NPP Prop log


Registered User
Sep 29, 2012
For me I go appendages for reps of 12-20 failing inbetween somewhere increasing weight until failing at 12. I aim to get 2-3 sets at failing between those reps.

For core body like shoulders chest back I like 6-8 heavy reps failing between there, I will also throw in heavy drop sets or supersets with those reps. I try not to count reps and stop at a number but rather use them to see how far I can get at a weight until failure.


May 31, 2013
Lifestyle: About 5 days out of the week I work at a famous California restaurant that requires you to never sit down and to never stop moving. So I usually work for 6 hours of constant movement and fast walking.
Lifting Routine: I take very little time in between each set so my muscles get fatigued very quickly. I try to keep the weight in a range that I can move the weight slowly and in control. These are all going to be examples of the reps and sets I might do. Of course I don’t have a set amount of reps or a set amount of sets, I kinda just go by feel.

Day One:


Seated dumbbell military press (I usually do as many sets as I can until I cant even lift a light weight)
Ex. 45lb 12 reps 55lbs 10 reps 65lbs 8-10reps 70lbs 5-8reps 70lbs 3-6reps 60lbs 5-6reps
50lbs 5reps 40lbs 5 reps

Barbell upright rows(I kinda wing it on how many sets I do as well, like until I feel like my muscles are pretty fatigued)
Ex. 70lbs 15reps 90lbs 10reps 110lbs 8reps 110lbs 8reps 90lbs 10 reps 90lbs 8 reps 80lbs 8reps
80lbs 5 reps 70lbs 6 reps

Seated lateral dumbbell raises & front raises & reverse incline flies(I make sure to feel the burn in my traps)
Once again I usually go until very fatigued, and I don’t take more than a minute or two before starting a new set.
Ex. 25lbs 4 sets of 6-12reps

Dumbell shrugs
Ex. 70-90lbs 8-15 reps until fatigue sets in hard, which is usually about 5 sets
I might then add in machine shoulder press, but the numbers and weights for this always depend on how fatigued I am

Day Two:


Bentover dumbbell rows
Ex. 60lbs 12 reps 70lbs 12 reps 80lbs 10 reps 80lbs 8-10 reps 80lbs 8 reps 70lbs 8 reps 70lbs 8 reps 60lbs 8 reps

Lat Pulldown
Ex. 90lbs 12 reps 110lbs 10 reps 120lbs 8 reps 120lbs 6-8reps 110lbs 8-10 reps 110lbs 8 reps 90lbs 10reps

Hammer strength machine ( I will add the weight I put on both sides [45lb plate on each side=90lb])
Ex. 90lbs 12 reps 140lbs 10 reps 150lbs 8-10 reps 150lbs 8 reps 140lbs 8 reps 140lbs 6-8 reps 90lbs 8 reps

Cable rows
Ex: 90lbs 12 reps 110lbs 8-10 reps 120lbs 8 reps 120lbs 6-8 reps 110lbs 8-10reps 90lbs 10 reps

Day Three:

I will either do barbell incline press, flat dumbbell press and flat bench flies +dips OR flat barbell press, incline dumbbell press and incline flies +dips

Incline Barbell Press ( less than a minute break in between each set)
Ex. 135lbs 12 reps 145lbs 10 reps 145lbs 8-10 reps 145lbs 8 reps 145lbs 6-8reps 135lbs 8 reps 135lbs 6-8 reps 135lbs 5-6 reps

Flat dumbbell press (less than a minute break in between each set)
Ex. 40lbs 12 reps 50lbs 10reps 60lbs 8 reps 60lbs 6-8 reps 50lbs 6-8reps 50lbs 6 reps 40lbs 6-8 reps

Flat dumbbell flies (less than minute break between sets)
40lbs 12 reps 45lbs 10reps 50lbs 8 reps 50lbs 6 reps 45lbs 6-8reps 40lbs 8 reps

6 sets of as many as I can do ( anywhere from 10-25)

Day Four:

Arms- I do cleans on this day because I don’t know another day to fit them in and they are extremely tiring.

