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  1. Enigmatic707

    Question about non estered hormones

    Okay just something I've been giving a lil thought too- Why is it that when a solution of let's say TestP or TestE falls out of suspension or crashes once its been injected that it hurts so bad and causes a lot of inflammation- but Test Base or TNE does not cause this same reaction? Same...
  2. Enigmatic707

    Survey about cruising

    Just curious as to how many members on this board just cruise and blast? I am pretty much set in my methods, but just out curiosity I wanted to see what everyone else is doing. For me coming off completely just is too much crap... Takes for ever to feel okay. Never has pct really "worked" maybe...
  3. Enigmatic707

    AnaSCI Best ASS Thread

    My ex- not the best ass in the world, but I got to rail it anytime I wanted!
  4. Enigmatic707

    Where is everyone shopping

    Been looking for a good online retailer for just a few things Want to pick up some creatine HCl and a some pure glutamine but seems like I can never find a good site that sells good plain powders in bulk for a good price. What web sites is everyone ordering from?
  5. Enigmatic707

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma | HGHPower

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma / HGHPower -5 Girlfriends back progress
  6. Enigmatic707

    Fish antibiotic for acne

    Sooo this may be a long shot. But I remember a thread over at IronJuggernauts about a particular antibiotic that is commonly available for treating certain kinds of bacterial infections in veterinary medicine and used to treat certain types of bacterial slime in fish aquariums and ponds... The...
  7. Enigmatic707

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma | HGHPower

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma / HGHPower #5 It's her first "committed" cycle and she already pretty ripped just trying to put some mass on her
  8. Enigmatic707

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma | HGHPower

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma / HGHPower #3 Another pre cycle
  9. Enigmatic707

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma | HGHPower

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma / HGHPower #2 my girlfriend at the start of her Var cycle
  10. Enigmatic707

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma | HGHPower

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma / HGHPower
  11. Enigmatic707

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma | HGHPower

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma / HGHPower 22 yr old from Australia
  12. Enigmatic707

    What's up everyone-

    So I've been posting here for a week or so, guess its time to say hi and introduce myself I've been on the boards since about 2002, danced around some of the bigger boards and then parked myself at MindandMuscle.net in its hay day when Parnold and BillL posted there all the time. Got in the...
  13. Enigmatic707

    What AAS will you never use again?

    Oh Mexican gear- while I love me some QV... This shit I had to cut like 3:1 to keep the pip down enough to be able to walk Had to cross to TJ to pick some up in a pinch... The hilarity as well is they throw in some 21g needle and syringes... Fuck 21g!?!?!?
  14. Enigmatic707

    Freezer Test, checking for hormone

    So recently I just had a pretty fucked up situation happen- a reputable source on Eroids sent me some rather questionable stuff. I had not planned on using it and was just going to chalk it up as a loss, but then something even worse happened I dropped and shattered a couple of vials of gear...