy with that....just a good day ...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Really good arms and.delts yesterday and heavy legs today didn't hit alot of exercises but got it done with what I hit....I've gotta locate a place to buy bulk protein bars or something that isnt a bullshit product because I can't drink the damn shakes anymore without just fuckn bloating up like a balloon and eating more real food at a single setting is as bad....but at this point I'm not going to get more muscle unless I get the protein up......


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Love that post turkey day work out.....strong as hell and just feel good all around...

Hit chest shoulders and Tris..alot of heavy bar work ...the var tren combo seems to just keep bringing the strength...really starting to enjoy this blast


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
Hit a back day instead of legs but honestly wasn't feeling it either...I decided to let var clear a few before bringing in the tren and I believe it's hit the workout a bit. ...tren in now so should be issue solved next workout....starting at 1050 and will adjust from there going to run it till New year.. have some pellet gear left I'm going to run the last few at a pretty good dose if the 1050 works out until then..

Last pics look great. Looks like you are making great progress. What is your full stack now? Best lifts? Tren and avar is a fav of mine as well. Going to follow from now on.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Last pics look great. Looks like you are making great progress. What is your full stack now? Best lifts? Tren and avar is a fav of mine as well. Going to follow from now on.

1050tren a
50 var few hours preworkout this has come down alot , I've taken small breaks from orals and was running it around 100 pre but found the strength just as good at 50 pre so figure why waiste it

Best gains have been with my back ...I had alot of lower back issues starting out that I've somewhat overcome ...rack pull best are up over 100lbs this run and for my back that's a big number most all my lifts are way up...incline plate machine I'm getting 4 plates each side for multiple sets and repping it after work up 4 sets...flat bench is still a work in progress I had alot of rotator issues starting but I've completely changed the way I bench and worked back up to the low 300's with no pain at all for reps I could push this alot but no spotter and if I fuck up I'm done benching probably for good so I'm happy with those numbers ..

All and all I'm going in the direction I want finally...most would laf ( including me) but when I started this adventure my lower back was bad enough I was doing racks with the bar and 25# plate on each side...3 sets would literally put me out of service ...now I think I hit 620 for reps a few days back


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Really shity leg day just couldn't get focused, no pump, was pretty much waisted time so hit a few isolation and pounded calves called it a day


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
After that shity leg day took an extra day off from training and the var and seemed to do it....hit a really good chest shoulders Tris yesterday and smashed back pretty decent today....


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
1050tren a
50 var few hours preworkout this has come down alot , I've taken small breaks from orals and was running it around 100 pre but found the strength just as good at 50 pre so figure why waiste it

Best gains have been with my back ...I had alot of lower back issues starting out that I've somewhat overcome ...rack pull best are up over 100lbs this run and for my back that's a big number most all my lifts are way up...incline plate machine I'm getting 4 plates each side for multiple sets and repping it after work up 4 sets...flat bench is still a work in progress I had alot of rotator issues starting but I've completely changed the way I bench and worked back up to the low 300's with no pain at all for reps I could push this alot but no spotter and if I fuck up I'm done benching probably for good so I'm happy with those numbers ..

All and all I'm going in the direction I want finally...most would laf ( including me) but when I started this adventure my lower back was bad enough I was doing racks with the bar and 25# plate on each side...3 sets would literally put me out of service ...now I think I hit 620 for reps a few days back

That is great news. I know a few guys who can't pull anything now due to their lower backs. It's great you have managed to progress so well over time. I find flat chest press is a great upper body strength builder but for me there are better exercises for chest development. The chest machine presses have really helped my chest development. I can get a better mind muscle connection using machine presses. Great cycle and I wish I could handle that much tren a. Smart with the avar dose. I seem to get bad acid reflux when I dose avar higher than 50mg.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Not really alot to report ...steady as it goes...may bump the tren bit ...still need to find a good bar mix that's basic,cheap and not bs all in all run is on trac ..should be able to just keep improving and adding things in as I go to make a good run


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Finally got a good solid leg day in...nothing over the top just good solid lifts and reps ...going to be doing some travel here in a few weeks so thinking about really upping the food,training, and tren between now and then ....pushing the limits then use the travel for a short cruise time ....I should be able to train and eat traveling but drop the gear to just my cruise of gram test e...it will be about the right timing for the cruise anyway so trying to make the best of the whole deal...I'm not planning letting travel fuck with my goals like in the past ...my goal deadlines getting closer and closer so no set back


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Great chest shoulders and Tris ...one of those days you just feel like a fuckn beast no matter what exercises you tackle...I've started to notice decent gains this run morning weights back to 262 and it seems it's came on at a slower steady pace this blast so should be alot better retainable muscle ratio....I'm also cleaning the diet more as the run goes and upping food so hoping the result will be leaner and bigger by the time I get to the end of the blast and start the next cruise...at present I just feel bigger at around same body fat should start changing pretty quick with the changes to the diet....a side note since I've switched to 2 on 1 off and 4 day split on parts I've made better gains but have noticed to keep it going without running down I have to through random rest days in here and there...and when there needed you know it because it seems if you don't listen to your body and push on your system is just shut down within a few more days


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Just normal back day...was a good workout but after a day like yesterday overdoing everything the next day can only be so good....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Good ol arms and delts....hit some of the usual real heavy then tried to hit exercises I don't hit often made a good day...... trying to make my mind up if it would be more productive to up the tren for the rest of the run or bring in some anadrol in that I've had put back for a good while, been meaning to give this batch a try but haven't got around to it ...don't really think doing both would be any more productive than just one or the other because the stress doing both will add could.be.counter productive.....whatever the case adding something in tonight to hit.legs tomorrow


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Really good leg day with really not alot of exercises just heavy as fuck and pushed the last reps..upped the tren just a bit will bring anadrol in tomorrow...if I don't like it I'll drop one and up the other ..few weeks till cruise so need to get the most out of what's left.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Chest Tris shoulders.....been having pretty good chest days lately so changed up the lift alot today and went back to basically the long sessions I used to hit ....everytime I finished something I just pretty much looked around for something I hadn't done in awhile until wasn't any drive left....started the anadrol at 100 pre . verdict is still out on this batch...I definitely looked more swole during the session,the scale is creeping again,and strength was up but strength has been very noticeable for the entire run so we'll see usually after a few days of hitting it hard and heavy I don't get nose bleeds but I'll blow out blood specs in the mornings...I didn't feel this hit as hard as last but that doesn't really mean it's bunk...next few days will tell

So as of now
1365 tren
1050 te
700 anadrol