Power Cleans (I know its prone to injury if you have bad form, but I have always prided myself on having great form especially with power cleans.)
135lbs 12 reps 135lbs 12 reps 155lbs 10 reps 155lbs 8-10 reps 165lbs 6-8 reps 165lbs 6reps 165lbs 5-6 reps

Bicep curls (I really make sure im pulling with my bicep and not my whole body)
35lbs 12 reps 40lbs 10 reps 45lbs 8-10 reps 45lbs 8 reps 40lbs 6-8reps 35lbs 8reps

Tricep pulldown
60lbs 12 reps 70lbs 10-12 reps 70lbs 10reps 80lbs 8 reps 80lbs 6-8 reps 70lbs 8 reps 70lbs 6-8 reps
I may add in barbell curls too after, I don’t do much arms because I feel like I get a good enough workout on triceps with chest, and my back workout works my biceps a lot too.

Day Five:

Legs and Abs ( I usually add abs after Arm Day and Back Day)

ABS (All exercises are supersetted)

Weighted Decline Sit Up (Russian Twist)
4 sets of 45lbs for 12 reps

Weighted oblique side bends (both sides)
4 sets of 45lbs for 15 reps

Side Planks (both sides)
60 seconds for 4 sets

Advanced planks (one hand and opposite foot off ground)
60 seconds for 4 sets.


135lb 12x 205lb 12x 225lb 8-10x 225lb 8-10x 225lb8x 205lb 10x 135lb 10x

Leg Extension ( hold at top for several seconds)
90lb 12x 120lb 12x 140lb 10x 140lb 8x 120lb 8x 90lb 10x

Leg Curl
140lb 12x 160lb 10x 180lb 8-10x 180lb 8x 160lb 8-10x 140lb 10x
Diet: Honestly all I do is count my calories, I have a great feel for how much protein and carbs im getting in my body, everytime I have a carb source I always have a protein sources with it, an example is ive made a ton of pasta and ground turkey meat that I mix together. I take protein shakes if I feel like my protein intake is a little low that day, my fat sources are generally from Natural Peanut Butter (no salt). Since I started my cycle ive been eating about 3500 calories, a couple days I have brought that to maybe 4000 calories, I was thinking I should have a consistent 4500 calories?
Also final thing, this workout plan is my premise, and around the general weights I use and how my reps and sets I would expect to do. Of course some things might be off slightly as I generally add extra reps and sets and weights to change it up.

19 year old
185lbs (have gone up 8lbs since start of cycle)
Bicep (no flex) 14 inches
Chest (no flex) 41 inches
Neck (no flex) 16 inches
Waist 31 inches
I will also log my next workout to show the exact numbers I use.

i think you`re training too much... you should train 3 times a week for optimal growth. even if you do one muscle at a time your nervous system still working... i would change it into a 3 days routine.. but if you wanna train like that it`s fine if you feel that is working for you, maybe just switch the leg day in the middle of the week so your upper body can have a rest


Registered User
Mar 8, 2013
Boston MA
Good idea, i have some tweaking to do.. Thanks mofo!

Yep you're over training too. I was gonnna let you try it for week and see what conclusion you drew. You should condensed back and shoulders as well as chest and arms. Then one day for legs. What are you working today.


Registered User
Mar 8, 2013
Boston MA
CMFt..you got some good pics goin and seems like (hitler)..
.aka populas is doing real well teaching how to do a log to keep people interested and it teaches others (ib) how to do a thorough log if his lazy ass would do one..
See here at Anasci its constructive criticism at its finest...nice work now more stats asap..ib.

IB I'm way bigger than hitler. I'm redoing myostatin HMP in the fall for a log. I also heard that follastatin might be back soon. If so I'll log that instead.


Oct 27, 2012
Today im just gonna start over with chest, should i condense chest and triceps and back and biceps? I like really focusing on just my shoulders on shoulder day?

Why not try something like Layne Norton's PHAT style routine:

Day 1: Upper Body Power
Day 2: Lower Body Power
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy
Day 5: Lower Body Hypertrophy
Day 6: Chest and Arms Hypertrophy
Day 7: Rest

This would give you a good base to grow off of going forward. At 19, you should have a great recovery ability and if you nutrition is solid, you can grow quite well with this.


Feb 7, 2013
Why not try something like Layne Norton's PHAT style routine:

Day 1: Upper Body Power
Day 2: Lower Body Power
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy
Day 5: Lower Body Hypertrophy
Day 6: Chest and Arms Hypertrophy
Day 7: Rest

This would give you a good base to grow off of going forward. At 19, you should have a great recovery ability and if you nutrition is solid, you can grow quite well with this.

