Planning First Cycle....


Registered User
Dec 4, 2012
Just a quick update on BP: it seems my old monitor was not accurate. I bought a highly-rated Omron and in the past couple days, I have been averaging 129/78 whereas I was averaging 145/85 with the old one. So I will keep an eye on things during my cycle - which I am planning to start in about a month.

(And sorry about the reply to the spam post (couldn't help it). Seeing that the original is now gone, I'd delete mine if I knew how.)


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Brother your new BP numbers are almost exactly where mine are normally. I've got you by 40lbs so when I'm on cycle I do check mine regularly only because I use to walk around at a pretty solid 245 and I had to be put on meds to control my BP. Since I lost a considerable amount of weight I've since been taken off the meds and whether I'm on cycle or off my numbers stay well within the safe range. The cycle you have planned, and I'm just using myself and a few clients as examples, I highly doubt you'll experience any significant spike. If you do however drop the d-bol and see your PCP and maybe he can work with you to control it. Good luck bro and don't worry so much about things. Your mind is probably gonna be your worst enemy....AR....


Registered User
Dec 4, 2012
Right on AR. Thanks. Do you guys tell your doctors that you are/have run cycles? I've never been clear on whether you go to them when on for bloods or if you get them yourself.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Its all about the relationship you have with your Doc bro. Some guys jump around until they find one that's willing to work with them and others its quite obvious they are using and usually if they have had that Doc for many years they will help out to a small degree but bloods are pretty common if the Doctor has your health as his main concern. I have several Doctors but for very different reasons however I'm always straight up with my PCP because he takes care of my physical health. I got lucky though. First one I had since I was young and he stuck with me until he retired. My new one was recommended by the first kind of and has been cool since day one. You have to be careful though and you have to feel comfortable that your Doctor is gonna keep your lifestyle on the down low to some degree. Obviously for his own safety he has to keep records of what your doing and how he advises against it, blah, blah, blah but he doesn't have to make every other Doc, insurance, etc, aware of your lifestyle but that's becoming increasing hard to do now that we are in the computer age where everything is on record. My advice would be to find an old school Doc who still uses hand written records and tell him this is your lifestyle and is he OK with keeping track of your bloods and overall health. Unless your just looking for test levels but I wouldnt advise that unless you think you have bunk shit....AR....


Registered User
Dec 4, 2012
Hmm...ok. Good advice. I am on the fence about informing my PCP. He oversees my TRT now (he took over from the endo) and generally goes along with things. He's a super mellow guy and I like him, but not sure I want to broach the subject of AAS with him right now. I'll get some bloods through him before I start and, if needed, I will get my own during. And if it looks like I will be running later cycle, look into getting a new/another doc.

Thanks again for the help.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Ya if he does your TRT that's gonna be a tough one. Lol. Just remember bro for the most part Doctors aren't stupid and if he's known you and the way you naturally look awhile it probably won't take him long once you start to bring up the question "Are you using Roids?" Try and space out your appointments accordingly so hopefully your just starting or are off when you see him....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Ya if he does your TRT that's gonna be a tough one. Lol. Just remember bro for the most part Doctors aren't stupid and if he's known you and the way you naturally look awhile it probably won't take him long once you start to bring up the question "Are you using Roids?" Try and space out your appointments accordingly so hopefully your just starting or are off when you see him....AR....


Keep in mind even a doctor that's cool with it has to protect his license.......my doc pretty much goes with what I want to do because I know more about trt meds than he does...when I came to him I was already on a lot more than any patient he has but when I go back this time he's a straight forward guy and he's gonna have a shit fit with the new muscle I have put on just since my last visit......there be no more suspecting what I'm doing......like ar said docs aren't stupid...at some point your going to be forced to come clean and hope for the best.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2012
Ya if he does your TRT that's gonna be a tough one. Lol. Just remember bro for the most part Doctors aren't stupid and if he's known you and the way you naturally look awhile it probably won't take him long once you start to bring up the question "Are you using Roids?" Try and space out your appointments accordingly so hopefully your just starting or are off when you see him....AR....

