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  1. shamrock10

    What Keeps You Motivated?

    What Keeps You Guys Motivated To Workout Hard?...i Been Lifting Naturally (havent Started A Cycle Yet) And I Find Myself Leaving After Only 30 Minutes Of Working Out. :( I Just Get Bored. I Tried Bringing A Cd Player With Some Motivational Songs On There And That Helps But After About 30...
  2. shamrock10

    Where to go to get anabolics tested..

    where do i go if i want some steroids tested to see if they are legit? and cant you get caught that way?
  3. shamrock10

    How Long

    how long do you think this forum is going to last? This place is too good to be true, if a fed or something ever catches this then there is a possiblilty it could get shut down...dont want to jinx it or anything but im just saying. :rolleyes:
  4. shamrock10

    Test Prop from Gearman...

    it has this cranberry/brown color. ive seen other pics of prop and they were more of a clearish yellow. is that supposed to be right?? anybody else order from him?
  5. shamrock10

    First cycle help!...

    ok so i ordered 1 bottle of 20ml test e from ********** and he sent me 1 20 ml bottle of Test Prop (im assuming by accident) so this is what i have to work with... 1 20ml 100g/ml bottle of Test Prop 1 10ml bottle of Tornel Supertest 250 (sustanon) about 70 tabs of clomid about 70 tabs of...
  6. shamrock10

    Why is it deleted??

    i made a post about ******* sending me the wrong gear. I ordered Test Ethanate and was sent Test Prop. ******* can i trade it back?? maybe he made a mistake or something.
  7. shamrock10

    An idea for Anasci...

    wouldnt it be cool to have a private chatroom for the sources members ??
  8. shamrock10

    Hair loss from juice...

    Is hair loss from juice temporary or permanent?? i hear one side effect of winstrol is hair loss...
  9. shamrock10

    AP is a good man...

    AP...i never doubted you for a second bro, thanks for the gift. I will be talking to you again soon my friend. :cool:
  10. shamrock10

    Report on Anabolic Steroids...

    Hey i am going to be doing a report on anabolic steroids for my health class. i need a least 3 website sources to turn in tommorow. they can be any kind of website that is not a ".com" ie: they can be .org,.net,etc... anyways...you guys know any informative ones?? (and HELL NO im not going to...
  11. shamrock10

    Would you stack Supertest250 and Test E??

    i have 1 10ml bottle of test e and 1 10 ml bottle of Supertest 250 (Tornal's version of Susdtannon250 i heard) but the supertest is a little underfilled so more like 8ml, also heard it was undosed...but anyways....is it okay to stack these too...because i really dont want the supertest to go to...
  12. shamrock10

    Who has best prices on ORAL Winstrol?

    i dont think many of the sources up there have it but who has the best prices on ORAL winstrol?
  13. shamrock10

    GymVet: i have a question...

    10ml QGL Deca 300mg/ml...............$80 10ml QGL Durabolin 100mg/ml..........$70 (nandrolone phenylpropionate,fast acting deca) Arent they both deca? whats the difference?? beisdes the dosage.. :confused:
  14. shamrock10

    Who has Quality gear lab products?

    which ones of all the sources sells QGL products? i know Gymvet does but who else?
  15. shamrock10

    first cycle help..

    im going to do a 10 week test e cycle (my first cycle) so im going to be shooting 250 mg twice a week. i am going to take nolva ED during the cycle and clomid ED for PCT for 4 weeks after the 10 weeks of cycling. I dont have any HCG, is that ok? heres what my cycle is going to look like...
  16. shamrock10

    How to keep gains during your OFF cycle..

    how do you guys keep your gains during your off cycle, because i know it is easy to lose your gains when your off the juice. you think no2 and protein mix is good to help keep myself up until my next cycle?? what do you guys do?
  17. shamrock10

    Air bubbles in syringe..

    i was practicing preparing the syringe with water earlier, heres the steps i went through... 1) pull back the syringe to the amount you want it at (in this case 1cc) 2) put the needle in the vial upside down and push the air into it. 3) withdraw the dirsired amount fronm the vial (1cc) 4) pull...
  18. shamrock10

    Steroids making you hungry??

    people tell me when theyre on their cycle they feel HUNGRY. It makes them eat a lot when theyre on it. Is that true? if so, how long does it take for it to kick in and make you feel hungry? is it the same time the roids kick in around the 4th and 5th week?
  19. shamrock10

    how long to start new cycle?

    how long do i have to wait until i start a new cycle? for instance, if i do a 10 week cycle and 4 weeks of pct can i just start another cycle right after the last day of pct or do i have to go clean for 14 weeks since i was on for 14 weeks? (10 on juice and 4 weeks pct)
  20. shamrock10

    A$sholes in the other forums..

    there are some freakin a$sholes in the steroid.com forum. those fvckin pricks flame you on almost every question you ask.