Haha- good ol' Layne I remember when he was still a small 19 yr old kid on Mind and Muscle... Wow he has come a long way.


Oct 27, 2012
So two days of heavy lifting, and three days of more of faster lighter weight workout? Maybe i will try a variation on this

I never feel like tired or sore by the next day, i always feel fresh and its hard for me to take a day of rest even though i know i should

Yeah, it should look something like this:

Day 1: Upper Body Power Day

Pulling Power Movement: Bent over or Pendlay rows 3 sets of 3-5 reps

Assistance Pulling movement: Weighted Pull ups 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Auxiliary Pulling movement: Rack chins 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Pressing Power Movement: Flat dumbbell presses 3 sets of 3-5 reps

Assistance pressing movement: Weighted dips 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Assistance pressing movement: Seated dumbbell shoulder presses 3 sets of 6-10 reps

Auxiliary curling movement: Cambered bar curls 3 sets of 6-10 reps

Auxiliary extension movement: Skull crushers 3 sets of 6-10 reps

Day 2: Lower Body Power Day

Pressing Power Movement: Squats 3 sets of 3-5 reps

Assistance pressing movement: Hack Squats 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Assistance extension movement: Leg extensions 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Assistance pulling movement: Stiff legged deadlifts 3 sets of 5-8 reps

Assistance pulling/curling movement: Glute ham raises or lying leg curls 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Auxiliary calf movement: Standing calf raise 3 sets of 6-10 reps

Auxiliary calf movement: Seated calf raise 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy Day

Pulling Power Exercise speed work: Bent over or Pendlay rows 6 sets of 3 reps with 65-70% of normal 3-5 rep max

Hypertrophy pulling movement: Rack chins 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Hypertrophy pulling movement: Seated cable row 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Hypertrophy pulling movement: Dumbbell rows or shrugs bracing upper body against an incline bench 2 sets of 12-15 reps

Hypertrophy pulling movement: Close grip pulldowns 2 sets of 15-20 reps

Hypertrophy shoulder movement: Seated dumbbell presses 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Hypertrophy shoulder movement: Upright rows 2 sets of 12-15 reps

Hypertrophy shoulder movement: Side lateral raises with dumbbells or cables 3 sets of 12-20 reps

Day 5: Lower Body Hypertrophy Day

Lower Body Power Exercise speed work: Squats 6 sets of 3 reps with 65-70% of normal 3-5 rep max

Hypertrophy pressing movement: Hack squats 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Hypertrophy pressing movement: Leg presses 2 sets of 12-15 reps

Hypertrophy extension movement: Leg extensions 3 sets of 15-20 reps

Hypertrophy pulling movement: Romanian deadlifts 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Hypertrophy curling movement: Lying leg curls 2 sets of 12-15 reps

Hypertrophy curling movement: Seated leg curls 2 sets of 15-20 reps

Hypertrophy calf movement: Donkey calf raises 4 sets of 10-15 reps

Hypertrophy calf movement: Seated calf raises 3 sets of 15-20 reps

Day 6: Chest and Arms Hypertrophy Day

Pressing Power Exercise speed work: Flat dumbbell presses 6 sets of 3 reps with 65-70% of normal 3-5 rep max

Hypertrophy pressing movement: Incline dumbbell presses 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Hypertrophy pressing movement: Hammer strength chest press 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Hypertrophy fly movement: Incline cable flyes 2 sets of 15-20 reps

Hypertrophy curling exercise: Cambered bar preacher curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Hypertrophy curling exercise: Dumbbell concentration curls 2 sets of 12-15 reps

Hypertrophy curling exercise: Spider curls bracing upper body against an incline bench 2 sets of 15-20 reps

Hypertrophy extension exercise: Seated tricep extension with cambered bar 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Hypertrophy extension exercise: Cable pressdowns with rope attachment 2 sets of 12-15 reps

Hypertrophy extension exercise: Cable kickbacks 2 sets of 15-20 reps

Day 7: Rest

If you aren't getting sore, then chances are you are not going to absolute failure. I'm not knocking you by any means, but at 19, you likely don't have significant experience in the gym and the mental and physical capabilities to push to extreme limits, and this is reflected somewhat in the weights you are using and body measurements. We have to start somewhere, so do take that as anything personal, it is just the way it is...we've all been there, but with increased knowledge and experience, consistent progressive training and adherence to a solid nutritional protocol you will soon see the muscle getting packed on and will be able to apply innovative training techniques that you know work for you, which will get you from point A to point B faster.