Good points. Thanks.

This seems like a good point to ask another question wrt to my cycle. Originally I was looking at T & NPP but several people suggested Dbol instead of NPP. Been trying to educate myself as much as possible and looking for thoughts on Tbol instead.

It looks like Tbol doesn't cause the bloat that Dbol does. So the gains are "drier" and it might be easier to keep what you gained once the cycle is over.

One of my concerns (which you touch on) is putting on 25 - 30 lbs in three months. (Perhaps that's laughable but it sounds like it's not wholly uncommon). I have been right about 170 lbs for nearly my entire adult life. If I pack on weight like that in a short period of time, just about everyone I know will be suspicious as hell.

Hopefully I'm not driving you guys crazy with these questions/changes; just trying to find the right balance here. Thanks again for all the help.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Few things brother. One everything everyone has told you are their opinions when it comes to what compounds to run. Its your cycle. If you stick with it, which you will, in ten years you will have tried so many different combos your head will spin. I would guess why most of us liked the test , dbol combo over NPP is because its a tried and true combo that just flat out works for pure muscle growth. Especially for a first timer. NPP maybe another time. But yea your gonna grow like a bad weed. Its the nature of the beast.
I'm gonna go out of my comfort zone for a second and say that Im a bit different than most here because I played a particular sport for many years before becoming a wanna be bber. Most guys here are real bbers or pwrlftrs as I'm sure you can tell. The reason I'm telling you this is because I totally understand your concern about blowing up too big but you gotta weigh your options here. First off this is your first cycle. Probably the best or one of the best you'll have. Make the best of it. Your gonna get the most out of the choices you proposed out of test and dbol IMO. Tbol is great too but your goal again imo should be to put as much muscle on as possible. Then cut some bf off. Yes your gonna put some weight on. 30 lbs? I don't know but a lot of the bloat and weight gain can be controlled by diet no matter what you use unless you start running Drol then you may as well just get use to chipmunk cheeks for a month or so. Spend more time at the gym. Buy some GNC junk weight gain crap and pretend to use it. Or switch to tbol its not a big deal but I can tell you this I personally know a young baseball player who took real t-bol last off season with sust to build some muscle for his bat and literally blew up like a balloon. It was his first time using. Lol I'm always getting accused of juicing brother. Even back in the day when I tried to hide it. In the end your gonna have to decide what you want and unless your LE fuck everybody else. Let them think what they want. Its just jealousy anyway. Tell them to get off their fat asses and learn whatbhard work can do for them too.

I wish I had those first cycles back where I didn't go 100% to hide gains. Fuck that using AAS isnt for the average Joe I've learned. Its to grow period. Don't leave anything on the table if you choose to take that leap.... AR....


Registered User
Dec 4, 2012
Ok, so my plan is the following.

Wks 1-8 Tbol 40mg/ED
Wks 1-12 T-Cyp 500mg/wk (probably Mon evening & Fri morning)
Wks 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg/ED

Unsure whether I will continue my HCG at 250mg 3x/week; I am leaning towards yes.

I also have a number of supps that I will be using for liver support, BP and general health (CoQ10, Hawthorne Berry, dandelion, milk thistle, fish oil, baby aspirin, curcumin, vit D, B & C).


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
I gotta admire your attention to detail bro. I'm not gonna chime in on what you got planned there cause its OK and I'm afraid that you might over think anymore info at this point. Not the way I would go exactly but this is YOUR cycle. You've got great info from a group of guys I've came to respect in a very short time. Based on your homework and their solid advice it sounds like your set withna plan your happy with. So get your stuff, get your diet right, and don't look back. I always up my vitamin intake, have some anti E's on hand, and have a good post cycle plan. Liver protection is crap IMO but that's just based on tests I've personally done and have seen. But I can't blame you for looking out for your health. Good luck T and when you start let us know how its going....AR....

