Sick and tired of being small...

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
Ok, obviously Im new here, and i have read most of the things i need to... and please dont burn me... but im just tired of being small. Im currently 6'1" 180lbs with about a 10bf or so. I used to take m1t until it got taken off the market, then i moved to dbol for 1 cycle. I didnt see a ton of progress out of it, however my caloric intake was not very high, so maybe my own fault. I just want some opinions on what i should take to get up to about 205. Nothing too radical because i have limited sources and such, but throw me some ideas.



welcome to anasci.....i would recommend to NOT take steroids for now......you need to work on your diet,....possibly your training as well...........how does your diet look right now?? how many meals a day? how many cals??? how much protein/fat/carbs...


Registered User
Aug 22, 2004
Well first off I am going to recommend you pay your $50 dollar fee or whatever it is to view sources. Do a little research before you jump into anything. Here is what I did my first cycle that got me some great results.

500mg/wk testosterone enanthate for 12weeks
30mg/day dbol

also do a search on PCT on this forum for post cycle.

You will probably reach your gains and some if you work hard, eat, and sleep right. Hope this helps.

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
ok, im not trying to be mean at all.. but this is exactly what i hate. I asked a question, and i got exaclty the asnwer i did not want to get. Im just asking what you guys think would be best for me. My diet is not a problem, currently I have been slacking a little bit, but i know how to eat, because forever i thought i couldnt get bigger(i was at 140lb) then started eating the diet my best friend interduced me to, and i packed on about 20 lbs off of just eating correctly. I just want to know what you guys would suggest to pack some mass on me. And again, im not trying to be mean, i just hate it when people tell me "dont take steroids", ya know?

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
Ok, another question along with this. How do you know these sources are "ok". How can you trust these people.. what is there to back it up? Im not a very trusting person, and it seems that this could be a scam, not that im saying it is, but there are too many places out there that do scam people like this.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2004
bro welcome and to let you know its def not a scam. I too was a little worried about paying money to some webstie to get "legit" sources. A year later i've come to love and learn soo much from this site!! It's kind of like one big family and everyone is trying to help everyone else to reach their goals. Once you become a member there is a members only section and you will be able to talk to evey member about the sources and how well they do business. They also have a rating system between all the sources based on quality of gear, service, etc. This site is very professional and you honestly have nothing to worry about.


Registered User
Aug 22, 2004
It's legit bro.. You will not be disappointed..

I am with you on people saying don't take steroids too, but they are just giving you their honest opinion from their experience. Best of luck to you. That cycle I posted above is a good begginer cycle.


fuzion said:
It's legit bro.. You will not be disappointed..

I am with you on people saying don't take steroids too, but they are just giving you their honest opinion from their experience. Best of luck to you. That cycle I posted above is a good begginer cycle.

so who cares about eating right and training correctly???


bsu guy 892 said:
ok, im not trying to be mean at all.. but this is exactly what i hate. I asked a question, and i got exaclty the asnwer i did not want to get. Im just asking what you guys think would be best for me. My diet is not a problem, currently I have been slacking a little bit, but i know how to eat, because forever i thought i couldnt get bigger(i was at 140lb) then started eating the diet my best friend interduced me to, and i packed on about 20 lbs off of just eating correctly. I just want to know what you guys would suggest to pack some mass on me. And again, im not trying to be mean, i just hate it when people tell me "dont take steroids", ya know?

then post your current diet and training routine...and please be honest


Registered User
Aug 22, 2004
No I didn't mean it like that wolfy. I am with you on he needs to get his diet and exercise routine down way before he starts a cycle. Read my post way up there at the bottom. :)

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
anyway.. just so you can tear me apart and have fun doing it... my CURRENT diet is about 4 meals a day. For breakfast I eat a bowl of oatmeal *with peanut butter in it* yum and a bowl of hard boiled eggs *normally about 6-8 minus yoaks* and wash it down with whole milk and about 3 big glasses of water. Then for lunch I eat more eggs *about 4 or so* and boiled chicken *taste like crap* and some mac n cheese with tuna in it. If im still hungry I will make a turkey sandwhich. Dinner is almost the same as lunch but with more eggs and no milk, just water. Then I eat again right before bed. Ill have a protein shake and turkey, more mac n cheese and tuna. Mostly thats it. For now atleast