You need to treat every single rep of every single set like it is your last. Consistently testing your physical and mental limits and either progressing in weight, reps, or volume will yield to consistent gains.

Haha- good ol' Layne I remember when he was still a small 19 yr old kid on Mind and Muscle... Wow he has come a long way.

I love this program and really like the idea of using different set and rep schemes and a variety of loads and angles to be able to train each muscle multiple times per week in a different way each time.


Oct 27, 2012
no offense taken, i will start on day 1 today, but those sets and reps dont seem like enough to get any of the muscle groups tired for me, i will try it out though

If you go until absolute failure they should... I am talking screaming for your last breath to get the final rep failure. Your skin should feel like it is splitting and muscles should feel like they are on fire. If you can't train with that kind of intensity then you shouldn't be on gear.

Focus on the negative and "feel" each rep.

If you aren't getting sore you aren't going heavy or hard enough.... For example, on the surface someone might see a DC layout and think, that is nothing, but if you train with the proper intensity you will be sore for DAYS after...and I did get sore for days and I have been training hard for 14 years. It is all in the execution....do it right and grow.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2012
I cant handle DC...3 weeks in and I was exhausted and beat...the intensity and energy for it is crazy.

I switched to more of a volume routine with failure and partial reps. Those double drop sets killed me haha.


Oct 27, 2012
Sounds good, great motivation, i will start it today and record my stats

Great. Looking forward to your progress. Make every single day better than the last. Set your goals and never let them leave your sights.

One thing that I wish was instilled in me when i was in my teens was to really think about and feel each movement and understand what works and what doesn't. Record your training and if you see one bodypart grows better with high volume, use that, if another works better with a HIT style program, use that. Your program needs to be tailored to you, which can only be found through experience...and TIME...lots and lots of time. Your training must also match your mental proclivities, basically what kind of attitude and mindset you bring to the gym. Some guys need a lot of variation and change things up in terms of exercises quite frequently (while maintaining the principles that work for them) and other like to grind away at one program and certain exercises until that plateau. Some people train with a psycho intensity, with intensifying techniques (rest-pause, drop sets, statics...etc) whereby minimal volume is needed per body part and multiple body parts are hit in one day while other are more methodological and can grind away at one body part, some blend a little of both, but do it in sch a way as to allow for enough recovery (read up on Mountain Dog training). So there really are many ways to skin a cat, you just have to find out which way works best to skin your own cat.

Damn, I am so fucking longwinded.... anyway, I'm glad you are hear and can learn things right...


Oct 27, 2012
I cant handle DC...3 weeks in and I was exhausted and beat...the intensity and energy for it is crazy.

I switched to more of a volume routine with failure and partial reps. Those double drop sets killed me haha.

Collin, you know me and DC... I love that shit. It will always have a special place in my heart.

What I have done is take some aspects of DC with some of MD training and some for Titan training make my custom plan. With DC, I learned how to push myself and what bodyparts work best with HIT. However, some bodyparts, like arms, tend to respond better to higher volume. Legs do well with a high frequency approach with different intensities. Personally, I think I am onto something.... I'm getting stronger and just hit sub 7% bodyfat. Not even dieting or doing cardio and still going out on the weekends and going out to eat and having a few drinks....


Oct 27, 2012
dont you guys think there are some many different weight lifting plans? my previous plan when i was heavier was...
5 sets incline dumbell
4 sets bench press
4 set incline flies
4 sets dips
4 sets barbell curls
4 sets preacher curls
i would get anywhere from 6-8 reps, and i only stop when i cant lift it anymore (i wouldnt sacrifice form by arching my back to finish the rep)
and i always gained a ton of strength with this workout, is this not a good way to gain mass? I mean i only recently started that endurance training, like in the past two weeks

CMFT, I think my longwinded post sheds light on this. To gain mass you need to train progressively. Adding weight, reps or volume with each subsequent session. The stronger you get, the more mass you will build.

You also have to make sure you have sufficient variety. Multiple angles, rep ranges, intensities, techniques..etc. will create different activation patterns and by changing the activation patterns you stimulate the muscle in new ways thus inducing new growth.