The preworkout thread


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I’m not sure if anyone else has seen it yet but the new cellucor c4 rewrote that pre game jus recently with by farrrr the most stacked ingredient profile list I’ve eva seen . One big catch though. That shit is pricey as hellllll.

Do you mean C4 Ultimate? It looks good but I wouldn't quite state rewrote the pre game. I will definitely try it when I get the chance. When I try the amazing ingredient panel formulas they often under perform but hopefully this is different.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today I tried another scahet of The Curse and it felt great. It's only 250mg caffeine but during a big break that is enough to get a great effect for my home workouts. I am a fan of The Curse as it's very versatile. When I get the chance I will probably order a tub as it's useful to have for certain training (cardio) days. My gf also can use it as it's pretty basic and not too strong so it's great for her as well. When my gym finally opens again if I take Excelsior I will probably be a mess after months off :eek::D


New member
May 28, 2016
Southeast US
It's great hearing from you. 2 scoops is crazy to me and I can take 600mg caffeine in one go with no issues. When I restarted it after a long break I tried 1.5 scoops and I was too wired. Before my gym closed I would do 1 1/3 max and that felt great. Like with any stimulant you do need the breaks as they stop working as effectively.

Have you ever tried to come off all the stimulants but just stay on things like alpha gpc, l-carnitine, vitamin b12, mushroom powder etc?

Unfortunately I haven't come across anything. I have seen a few advertised but I don't know how they perform. Google searches can come across DMAA products for example but I was never a fan of that. I know the company Bostin Loyd was associated with had a strong preworkout. Have you seen or tried that one yet?

I plan to order Hyphymud 2.0 again as I really like that.

Yessir! I tried Boston’s mix. Several tubs actually. Was ok. Think it had DMAA and ephedrine in it. No, haven’t taken a stim break in about 5 years. I’m having surgery to repair an umbilical hernia next winter. Probably use that down time to do that.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
Are people still using pre workouts for home workouts? I have dymatize's pre and should be ordering mutant madness soon. Do you think they are wasted at home?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Are people still using pre workouts for home workouts? I have dymatize's pre and should be ordering mutant madness soon. Do you think they are wasted at home?

It's a good point and I know some people are using half scoops for home workouts. I guess it all depends upon how intense you plan to train. Everyone has a different set up and some could be deadlifting and squatting heavy weight at home. Others could be doing push ups and 30lb resistance bands movements like me :D My last workotu was super intense though and I wanted to use a preworkout to get me motivated because I have struggled with that recently.

I think if you're going to be training hard both of those pre workouts would be fine to take. Now if someone is just going to be doing some pull ups, push ups and some abs they probably don't need any or perhaps half a scoop. I have been using the sachets of the curse with 250mg caffeine with great effect. I wouldn't use something like excelsior at home as it's too much but a standard preworkout with some caffeine I think as long as you are training hard go for it. There are definitely no set rules so just use what you think you need.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
For my recent home workouts I figured to use up some of my preworkouts I probably wouldn't use if the gyms were open. One of those is Inspired DVST8 (white tub) which on paper looks fairly strong but it definitely nothing special and was a disappointment for me. The stimulants in a full 2 scoop serving contain 350mg caffeine, 120mg dynamine, 300mg N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine (Eria Jarensis Extract) and 100mg Theobromine. It does hit in great and I feel a surge of energy but it's very short lived. The stimulants are all fairly fast acting ones but I expected a bit more from the ingredient panel. All in all still a decent product but it definitely falls short when compared to the many other similar products on the market.

There is a "White Diamond Reserve" version (white tub) of the same product and I see it's similar but with a few other stimulants added and I can see that would perform better so would be worth trying especially if you ever see it in a sale. Although now they have released a DVST8 Worldwide version in a black tub and that does look really good. It includes similar ingredients but the noticeable addition of Arginine Nitrate, Peak02 and KannaEase. I know they have it on the website I use regularly so I might add one next time I order.


New member
May 28, 2016
Southeast US
For basic preworkout blends I have found some of the Arez God of the Gym mixes to be pretty decent. Nothing compared to Excelsior but maybe enough for a half assed home workout.

There’s a company called Fitness Stacks that has a preworkout capsule that I really like. I still take a half scoop of a regular preworkout with it but I recommend them. The product is called Hyper Stack and has my favorite preworkout mood enhancing ingredients. I don’t care about pump ingredients. That’s what real gear is for.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I want to bring up the importance of nutrition and sensitivity when it comes to stimulants and preworkouts. A good example of the point I am trying to make is a review I read about Excelsior recently. The guy who done it wrote it out on his own webpage and to me had no common sense because of how he reviewed the product. Now any product is going to have mixed reviews no matter how good it is because even if 9 people love something you will always get 1 who dislikes it. Excelsior will be hated by some because of whatever reason (too strong etc). But the review this guy gave the product was silly. He basically wasn't a stim junkie and he had a very light breakfast then took 1.5 scoops. He said it was amazing in the gym but he crashed so hard and as a result he will never use it again and he scored it very low. Obviously you would think why not just take 1 scoop first time round and use some common sense and eat properly first. Or if he doesn't like 1.5 scoops try 0.5 scoops 2nd time round and go from there. For me there is a massive difference taking 1.5 or 1 scoop.

You also have to be careful taking strong stimulants especially when you haven't ate properly as you process them so much faster. I can take very strong stimulants but the other day I had a very light breakfast then waited around and I had an espresso. It was just with the nespresso machine so no more than 100mg caffeine max. I went to the shop and I was stood there wired off my head feeling a bit off because that is what happens to me when I take even just caffeine on a very empty stomach. I couldn't imagine taking 1.5 scoops of Excelsior on an empty stomach I would be manic :eek::D It can really make that much of a difference so you need to adjust your dose accordingly. So if any of you are not stim junkies and try something strong I would recommend starting with a low-standard dose and always have food beforehand (1 hour or so).

I actually decided yesterday to have 1 scoop of Excelsior before training at home. It was quite late and I was taking my dog on a walk first so I figured take it beforehand as it builds up slowly and train when I get back. I also wanted to use it to give me focus/energy for working on the computer after training as well. 1 scoop for me was very steady and I was not wired in any way and it felt fairly light but the thing with Excelsior it just keeps you going. It was my mistake taking it so late because I couldn't sleep. I didn't even try as I was focused on working and beign productive so it can be used with great effect for all day energy and productivity. Just don't take it very late as you will be up at 8am thinking wtf :eek::D Now if I would have taken just 1/2 scoop more I would have been wired so there is a massive difference in effect with different doses and it made me think of that 1.5 scoop review again. I would be annoyed if I worked for a company and someone tried my product and took 50% more dose on an empty stomach 1st time round then complained they crashed and scored it very low online when the product is labelled as a very strong stimulant and to be taken with care.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Are there any pre workouts people have their eye on? If you can't personally use it would you like me or others on here to try and rate before you buy? My only issue is I tend to order from certain sites and they have limited stock but I will see if any match up to products you guys recommend. The products that have caught my eye on one particular site are:

JP Pre Stim
Arm's Race Harness
Performax Labs HyperMax Extreme
Naughtboy Lifestyle Menace
SkullCandy Energy

I will order a few of those to try out for when the gym's reopen. The bottom one looks very interesting so that is a definite. JP's stim is basic but looks very good so I will get that as well. I will add somethign else in as well so I have a few to play with.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Your nutrition around training can really make a massive impact on your workout. Both in general and when using a pre workout. The impact on the effects of pump ingredients and stimulants can be huge. You sometimes have to be careful when taking high stimulants on an empty stomach. Food in your stomach will slow down the absorption and often the impact of many products. Even if you have a black coffee compared to a coffee with milk the mental effects can be vastly different.

When using strong stimulants (DMAA, DMHA etc) you have to be careful. I used 1 scoop of Excelsior tonight on an empty stomach and the effects were crazy. The euphoria was amazing and the effects hit me much faster and were much more pronounced. I used the same amount for my other 2 workouts recently but with a stomach full of food and there was a massive difference. I have experimented with this many times over the years with multiple products and it's always the same.

I figured it was worth mentioning just incase you want to feel more bang from your preworkouts. Although at the same time when doing this I would always recommend eating a decent meal a few hours before training. I have a fast metabolism so if I get hungry I will just have a banana and a small protein snack/shake to keep me going without overfilling me and I am gtg.

I have ordered Myprotein's latest preworkout. Nothing spectacular but a good all round ingredient panel. I was ordering aminos and some krill oil so added it on. It's called The Preworkout+

Serving Size - 1 scoop (18g)
Servings Per Container - 20 Servings (360g)​

Active Ingredients

Per Daily Serving (18g)
L-Citrulline 6 g
Beta-Alanine 3.2 g
Betaine Anhydrous 1.5 g
N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine 1 g
Taurine 1 g
Caffeine (Caffeine Anhydrous
& PhaseTech™ Caffeine Beadlet) 300 mg
Green Tea Extract (Leaf) (as VASO6™) 300 mg
Alpha GPC (Glycerophosphoryl Choline) 150 mg
Hawthorn Berry 10:1 150 mg
L-Theanine 100 mg
Vitamin C 75 mg (94%*)
AstraGin® 50 mg
Huperzine A 20 mg
BioPerine® (Black Pepper Extract) 5 mg
Niacin 3 mg (19%*)
Vitamin B1 1.1 mg (100%*)
Vitamin B12 15 μg (60%*)

* NRV - Nutrient Reference Value​


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I tried MyProtein's Preworkout+ for the first time yesterday. If I take even 100mg caffeine on an empty stomach I do feel it loads. However it's true my tolerance for caffeine is high. As a result I took 1.5 scoops yesterday which totals 450mg caffeine. Most people would only need 1 scoop so 300mg caffeine. I was very impressed with it. It felt great and it hit me very hard but I experienced no crash afterwards. The pump was great and all in all a very good preworkout.

