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  1. darksidefitness

    Don't be that guy!!!

    Post here your DON'T BE THAT GUY...(VIDEOS, PICS or COMMENTS)...and let's have some fun with this freaking characters!!!
  2. darksidefitness

    Strongman Training–The Iron Sport Method

    Strongman Training–The Iron Sport Method By Steve Pulcinella Strongman Training–The Iron Sport Method A lot of internet trainers write a lot of articles about strength training, but really have no personal success in the strength world, or any athlete success stories to back-up the stuff...
  3. darksidefitness

    10 Surefire Ways to Help You Squat Big by Dave Tate

    10 Surefire Ways to Help You Squat Big by Dave Tate Secret #1: Get your stance out wide! If you squat with a close stance, move your feet out. If you think you squat wide already, move your feet further out! We teach everyone at Westside to squat wide. We don’t believe in a...
  4. darksidefitness

    Dynamic Method

    Dynamic Method By Louie Simmons The dynamic method is sometimes referred to as speed work. There are some who think it is not necessary to work on speed. This is just one part of the total strength equation. Sometimes when people read a little, they become dangerous. A little knowledge can be...
  5. darksidefitness

    Your First Meet: Part II

    Your First Meet: Part II Getting Diesel In part one of this series, we covered how to develop goals and find a meet that will work for you. In part two, we’re going to cover the actual training program and other aspects of a successful training regimen. Developing a training program...
  6. darksidefitness

    Powerlifting - i walk alone pt. 1

  7. darksidefitness

    Powerlifting, yesterday, today and always - EliteFTS! (video)

    Powerlifting, yesterday, today and always - EliteFTS! - YouTube
  8. darksidefitness

    This Is Powerlifting (video)

    This Is Powerlifting - YouTube
  9. darksidefitness

    The pain of powerlifting (video)

  10. darksidefitness

    EFS Classic: A Practical Guide for Implementing Block Periodization for Powerlifting

    EFS Classic: A Practical Guide for Implementing Block Periodization for Powerlifting By Gabriel Naspinski Introduction: Powerlifting is a sport that is tailor-made for Block Periodization. This is due to the small number of physical traits that must be trained for: maximal...
  11. darksidefitness

    Thank God It’s Deload Week

    Thank God It’s Deload Week By George Mahoney Even though I got a full eight hours of sleep, I felt exhausted as I walked into the gym. As I descended into the lower level of our training facility, every step felt like a nightmare. My muscles ache, my joints hurt, and I’m starting...
  12. darksidefitness

    15 Quick Training Tips

    15 Quick Training Tips By Dave Tate 1 Try to drive your heels into the floor when you bench press. 2 Training and building a lift are two totally different things. Know the difference. 3 Don’t press the bar out of the rack when your bench press, pull it out instead...
  13. darksidefitness

    The Most Underrated Movements

    The Most Underrated Movements By Dave Tate There are no special mystery exercises that only the best of the best know. The cards are known and are the same to everyone. The game is to know what cards to play at the right time. Most people have no fucking clue. A better question...
  14. darksidefitness

    If you want size you have to do deadlifts -- here's how!

    If you want size you have to do deadlifts -- here's how! by Team FLEX BACKGROUND In tandem with squats, deadlifts rank as the most productive size-blaster in the repertoire of bodybuilding movements. Deadlifts are one of the most overlooked exercises, particularly by novice and...
  15. darksidefitness

    In Praise of the Barbell

    In Praise of the Barbell By Ron Carroll How does one defend something that has proven its worth for over a century? By pointing out what has been forgotten in today’s fitness society. The barbell has been vilified and unfairly characterized as an “unsafe” and “unnecessary”...
  16. darksidefitness

    Off the Cuff with Brian Carroll: Gear Tips

    Off the Cuff with Brian Carroll: Gear Tips By Brian Carroll If you’re a powerlifter struggling with your form, or you’re new to the art of lifting in powerlifting gear, here are some tips you should consider. First, wear your gear often, and put it on early as you’re warming up...
  17. darksidefitness

    A Case for Wide Squats

    A Case for Wide Stance Squats By Brad Longazel Squats are a staple of any sound exercise program. Whether goblet, front, or back, we need to include them, and we need to squat wide. The value that squats add to quadriceps growth and functional capacity in life is undoubted. However...
  18. darksidefitness

    Conjugate system

    CONJUGATE SYSTEM Using the Conjugate System by Louie Simmons Westside has always used the conjugate method. I realized I could only squat, bench, or deadlift so much by doing only those three lifts. I was using several pin levels, different box heights, and many forms of benching...
  19. darksidefitness

    14 deadlift tips and tricks

    14 DEADLIFT TIPS AND TRICKS By Dave Tate 1. Starting with the Hips Too Low This is the king of all mistakes I see. Too many times lifters try to squat the weight up rather than pull the weight. Think back to the number of times that you’ve seen a big deadlift and thought to yourself how...
  20. darksidefitness

    Underloading = Reloading

    Underloading = Reloading By Mark Bell When you first get into strength training it’s to get chicks or to make the football team —which could also lead to chicks. What you didn’t realize is that chicks want to see you cruising the streets in the latest whip (car) and they couldn’t care less...