I used the last of my Excelsior tub today

I actually ordered from the site that sells it the other day but left it out. I left it out mainly due to the insane price over here (£66) and my shopping cart was already stacked up. Although after using the last of the tub today I feel like I should get more. I will wait and see what my new ones feel like first. Today I had about 3/4 of a scoop left and I added a bit of a weak product I have and the combo worked great. I have been dosing a little syntheselen recently as well and even just 1.5ml of that has a great effect on me.
As posted I have been extremely impressed with My Protein's Preworkout+ and I am actually nearly out of that as well. Hopefully my new order comes soon as I have a few new ones to try out. I just realized there are 3 muscletech products

No reason for that just the best looking products on a limited website. I use the site for health supplements but they have some more standard preworkouts on there as well.
Muscletech Vapor 1 (2 tubs of this).
Muscletech Peak Series Preworkout .
Muscletech Performance Series Hydroxcut Hardcore Elite Powder. This cost me $13 so I just added it in. It's marketed as a fatburner but it's loaded in stimulants and a really good blend of them.
Fusion Supplements Obliterate.
MuscleSport Rhino Rampage.