I sometimes take products and I wonder do they actually contain what is stated. The taste alone can be a good indicator at times as well. With this I could taste the pepper extract a lot and soon came the beta alanine tingles. Great energy and pumps and I am pleased with how it felt. I used Excelsior today so I will try the preworkout+ again tomorrow so I can better access it.

I know I took 1.5 scoops but the fact I can feel this so much a day after taking such a strong product (Excelsior) is only a good sign as well. For guys who like to use more exotic/strong stimulants I like to rotate to a higher caffeine product in between as I feel it's a good approach to keep sensitivity higher for each product due to the rotation and of course the non training day breaks from both.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I used the last of my Excelsior tub today :( I actually ordered from the site that sells it the other day but left it out. I left it out mainly due to the insane price over here (£66) and my shopping cart was already stacked up. Although after using the last of the tub today I feel like I should get more. I will wait and see what my new ones feel like first. Today I had about 3/4 of a scoop left and I added a bit of a weak product I have and the combo worked great. I have been dosing a little syntheselen recently as well and even just 1.5ml of that has a great effect on me.

As posted I have been extremely impressed with My Protein's Preworkout+ and I am actually nearly out of that as well. Hopefully my new order comes soon as I have a few new ones to try out. I just realized there are 3 muscletech products :eek::D No reason for that just the best looking products on a limited website. I use the site for health supplements but they have some more standard preworkouts on there as well.

Muscletech Vapor 1 (2 tubs of this).
Muscletech Peak Series Preworkout .
Muscletech Performance Series Hydroxcut Hardcore Elite Powder. This cost me $13 so I just added it in. It's marketed as a fatburner but it's loaded in stimulants and a really good blend of them.
Fusion Supplements Obliterate.
MuscleSport Rhino Rampage.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am currently going through the products I never use until my new preworkouts are delivered. I am out of anything I rate highly. Tonight before legs I used 1 scoop of OFN's Revive V2 and 1 scoop of Strom Sports STIMUmax Black so I was loaded up and it felt great. I was disappointed with both of these products at their 1 scoop serving. I have tried 1.5 scoops of both but still didn't rate them highly. I once tried 2 scoops of OFN's Revive V2 (it states up to 2 scoops in 24 hours) and it felt good at first but quickly dropped off. The 1 scoop of each had a really good effect so I will probably use them again when I need a big kick.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been impressed with Muscletech's Vapor 1 and Muscletech's Peak Series Preworkout recently. I have been rotating them each training day. I may even like the later more so far which I didn't expect. I will experiment with both of them more but so far great pumps and great energy. Nothing over the top but both are very feel good products and haven't given me any negatives even with over 1 scoop. Definitely in the 8-9/10 range so far.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I ordered a couple of stronger preworkouts. The site also sells some grey area things and I added in epistane and the pack has been seized :eek: It's very strict where I live but I figured with all the eaa's, preworkouts and other standard supps it would just pass through. I am not sure what is happening now but I will find out soon. So it looks like it will be a while before I get to try those preworkouts :eek: So I am basically just rotating Muscletech's Peak Series Pre and Vapor 1 each session now and enjoying them both. I tried about 60% of a scoop of both recently and that felt great.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I received my 2 new preworkouts so things worked out fine. I decided to use MuscleSport's Rhino Rampage straightaway. I used 1 serving (2 small scoops) before my PUSH workout. I am impressed and it felt really good but I need to experiment more. I felt a bit off 2 hours post workout but it may have been something else. So I will experiment with it over the next week and report how it goes.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Not a surprise but after using Rhino Rampage I ended up staying up very late and had more energy than usual. I have had a day off today but I will train tomorrow. I may save Rhino Rampage for legs in 2 days and just go with Muscletech's Peak Series for my pull workout tomorrow.

I also have Fusion Supplements Obliterate on hand as well but may save that for a few weeks time. Obliterate gets a lot of great reviews stating it's extremely strong and how they can't sleep for hours. How it's on par with the original Jack3d. Many report a massive crash from it though. The company sells a lot of grey area products like nanodrol (m-sten), hdrol and sdrol etc so it doesn't surprise me their preworkout is extremely strong.


Aug 28, 2005
What's the 'hot' ingredients these days in a pre workout formula? I havent used one in awhile and the ones I always liked were AMP Citrate and DMAA based products.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
What's the 'hot' ingredients these days in a pre workout formula? I havent used one in awhile and the ones I always liked were AMP Citrate and DMAA based products.

I really liked AMP citrate but was never a huge fan of DMAA. They always come and go and they bring out something similar. Very often the chemical structure is near identical and it's just a variation of what was banned before. These days the main one are the different forms (synthetic and natural) of DMHA. I prefer it to DMAA as it's a lot smoother but doesn't hit in as hard.