Search results

  1. shamrock10

    Gearman's gear..

    anyone order or use his products yet? I heard he makes it himself so...are they sterile? i hope i dont have to bake anything or buy some bottles to transfer it to...this is my first time and i dont know how to do all that stuff yet.
  2. shamrock10

    oOOHH NOOO!!!

    i ordered some pins a week ago and didnt expect them to come today because there was no mail today (today is saturday and labor day weekend) so i assume there was going to be no deliverys today neither, so then i was sleeping in my room when my mom and dad knocked on my door...i open and my dad...
  3. shamrock10

    Name brands..

    who sells all the name brand stuff? im a little skeptical of the homebrew stuff. I ordered some test e from gearman last week, hope its not homebrew injectables.
  4. shamrock10

    Anyone have a good workour program while juicing??

    i need a good work out program while im juicing, how to you guys schedule yours??
  5. shamrock10

    Addicted to this site!!

    damn i go on this site maybe 10 times a day!! i love it!!....maybe i need to get out more often but i dont know...this site rocks!!!! :D
  6. shamrock10

    Member limit for anasci.org??

    is there a member limit for the source board?? why im asking this is that what if say 10,000 people found out about this and all signed up, the sources obviously cant cover them all so what would they do?
  7. shamrock10

    Steriods and SEX question for everybody...

    when your in bed with a girl...has she ever noticed, questioned or commented on your nutz being smaller than normal size??
  8. shamrock10

    Juicing by yourself??

    anyone here juicing by themselves?? (meaning nobody knows your on steroids and you have noone to juice with you). Im gonig to be juicing by myself cuz i dont know anyone around me that does it or wants or do it or that i want to know im doing it... ;)
  9. shamrock10

    Just sent my payment to Gearman...

    ill let you guys know how it goes. he perfers that you send Cash wrapped in paper instead of WU, shipping the money over to Australia where he is at cost me $17.00.
  10. shamrock10

    Just sent my order to AP

    I just WU the money to AP about 20 min ago, he should have it now and hopefully ill get my stuff in a week or so....also going to test out ordering from Gearman....hopefully he pans out too... Remember boys..whichever one of you ships my stuff faster gets more of my business!! :D
  11. shamrock10

    Anyone order from ********

    NO TALKING ABOUT SOURCES ON THE BOARD!!!!!! only in the special members section pal :sniper:
  12. shamrock10

    Any way to contact Administration????

    i paid the $30 yesterday and still havent got anything back from sales or admin. i tried emailing them but got back mailer deamons...even tried sending a PM to anasci.org and they said his box was full....whats going on with this??? Please help.
  13. shamrock10

    Oh my god!!

    i just sent the payment of $30 to them and was confused after because i did not get a login name or password. or instructions on how to get to the private members forum. so i email [email protected] and i got back a maildaemon saying that that email did not exist!!! OMG!!! Help anyone!!
  14. shamrock10

    Het just signed up and sent the source payment...

    hey i just paid the $30, where do i sign in for the list??? i wasnt givin a special user name or pw or anything, just paid and that was it?? :confused: