Sick and tired of being small...

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
maybe you missed me saying sorry in an earlier post... maybe you just didnt care and wanted to get your 2cents in, either or, thanks for your response.. and thats not being sarcastic. I have yet to try the search... i was just asking what a good cycle would be, but i will search it and try to avoid posting.


Big Gunz
Sep 3, 2005
Wherever I'm needed baby!
bsu guy 892 said:
maybe you missed me saying sorry in an earlier post... maybe you just didnt care and wanted to get your 2cents in, either or, thanks for your response.. and thats not being sarcastic. I have yet to try the search... i was just asking what a good cycle would be, but i will search it and try to avoid posting.

Yeah, I guess I missed it........glad you're open minded..


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
bsu guy 892 said:
ok, im not trying to be mean at all.. but this is exactly what i hate. I asked a question, and i got exaclty the asnwer i did not want to get. Im just asking what you guys think would be best for me. My diet is not a problem, currently I have been slacking a little bit, but i know how to eat, because forever i thought i couldnt get bigger(i was at 140lb) then started eating the diet my best friend interduced me to, and i packed on about 20 lbs off of just eating correctly. I just want to know what you guys would suggest to pack some mass on me. And again, im not trying to be mean, i just hate it when people tell me "dont take steroids", ya know?
bsu guy.....I've read all of these posts and you sound like you have a little bit of an attitude problem.
All of the questions that were asked by the members are typical for someone asking your question. Think about it, it would be negligent to just throw some advice out there with out knowing what your diet and routine look like.

So, to answer your question with the respect and care it deserves, it is imperative to know at least those two things. Whether you realize it or not you have already discovered one of the secrets. Diet. If you have gone from 140 to 185 by increasing meal frequency. That tells you something very important.
It really is all about what and when you eat. Even with steroids.
You made the statement above that "My diet is not a problem"
If you aren't gaining weight, that is the evidence that your diet is insufficient to meet that need.
Also, don't forget, just because an answer is not want you want to hear, doesn't mean it's the wrong answer. Sometimes you just have to look at what else is behind the answer.

By the way, welcome to the site. Read some of the stickys, they will answer a lot of questions and get you started on the right track.
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Registered User
May 18, 2005
bsu guy 892 said:
sorry, didnt realize you wanted that much detail. Well I will save us both time. I dont really have a set idea of what i do when, well not order, but I can tell you the lifts I do on each day...

flat bench 3 sets
incline 3 sets
decline 3 sets
flat bench with dumb 3 sets
cable flys 2 sets
dumb flys 2 sets
incline mach. 2 sets

bench bar curls 3 sets
EZ bar curls 2 sets inner grips, 2 sets outter grips
Skull crusher 3 sets
incline curls 3 sets
tri extentions 3 sets
pulldowns 3 sets
mach curls 2 sets
mach. push down 2 sets

extentions 3 sets
curles 3 sets
squat 5 sets
sled 3 sets
dead lift 3 sets

mil press 3 sets
mil press dumb 3 sets
lateral raises 4 sets
rotator cup machine 3 sets
vertical row 3 sets

lawn mower pulls 3 sets
row machine 3 sets
lat pull 3 sets
sitting row 3 sets

this is mostly what i do... minus a few things. Im not that hardcore :(
first off...welcome to anasci buddy

bro...from what I can tell you are overtraining like crazy......I counted 18 sets for chest.....12 is plenty

23 sets for arms.....are ya crazy..? ...9 for bi's 9 for tri's is plenty....I do six for each, 2 sets of 3 different exercises, and I grow like crazy...!!!. :D

now this one really was really a jaw opener...lol.....16 freakin sets for shoulders. bro, your tearing your shoulders down so much you would have to train them once a month....no joke... ;) ...I like the 4-6 set range...6 at the most

I finally realized that all those well known vets, gurus, athletic directors, etc in the bodybuiding industry knew what they were talkin about when they said that next to diet...overtraining was the main contributor to never growing..!!...It only took me 10 years or so to get it in my hard-headed head that overtraining was why I wasn't growing.....I just never believed that less was MORE...It wasn't the fact that I wasn't eating enough or not running enough cc's of test....I was just simply overtraining...simple as that....I just wish I applied this to my training years ago......lol

good luck buddy, and once again :welcome: to anasci... :D


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
jaw dropper, eye opener, mind blower....call it what you want, but holy shit. and you say that's not "hardcore". your workouts must take hours upon hours. congrats on the energy to do that, but damn, cut it down to about half and you'll be set.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
Hey I wish I had the stamina to train like that, it would be great for fighting but not for building mass. I think we all started out lifting incorrectly and especially when we were young had an attitude about being told what to do. Anyways reading through the posts I have to agree wholeheartedly with the advice given. I think whether you choose to use steroids or not you will gain a lot of quality muscle just from the diet and training changes. Anyways I don't want to regurjitate what has already been said so I will leave it with welcome to the board! :welcome:


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
Alot of wasted energy, the problem is you can't go allout because your saving yourself for the rest of your workout. For me and my body less is more 20-30 min workouts and i'm pretty well spent. If you really want to learn keep researching because its all here. Listen to what people have to say and you will see the results you after. Clint