BTW I saw my PCP today for a checkup since I'm mid cycle. 27lbs heavier than my last visit. Lol He just shook his head and said my boots must be really heavy. :)


Registered User
Dec 4, 2012
Thanks very much, once again, AR. I really appreciate it. Going to be placing my order here this week. I have caber and will order aromasin (already have anastrizole on hand). For PCT, since I am already on TRT I was just going to resume that at the end of 12 weeks.

And sounds like you've got a great PCP. lol

BTW, I am impressed with this group on here. When a newbie shows up, you don't encourage them to run a cycle right off the bat; you ask the pertinent questions about their situation first and then make appropriate recommendations.

At the same time, you don't berate someone who isn't 225 lbs for wanting to try AAS. I am only 170 lbs, but I've put a lot of time in the weight room and know my body well enough to know what I need to do to move to the next level. A lot of members on other boards will tell you to wait until you can squat 405 for reps before even considering a cycle (sorry, just not in my genetics).

Anyway, good group here and I appreciate the honest, respectful feedback. I'll keep you all posted.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Thanks very much, once again, AR. I really appreciate it. Going to be placing my order here this week. I have caber and will order aromasin (already have anastrizole on hand). For PCT, since I am already on TRT I was just going to resume that at the end of 12 weeks.

And sounds like you've got a great PCP. lol

BTW, I am impressed with this group on here. When a newbie shows up, you don't encourage them to run a cycle right off the bat; you ask the pertinent questions about their situation first and then make appropriate recommendations.

At the same time, you don't berate someone who isn't 225 lbs for wanting to try AAS. I am only 170 lbs, but I've put a lot of time in the weight room and know my body well enough to know what I need to do to move to the next level. A lot of members on other boards will tell you to wait until you can squat 405 for reps before even considering a cycle (sorry, just not in my genetics).

Anyway, good group here and I appreciate the honest, respectful feedback. I'll keep you all posted.

No one gets berated here unless they're not smart enough to follow the rules. You're right, this is probably the most mature, safety oriented board I've ever seen on the Internet. I don't even go to any other boards anymore.

I will offer a word of caution for you Tyler. We see you putting a lot of work into the drugs for your first cycle, but we haven't seen you posting in the Diet section of the forum yet. The drugs are only a part of the equation, and they're not even the most important part. If your diet isn't right, all the drugs in the worlds aren't going to give you the results you want.

You seem like a smart guy, and one of the few that actually listens. Use that you your advantage and make sure your diet is squared away before you even order the rest of your gear. The same help you've received about gear is waiting in the Diet area, I would suggest you use it.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2012
Thanks Sully. You're right....I will be sure to pop over there and lay out my plan. I have a spreadsheet detailing the macros/calories I've eaten going back eight years, so I am no stranger to logging, weighing, etc. (I know that doesn't tell you anything about what types of foods I eat or the quality.)

Right now, I have upped my calories and carbs after being on a low/lower-carb cut for 12 or so weeks (actually ended three weeks ago now). I am trying to keep my weight fairly steady until I am ready to begin the cycle. I intended to do what one usually would: bump cals about 500 and watch what happens.

In a nutshell, assuming my maintenance is roughly 2,700 cals/day, I was going to shoot for the following to start: 250g protein, 400g carbs & 70g fat. I actually don't have a clue if I should be doing something differently with my diet than "standard protocol", so thanks for bringing it up. I will post to that forum in the next couple weeks to lay out something more specific.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I can pick out one minor problem with your diet right away. Your fats are too low. 100 grams of fats a day minimum. Higher if you're trying to put on weight.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2012
I can pick out one minor problem with your diet right away. Your fats are too low. 100 grams of fats a day minimum. Higher if you're trying to put on weight.

Hell, that's no sweat. An extra quarter cup almond butter it is! :thumbsup:


Mar 27, 2014
Unless your getting ready for a show enjoy your food once in a while when on
Take a lot of pics for your self
It is a wild trip on great stuff - have fun with


Registered User
Dec 4, 2012
Unless your getting ready for a show enjoy your food once in a while when on
Take a lot of pics for your self
It is a wild trip on great stuff - have fun with

Thanks man. I will definitely do that. I will be sure to take all measurements prior in addition to pics.