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  1. shamrock10

    Immunization shots..REPLY ASAP PLEASE

    hey i am on 500mg of test e and 300mg wk deca. i have to take these immunization shots for school: 1 Tetanus shot 2 doses Miesles 1 Mumps 1 Rubella *are these in anyway going to effect the juice or be harmful to me cuz im on juice?? please reply asap. thanks
  2. shamrock10

    Missed injection/workout today..

    today i had to work all day (i have 2 jobs) its 12:23am right now on saturday. i have work again at 8:30am. i missed my workout/injection today. :( Would it be ok to work out tommorow and inject tommorow and just rotate my injection days up one day? I hope i didnt just fuck up my whole cycle...
  3. shamrock10

    Question about growth plates...

    When do they close after steroid use? im 21 and i am on my 7th week of 500mg/wk test e and 300mg/wk deca 300. if they havent closed yet, i have decided to wait it out till im 23 to continue cycling. i have heard of people smoking since they were like 13 and it "stunt" their growth but when they...
  4. shamrock10

    Pimples on chest..

    current cycle: QGL Test E 500mg/wk QGL Deca 300 300mg/wk at the end of the first 6 weeks ( this morning) i have red dots on my chest (can only assume that theyre pimples) i thought i was doing well and maybe would not get pimples because i was doing such a low dose, but i...
  5. shamrock10

    Qgl Products!!

    i want to use QGL. i love that stuff but gymvet doesnt sell it no more. any idea if any of the other sources sell it? i tried a search but couldnt find anyone...maybe i overlooked it?? HELP!!
  6. shamrock10

    Drug Test for work...

    i just got hired at Best Buy and went for the piss test. On the paper where it says drugs to be tested for it said : "The drugs to be tested for include marijuana, opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP) and other metabolities." does that mean they test for juice or no?? if they do...
  7. shamrock10

    where is MYRICK at??

    i understand that this was one of his past cycles: " WK 1-15 750 QUALITY GEAR LABS TEST ENATH WK 1-12 600 QGL EQ WK1-5 50MG IP DBOL (ITS ACTUALLY WORKIN DAMN GOOD) I HAVE NOLVA ON HAND B4 ANYONE ASKS" i was just wondering how he cycled it...what days did he take what and how much... i want to...
  8. shamrock10

    Cigarettes and workout...

    somebody told me today that smoking cigarettes cancels your workout...is that true?? can someone shine some light on this??...if it is then some of us on here are fucked!
  9. shamrock10

    Juice causing chapped lips?...

    im on my 4th week of deca and test e. Lately the last few days i have had chapped lips and they are really annoying. I am the kind that has never had chapped lips like this before...you think its from the juice??.. :(
  10. shamrock10

    Why am i not feeling anything??

    im on 500mg/300mg a week of test e and deca and its the third week...workouts have been intense but when will i FEEL it.....i havent even had any signs of side effects or anything...not that its a good thing but i havent had any nut shrinkage, "roid rage", over aggressiveness...or anything...i...
  11. shamrock10

    Todays Injection A Little Different...

    I just injected in my ass again today...i aspirated....no blood...but right when i pull the needle out and put it away..it feel something wet trinkle down my leg...i thought it was the juice but when i looked back it was BLOOD! I dont know what happened....apirated...no blood...pulled needle...
  12. shamrock10

    What the hell does being "bloated" mean?

    when using juice...what does the term "bloated" mean? does it mean like you like kinda fat like your cheeks are a little poofy? and is it nessecarily a bad thing?... :confused:
  13. shamrock10

    Best time To Inject...

    when is the best time to inject?? some people say the morning but i cant hit the gym till about 6:30 or 7pm because of school and work n stuff. Im thinking after i get out of work and before i go to the gym is the best time but what do you guys think? :confused:
  14. shamrock10


    i see vains near the spot injections...feeling kina iffy about injecting anywhere else except my ass... any suggestions?..
  15. shamrock10

    Had my first shot of my first cycle today...

    I Took My First Shot Today In The A$s. It Was Kinda Hard To Reach Around Back There...kept On Moving The Syringe Around (i Know Thats Bad Cuz It Tears The Muscles) Everything Went Fine...when I Aspirated, There Was No Blood But There Was 1 Air Bubble In The SYRINGE And I Was Trying To Flick Out...
  16. shamrock10

    Setting Up My First Cycle...

    Ok Here Is What I Have: 20ml Qgl 250mg/ml Test E 10ml Qgl 300mg.ml Deca 10ml Qgl 300mg/ml Eq 10 Gearman 100mg/ml Test Prop 10ml Supertest 250 (tornel) Here Is What I Was Thinking About Doing... 500mg Of Test E (1cc On Saturday And Tuesday) 300mg Of Deca (half A Cc On Saturday And Tuesday)...
  17. shamrock10

    drawing out 2 different oils...

    is it ok to grw out 2 different oils and shoot with the same syringe? for instance, i want to do 1cc of test e and half a cc of deca. can i use the same syringe i just drew out the test e with and draw in some deca too?..
  18. shamrock10

    More props to GymVet..

    this guy is good. sent the donation on tuesday and he sent me a gift that i recieved today (sat). thanks gymvet. :D
  19. shamrock10

    Can Hgh Make You Grow Taller??....

    some of the sources are selling HGH. Its exspensive but ive heard it can make you grow taller...is that true?? im 21. is it still possible to grow taller?..there are a lot of people with mixed opinions on this...what exactly does HGH do?... :confused:
  20. shamrock10

    Can HGH make you grow taller??

    some of the sources are selling HGH. Its exspensive but ive heard it can make you grow taller...is that true?? im 21. is it still possible to grow taller?..there are a lot of people with mixed opinions on this...what exactly does HGH do?...