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  1. Enigmatic707

    Pics of my Pups

  2. Enigmatic707

    Pics of my Pups

    My Boston Terrier named Dozer- funniest fucker ever!
  3. Enigmatic707

    August Contest - Future Labs

    2# MOFO- I'll take two of these-
  4. Enigmatic707

    Advice with Humalin-R timing

    So after quite a long time in the game decided to take the insulin plunge- Few questions- 1. I've read just about every insulin write up out there, but I've yet to see it laid out in time line manner how people time their injections and carb intake and work outs with Humalin R Anyone have a...
  5. Enigmatic707

    August Contest - Future Labs

    #4 here's another one- if she's has dentures... All the better I'm not a fan of "teething" anyways.
  6. Enigmatic707

    August Contest - Future Labs

    1 Some ridic ass here for you
  7. Enigmatic707

    August Contest - Future Labs

    1- A girl I know that I actually don't like to be around cause she is probably the most gorgeous woman on earth and it's beyond distracting
  8. Enigmatic707

    AAS's and Thyroid function

    The Effects of Anabolic Steroids on Thyroid Function by Karl Hoffman One of the more commonly encountered assertions in the bodybuilding literature is that anabolic steroids (AAS) suppress thyroid function. What is the origin of this claim? Is it supported by evidence published in the...
  9. Enigmatic707

    What have you run in the past 12 months?

    Just curious to see a list of what everyone has run in the past 12 months. Guess this means from AAS's, peps, hgh, ancillaries... Etc Here's mine- TestE TestC Sust Test400 MastP MastE EQ Bold Cyp DHB TrenA TrenE Dbol Tbol Winny Var Nolvadex Letro
  10. Enigmatic707

    Mystery Fatloss

    So just a random thread about some body fat I've been dropping- So a lil background... I have been more or less cruising on Test and Tren 300/200 of each. Also taking 75 mg of Winny once daily in the am before my workouts. Diet has been a lil cleaner as of late but nothing really...
  11. Enigmatic707

    Holy shit 180lbd db shoulder press

    Lee Priest Muscles Up 180 Pound Dumbbell Presses For Haters! - YouTube Straight beast mode!!!
  12. Enigmatic707

    What determines an orals toxicity?

    What makes 50mg of one oral vs. 50mg of another more toxic? What's the mechanism which determines the give "toxicity" of a given compound?
  13. Enigmatic707

    Why does test cause the most issues?

    So when we hear about a product causing pip it's almost always a Test injectable. Whether it be Test Prop, Cyp, Enan or Sust... You almost never hear of Mast Prop giving people issues or Tren Enan, Primo Enan or Even the shorter Esters like TrenA or PrimoA... What is it about the Test that...
  14. Enigmatic707

    Military Press

    This is what I like to use for heavy military press, allows me to be in a neutral position with my hands by letting my head glide through the relief in the bar
  15. Enigmatic707


    Why has Bromo seem to have taken a back seat to Prami and Caber when both of the later tend to associated with such negative sides?
  16. Enigmatic707

    What does every do for work/ living?

    Just curious as to what all you slacks do all damn day? I teach MMA and boxing/ muay thai.. Also am heavily involved in the horticulture industry.
  17. Enigmatic707

    Another Masterone/ Sex Drive thread

    So I am curious how Masterone/ Proviron affect a persons sex drive? Does anyone know how or what mechanism/pathway is manipulated to exert this effect? Something curious to note: I am super gyno prone and when running some Tren recently I developed some gyno what seemed like over night. Even...
  18. Enigmatic707

    April Contest - Roidgear

    Five- I don't see who's birthday it is- this what my forum homepage looks like
  19. Enigmatic707

    Question about liver issues with orals-

    So this is actually a few questions/ points I've been wanting to bring up. 1- I believe the whole "liver toxicity" issue is way over blown. I do not believe that orals are as dangerous as most people have come to believe they are. 2-what makes one hormone more dangerous than another? Why is...