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
bsu guy 892 said:
Ok, another question along with this. How do you know these sources are "ok". How can you trust these people.. what is there to back it up? Im not a very trusting person, and it seems that this could be a scam, not that im saying it is, but there are too many places out there that do scam people like this.
Hello fellow newbie. I've only been at this site a few months (although involved at some others a little while longer). I shared your hesitations. However, the bros here are VERY helpful and the source membership truly is worth the cost....it's less than the shipping and WU transfer fees on one order to a scammer. The sources here are legit and you can get connected to others very quickly once you have a decent rep with some of the guys and sources here.

I also share your attitude about being told not to take AAS. It definitely should not be your first thought and everything else (diet, training, etc that Wolfy mentioned) must be in place, and you must research very carefully PCT, side effects, dosages, etc. However, with so many supplements out there that are an absolute waste of money, using the proven benefits of even low dose AAS will gain you more than thousands in hokey supplements per year. One last thought.....most of the guys here are probably pretty big dudes and I would caution you to try any first cycles at a fraction of the doses mentioned here if you're not that big (like me).


bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
oh, think i forgot to mention that im just now 21.. and ive been lifting pretty serioulsy since about 17.

Well.. "seriously for my standards.. prob not yours.. lol"
Last edited:


bsu guy 892 said:
anyway.. just so you can tear me apart and have fun doing it... my CURRENT diet is about 4 meals a day. For breakfast I eat a bowl of oatmeal *with peanut butter in it* yum and a bowl of hard boiled eggs *normally about 6-8 minus yoaks* and wash it down with whole milk and about 3 big glasses of water. Then for lunch I eat more eggs *about 4 or so* and boiled chicken *taste like crap* and some mac n cheese with tuna in it. If im still hungry I will make a turkey sandwhich. Dinner is almost the same as lunch but with more eggs and no milk, just water. Then I eat again right before bed. Ill have a protein shake and turkey, more mac n cheese and tuna. Mostly thats it. For now atleast

i see hardly any carbs in there besides outmeal and macaroni.......5 or 6 meals would be much better as well.........im not trying to tear you apart........

if you're looking to put on more mass, start eating more carbs and more meals......how is your current training routine as well?


Registered User
Oct 4, 2005
hey bro...i dont think anyone likes ur attitude. people here all help eachother. no one is here to get "burned" man up bro. if u cant take someone opinion then get a life ok? first of all u have a lot of natural growing to do. second i did a dbol cycle? wow u did ur homework.. third. u come in here saying i got the answer i didnt want? then whyd u ask let us all lie. hey bro jump on the juice..itll make u huge u dont have t lift or anything. first of all gear is just a helper. u have to lift harder, train harder, and eat heavy. and just when u think ur doing all this u need to train even harder and eat even bigger. ok? and fourth change ur attidute..ur not starting a very productive way to make new friends imho

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
actualy i just am about to start lifting again, i took about 2 months off because of a slight injury to my right shoulder *all better now.. thank god* I was going to the gym for about 1 1/2 hours a night. Each night different muscle group. One night shoulders, one night back, one night chest, one night arms, one night legs. Nothing too exciting.

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
Thank you for your opinion testosperone... but then I think to myself... why pay to be a member when i will have people like you be a dick about stuff. I understand totally what you said, but dont you think you could have said it in a better fashion? Maybe its just me, and if no one likes me.. thats fine... I can leave your fourms.

bsu guy 892

New member
Nov 28, 2005
man, i sound like such a dick... im really not... trust me. Long day i guess, i was driving for 5 hours today, not fun.


bsu guy 892 said:
actualy i just am about to start lifting again, i took about 2 months off because of a slight injury to my right shoulder *all better now.. thank god* I was going to the gym for about 1 1/2 hours a night. Each night different muscle group. One night shoulders, one night back, one night chest, one night arms, one night legs. Nothing too exciting.

well this isnt how you train bro..... post EXACTLY how your routine looks

like this for example

Monday: Chest
flat bench 3 sets (8 reps)
flys 3 sets.....

Tuesday: Legs

and so on.......

w/o proper diet and training....steroids are useless