TB500, ACT1 and BCP 157 Log


New member
Apr 2, 2013
I'd inject into your extensors. My thinking is that the muscle has more bulk to "hold" the compound. In my case, I used my VMO and the medial side of the quad tendon was below that. Again, just my 'thinking' of how the muscle attaching to that tendon region may "bleed" the injection towards the inflamed, smaller area of attachment and trauma. The reason tendons and ligaments are terrible to heal is lack of blood supply. My thinking is the surrounding muscles are enriched with blood and circulatory avenues. Whether it blood or an injection, my thought is the tendon/ligament will 'drink' from the same area albeit a poor supply volume. Good luck bro!

Grim - good ideas! For now I am trying the BPC sub-q and systemic. My last trip to my ART guy was paiiiinfuuulllll in the muscle I was injecting. I like the extensor idea, may try that next.

Sounds like you are having some amazing luck! I gotta chime in and say since starting the TB-4 and BPC-157 my elbow feels remarkably healed. I tentatively did some medium weight bicep curls and as long as I kept form perfect and good tempo, no pain.

This week going to start back easy and use a wrap/clasp just in case.

Good stuff!

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Hey gang, greeetings from the beach! On vacation and as I sip my pre workout black coffee, I am happy to report nothing. That's right, nothing. Now, this week was not without incident completely. I had a tb500 shot on Sunday and on Monday, both knees were aching. NOT because of the shot, it was my old nemesis returning, and I was pretty bummed out...Next day I was fine again and continue to do ok. I had been using a new otc diuretic in the days prior to vaca to help me dry out more. Could that be it, maybe, but who knows. Maybe walking on the sand tweaked my tissue a bit, lots of walking, stairs, sand..anyway, I'm feeling amazing, ran on the sand yesterday for a bit, felt tremendous, quads pumped to holy hell...If you can get your ass to a beach to run it, I highly recommend it..Until next time...don't wait up for me, I'll be snoozing after ny delt workout this morning then enjoying a 12 egg omelet and pancakes, I know what you are thinking, but those 5 months of fasted cardio earned me this, now shutup and pass the syrup!

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Update 7/23. :(

My knees started to bother me yesterday evening, this morning they were back to the pain I was having before administering the peps.
I did a TB500 inject in each leg. No relief. I did another two hours later, no relief.
I'm just back from vacation and I went nuts. BINGED and gained about 12 lbs. I know, stupid. I went from 5% to god knows what. I'm holding LOTS of water and I'm thinking this has caused this issue. I'm dieting down again, increasing cardio and I'm hoping that will help. I'm sure that the weight coupled with a screwed up insulin system (thanks to tons of sweets) is doing this. I'm sluggish, feel lousy. I'll update if there are any changes.
I hope this doesn't discourage anyone from using these compounds, I'm the one that failed, not them.


May 31, 2013
Update 7/23. :(

My knees started to bother me yesterday evening, this morning they were back to the pain I was having before administering the peps.
I did a TB500 inject in each leg. No relief. I did another two hours later, no relief.
I'm just back from vacation and I went nuts. BINGED and gained about 12 lbs. I know, stupid. I went from 5% to god knows what. I'm holding LOTS of water and I'm thinking this has caused this issue. I'm dieting down again, increasing cardio and I'm hoping that will help. I'm sure that the weight coupled with a screwed up insulin system (thanks to tons of sweets) is doing this. I'm sluggish, feel lousy. I'll update if there are any changes.
I hope this doesn't discourage anyone from using these compounds, I'm the one that failed, not them.

:( bro... i hope that`s happening because of the weight/water gain... i really hope you can fix it and go back to where you were before this post.. keep going don`t give up!

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
:( bro... i hope that`s happening because of the weight/water gain... i really hope you can fix it and go back to where you were before this post.. keep going don`t give up!

Thanks for the encouragement brother. I definitely won't give up. I'm stocked pretty well on the TB, I'm determined to drop this water and get back into this and train hard and HEAVY. I've got a serious bulk coming up this fall, I know how to flush this out, I'm just hoping the TB didn't lose its effectiveness, but the part that makes me hopeful is the two times it's flared up have been during/after a serious binge and F-ing up of my system. When my diet and training were consistent, i was golden. hell, i'll even pick up some BCP and ACT again and restart to see if maybe it's a synergy between them that works for me.
I won't give up ever dude. Not going to happen. :)


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Well thats good and bad news and glad u shared your sodium sweet and gourging beach experience.. i usually get home after one of those vacations, leave off the a/c in 100 degree heat , and cleanse the body with extreme sweating... Now are we doing that? . Keep it up brutha..im thinkin maybe pentosan is good also
After my 4 week once a week pin ill rate its efficency..ib


New member
Apr 2, 2013
You'll settle back in a few days! That kind of weight is temporary.

I have the other problem - go on vacation and I lose weight off my diet! Not sure if that's a blessing or curse...

I finished my TB-4 loading a week ago, and combined with the BPC-157 I have seen good results. I can finally return to upper body training, but I am avoiding direct heavy bicep and certain tricep exercises.

My thinking is that while it accelerates healing, the body still needs some off or low time to heal. I am sticking to rehab type work for the lifts that aren't totally pain free and will slowly work the weight back up until I know I can go heavy again. It will still be an accelerated healing.

IB let us know how the pentosan works out, are you using it for tendon or something else? I ordered some just in case my current protocol doesn't work out as well as I want!!

