Sick and tired of being small...

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
sorry, didnt realize you wanted that much detail. Well I will save us both time. I dont really have a set idea of what i do when, well not order, but I can tell you the lifts I do on each day...

flat bench 3 sets
incline 3 sets
decline 3 sets
flat bench with dumb 3 sets
cable flys 2 sets
dumb flys 2 sets
incline mach. 2 sets

bench bar curls 3 sets
EZ bar curls 2 sets inner grips, 2 sets outter grips
Skull crusher 3 sets
incline curls 3 sets
tri extentions 3 sets
pulldowns 3 sets
mach curls 2 sets
mach. push down 2 sets

extentions 3 sets
curles 3 sets
squat 5 sets
sled 3 sets
dead lift 3 sets

mil press 3 sets
mil press dumb 3 sets
lateral raises 4 sets
rotator cup machine 3 sets
vertical row 3 sets

lawn mower pulls 3 sets
row machine 3 sets
lat pull 3 sets
sitting row 3 sets

this is mostly what i do... minus a few things. Im not that hardcore :(


Registered User
May 5, 2005
bsu guy 892 said:
ok, im not trying to be mean at all.. but this is exactly what i hate. I asked a question, and i got exaclty the asnwer i did not want to get.

that happens. might not necessarily be untrue so keep an open mind bro.

if you want to do steroids, and no one can talk you out of it then what did you want for advice?


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
if you haven't already invested in ARNOLD'S BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA, that should be the 1st thing you do. Roids are amazing, but i mean, if you're just starting......???


bsu guy 892 said:
sorry, didnt realize you wanted that much detail. Well I will save us both time. I dont really have a set idea of what i do when, well not order, but I can tell you the lifts I do on each day...

flat bench 3 sets
incline 3 sets
decline 3 sets
flat bench with dumb 3 sets
cable flys 2 sets
dumb flys 2 sets
incline mach. 2 sets

bench bar curls 3 sets
EZ bar curls 2 sets inner grips, 2 sets outter grips
Skull crusher 3 sets
incline curls 3 sets
tri extentions 3 sets
pulldowns 3 sets
mach curls 2 sets
mach. push down 2 sets

extentions 3 sets
curles 3 sets
squat 5 sets
sled 3 sets
dead lift 3 sets

mil press 3 sets
mil press dumb 3 sets
lateral raises 4 sets
rotator cup machine 3 sets
vertical row 3 sets

lawn mower pulls 3 sets
row machine 3 sets
lat pull 3 sets
sitting row 3 sets

this is mostly what i do... minus a few things. Im not that hardcore :(

all i can say is that you're overtraining........

so you just workout whenever you feel like it??? do you ever do chest twice a week? you need to have a set schedule on when you train......do bi's on back day and tri's on shoulder day......but still, you need to get rid of a bunch of exercises


Macstanton said:
if you haven't already invested in ARNOLD'S BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA, that should be the 1st thing you do. Roids are amazing, but i mean, if you're just starting......???

his book is garbage IMO


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005

BSU Guy, I recommend that you become a member of Anasci for the low membership fee. I joined recently and I think its a bargain value compared to many of the crappy books I have bought for my physical education.

Also, you are possibly an ectomorph (hard gainer) so heed Wolfy's advice on increased meal frequency and carbs. And I concur that you are over-training as well. Sometimes 3 sessions/week is pushing me close to overtraining and I have to cut back to 2. Give yourself time to recover.

Finally, you are young and probably are not looking at a 10 year plan for your body but that is what I recommend. Most young men think about how they will look for their next date and just think short term. A long term strategy means starting slowly at say 400-500 mg test enanth/week for 12 weeks. That should give you an exciting response and leave room for future shocks to your system as well.

Oh, and also personally I don't like orals. Many guys here use them but I don't. Orals fuck with your liver and I just don't think that's warranted when you have an injection alternative.

bsu guy 892 said:
oh, think i forgot to mention that im just now 21.. and ive been lifting pretty serioulsy since about 17."


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
Macstanton said:
if you haven't already invested in ARNOLD'S BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA, that should be the 1st thing you do. Roids are amazing, but i mean, if you're just starting......???
While you're at it, get the book "Anabolics 2005"......it covers the basics of different types of gear, basic cycles, post-cycle therapy, and has pictures of scammer's products. A lot of it is available online and sites like steroidology have essentially the same info, but it's kinda nice to have a ref. book around too. I'd say give yourself a minimum of 3 mo on a variety of sites like Anasci and daily go through the forums to see what topics are being discussed and their answers, after reading the Anabolics 2005 book. Then you'll be in a better position to decide what you think will work for you and your goals and how to go about it safely. Maybe make a few friends / contacts in the process.



Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
Wolfy outlined everything. Lack of calories, and over-training.

You could easily gain 25lbs in 7-8 months with zero gear, just alot of eating and smart training. Once you do this, and learn how to do it properly, and THEN begin to use gear, you will be amazed. If you dont change your diet/training, and decide to juice anyway, you will not reach your goal of 205. bottom line.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
good advice heavy. diet is THE most important thing when it comes to lifting. especially when you juice. there's no point in even thinking about juicing without a well planned diet.l


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
I would agree with the over training as well, I do one bodypart a day using a high intensity routine. A few warm up sets with light to moderate weight. Just enough to get the blood into the muscle group and strech the tendions and ligaments a bit. Take bb curls (date 6/17/05) i weighed 165 75x10, 95x10, 115x8, 135x4,3,3. The first three are warmups 135 is the working set, i'm shooting for 6 reps. At this point my bi's are cooked. i put 95 on a curl bar for preachers and did3 reps. Bicep workout done That was at the end of my first cycle. The beginning bi workout was bb curls (date 3/27/05/ i weighed 140 barx10, 75x10, 95x6, 100x6,4+2 negative reps that was it for my bicep workout. What some are trying to tell you is reach your maximum potential first, and if you aren't eating well or training well all the gear in the world will not matter. You said your just getting back into lifting?? Give it a month or three, come here, research and then decide for yourself. Loose the attitude most of these guys really know what they are talking about and have your best interest in mind.

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
so i guess i need to know best diet as well as what workouts should i combine if im going to go to a 3 day a week workout schedule as opposed to 5 day.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
bsu guy 892 said:
so i guess i need to know best diet as well as what workouts should i combine if im going to go to a 3 day a week workout schedule as opposed to 5 day.

that's gonna be tuff to try and put a 5 day split into 2 or 3 days. i'd seriously recommend sticking with the 5 day. What would your new 3 day split be????


Big Gunz
Sep 3, 2005
Wherever I'm needed baby!
bsu guy, we aren't going to "spoon feed you". Use the search button, and use words such as "diet", "nutrition", "workouts", so on and so on. We are all here to help, but no one wants to help anyone who seems close minded and has something negative to say to every response given to him. I'm sure you'll take this the wrong way, but its my way of saving your and our time. When you ask questions here, you will get a variety of answers based on experience and so on. Its your responsibility to take that info and apply it to your personal self. A little more research may be applicable in some cases (hence my comment for the search button). In my opinion, if you are anything in person like you act on this board, AAS are not for you. It takes a sensible, logical, even-tempered and one willing to take responsibility for their actions person to conduct themselves in anything other than an haphazard way while on AAS, and anything other than that gives people the negative stereotype that we so often see in the media. If you can be a reasonable adult and converse with others in such a manner, you will learn alot, and you will grow, AAS or not. Eventually once you figure out a good training routine and diet for yourself and hit a plateau, then think about AAS. Something to think about.
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