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  1. Elvia1023

    Summer 2019

    I was bulking and it was going great but I just lost motivation which is not like me. I always train hard but started eating loads of cereal and started suffering from digestion issues. Some nights the distention was crazy bad. It's time to start feeling good and dropping some weight in all the...
  2. Elvia1023

    My daily supplements

    I figured I would post what I take each day and why. What do you guys take and why? Everything has a clear purpose but I also don't like taking too many so will downsize a little soon. My current supplements include... Y.S. Eco Bee Farms, Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis... antibacterial...
  3. Elvia1023

    Hamstring training

    Here is a good video on hamstring training. All common sense but goes over things very well. The Most Effective Way to Train HAMSTRINGS | Training Science Explained - YouTube
  4. Elvia1023

    Bulking Tip for Hardgainers

    Obviously in a perfect world we would all have 5-8 solid meals of nutritious food every day and all grow like we want. However for many they simply struggle due to time constraints, work and appetite issues etc. This is a very obvious tip but no one really does it. Many will think for good...
  5. Elvia1023

    Genotec Primo etc

    I am curious if you have plans to ever get this tested? I would like to see it tested if you can. The same for anavar. Guys always want those 2 drugs and there are fakes all over. Definitely want to see how Geno performs with these 2. The more tests the better but I understand you have to go...
  6. Elvia1023

    Nataliya Amazonka Wins Her IFBB Pro Card

    Nataliya Amazonka Wins Her IFBB Pro Card - YouTube She makes William Bonac look small :eek:
  7. Elvia1023

    Bigger by the day

    Just having fun with the title :D Time to grow and I will use this thread to go over everything I do. I have been off all drugs (no trt) for 2 months and have done fine. Whilst I don't recommend it I personally do it for a mental break. I ate like a normal person but still trained very hard...
  8. Elvia1023

    Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? | David Epstein

    This is a very interesting presentation and worth the time to watch. It didn't go into performance enhancing drugs which could be another factor. Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? | David Epstein - YouTube
  9. Elvia1023

    Diuretic overload and 43 muffins

    Another video thread but I found this interesting. I have followed Luke Sandoe for a few years and consider him a no bullshit straight talking guy. Good sense of humour and doesn't take himself too seriously. He nearly died recently and they mentioned he is going on the show soon to mention some...
  10. Elvia1023

    Bostin Loyd on Jeremy Buendia: LIVE WITH

    I couldn't care less about online drama and the reason the video was first done but I found it an interesting watch. Some real talk about what Hany has his guys on for example. Regarding the issue and many jumping on Jeremy Buendia I think it wasn't that bad what he said and was...
  11. Elvia1023

    Wesley Vissers Bodypower UK

    I want to post this video as it's just a really feel good video. He has a bright future ahead of him. But it's more just nice to see how his family travelled and trained with him. Plus it shows one of the hardcore gyms in the UK. This is what I call the nice side of bodybuilding and what it...
  12. Elvia1023

    Nick Trigili + Bostin Loyd talk EPO, Insulin and DNP

    Great video. No bullshit and lot's of info of what really bodybuilders really do. Loads of name come up. Refreshing to see. Nick Trigili + Bostin Loyd talk EPO, Insulin and DNP - YouTube
  13. Elvia1023

    Wesley Vissers

    This guy looks incredible. This is classic bodybuilding to me. He says he dropped weight when he turned pro so gaining more should be easy. He has to work on a few areas but he could be a real contender for the Olympia classic physique title this year. The Next Classic Physique Mr. Olympia -...
  14. Elvia1023

    Tips for keeping your waist tight

    Over the years of bulking and large meals my stomach distention has become a real issue for me. I know it's a real issue for many especially bodybuilders who push the size factor and you see it so much on stage today. Over the years I have picked up some tips so I figured I would share them...
  15. Elvia1023

    Synthetine Vs Acetyl L-Carnitine

    Lot's of guys have been getting into l-carnitine recently which is good to see. It's one of my favourite supplements. I get great results from synthetine. I have used oral versions in the past with decent results but nothing great. Anyway recently I conducted an experiment to see what I would...
  16. Elvia1023

    How partying in bodybuilding got started!

  17. Elvia1023

    What would be your cycle now to get ripped?

    Firstly, we all know diet is what gets you ripped. But this is posted in the steroid forum so post what cycle you would use to get ripped right now. For me it would be test, tren and avar. Mast is great and a good compliment as well. But those 3 are the main elements that can really transform...
  18. Elvia1023

    Ameen Alai: Truth about Craig Titus

    THE TRUTH ABOUT CRAIG TITUS! Ameen Alai Interview - YouTube If you have the time this is a great interview. Entertaining and informative. Mentions about the beginning of hgh in bodybuilding and what people took.
  19. Elvia1023

    New Gym and Technogym Equipment

    I just joined a new gym and I am made up. I was going to join another one for 1 year and visited this just incase. It's part of a chain and I visited another (same company) beforehand and was disappointed but I am so glad I decided to try another one. It was completely different to the one...
  20. Elvia1023


    I had an opened bottle of this stuff that I left in my cupboard. It seemed to make me breakout in acne so I stopped it. I read up and it's not uncommon so that confirmed things. Plus the obvious fact I never get acne on my face and within days of dosing had about 5 spots. I felt a big boost from...