- T

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Going to pin session 3 rd week wed/ tomorrow.. Im feeling titeness in my knees..now not sure if from doing barbell lunges across the parking lot 6 times or what. Stay tuned..im also going to apply DMSO to knees as that to me is the best thing since the: invention of the womens thong string bikini..

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Going to pin session 3 rd week wed/ tomorrow.. Im feeling titeness in my knees..now not sure if from doing barbell lunges across the parking lot 6 times or what. Stay tuned..im also going to apply DMSO to knees as that to me is the best thing since the: invention of the womens thong string bikini..

Those lunges might be it.. ;)
Good luck brother - keep up posted!
Update: Losing water upper body, but legs are still holding lots of it. Walking is a chore and doing cardio blows. I'm tired quickly because my legs are watery and hard to move. Waist is shrinking again back down to 28. Me and Thunder have those small waists the girls envy LOL.
Knees are still shot. Did a full 2.5 mg in left quad and no luck.
I think the excess fluid is making my lower body TIGHT as hell and it's wreaking havoc on my knees, hams and glutes. Stay tuned. I'm GOING to beat this, accepting no substitutions.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
7/25: PAIN. Right back to 100%. Haven't done legs since before vacation, probably like July 9th or so. Can't remember. So, that wouldn't have irritated anything. Thinking of picking up the BCP and ACT again. Although, the first TB500 shot improved things almost immediately, but the last THREE have done nothing. Feeling pretty bummed at this point.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Grim try pentosan..Dont be getting bummed dang it..

Pin 3 of 320mg divided 60iu each knee and 17 iu each side delt 1" 30g pin.. i must say i feel better similar to deca kinda feel but hard to describe.. i dont want to sidetrack Grims peptide thread so i will report in Bricks log of training of the day.. gotta respect my bro Grim guys...
Keep us posted Grim it may just need a small adjustment dose wise? Ib

Have u changed brand by chance?

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Thanks man, will have to try I think.
Although, I iced, stretched and i was TIGHT.
I have some trigger points on my vastus lateralis. My PT guy (powerlifter) does ART on me. I'm thinking that when I started, I was still doing PT prior to going on vacation as well as yoga. That stuff fell off, so I made more appointments starting tomorrow with him. I also have been digging into that area and it's feeling somewhat improved. Today, I noticed foam rolling that area KILLED where before I had no pain rolling. So, high maintenance begins again. Shit, if Jay Cutler gets 2 hrs. deep tissue and ART a week in addition to other therapy, this old bastard can too. That reminds me, I have to schedule a deep tissue massage as well. Thanks for reading guys. :)

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Update: 7/26.
Feeling MUCH better today. Stretching, foam rolling (excruciatingly painful, my outer quads tightened up badly) and a PT session today. I asked my guy if the water weight would possibly do that and he said, it was likely that pressure from additional fluid is making the legs stiff and sore. Fluid's leaving, I'm still 8 lbs up. Probably storing glycogen like crazy now. Off season's here baby, train, eat, sleep grow! Thanks all for reading.

I'm seriously blown away by the power of the mind. Yesterday I focused on negativity, pain that's what I received, but today, I'm focused on repairing and rebuilding using the tools I have at my disposal, the most powerful is my mind. Having your guys' support helps too. ;)

Another Tb500 inject on Saturday. Maybe a massage too. :D

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Update: Hey everyone, happy Friday.
Well, been pretty good so far. I still get some discomfort when sitting for a while, but it's NOWHERE like it used to be. I had to get up in movies I was in agony, serioiusly. Now, it's move my legs a little and it's gone. I do two injects weekly of 2.5 mg, mon and thursday. (where have I heard that before!? :) )
Did legs wednesday night, squats, slow and deep not too heavy. I need to get my form down perfect again so it doesn't crumble when i add weight since I hadn't done them in so long. Did some front squats too. People hate them, I love them, really can get under that weight in the hole.
Anyway, going very well, I'm up 9 lbs since returning from vacation, holding a little more fat and water now but I'm still pretty lean and I'm growing well. 6,000 kCal daily and brief heavy lifting is doing the trick for the old man.
Stay cool brothers and sisters. We're headed to bigger and better places. All of us, even YOU!



Registered User
Nov 2, 2012
So, I want to understand this. These products are great for pain management but have not been shown to speed healing?

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
These compounds have been shown to speed healing. The BCP157 for example, was used to rapidly heal severed quadricep tendons in mice in a controlled experiment. The TB500 is used in equine for soft tissue healing as well. I began a structured protocol based upon dosages found to be effective in real world applications. In fact, I'm glad you asked...

Tonight, I hammered quads and hams. Hammered them. 4 work sets of extensions, squats, leg presses, hacks, seated leg curls, lying leg curls, stiff legged deadlifts, wide high leg presses, hyperextensions and wrapped it up with 4 work sets of adductor exercises.
I couldn't tie a shoe, watch a movie all the way through or bend down to feed my cats without agonizing pain before starting these products. If I had a "good" day and did 3 sets of half assed leg presses, my legs would tighten like a hooker's grip on a $50 and I'd be limping, icing and medicating to no avail. These compounds don't mask pain, my tendons couldn't be masked with anti inflammatory meds prescription or otc for almost a year straight. All I needed to have pain was to be awake.
I urge anyone with pain to try these compounds - they work systemically (although I chose to administer them in close proximity to the injury site) and at a rather inexpensive cost, they are working and tonight I'm bending down and the only ache I have is the one from muscular obliteration from tonight's workout.