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Just keep an eye on it. You've got prami, that should keep anything from the NPP at bay. You have letro? It's a sledgehammer, but I've stopped gyno in its tracks with it and fast. You may not need it, but it's nice to have on hand if things go south fast on you.Day 6: I worked out shoulders today and im already stronger and have more endurance than day 1. Im looking more and more pumped everytime im at the gym, its a good feeling, kinda addicting. One thing that hasn't gone good is that my right nipple feels, idk how to explain it, kinda puffier than normal, no itching no pain.. As i stated earlier i think i have a slight form of gyno prior to cycle and my conclusion of this anomaly is that from bulking and my high caloric intake, i have developed some bloat that is acting upon my nipples as well as my whole body. Well that's what it's seems to me. Also i have no acne.
Yep! Don't get caught with your pants down brother. Good luck. Just get the letro, I'm sure you'll be fine though. Drink lots of water, keep an eye out and be on top of it.Okay thanks! Yeah i was planning on getting some letro for worst case scenario. I should have gotten it before hand..
Day 5 update: i ended up just a weighted ab workout today along with a leg workout. I feel like I've put on some water weight, just a slight amount because i dont look as dry as before i started.
Day 6: i pinned today in my right delt, it went smoothly. Im getting a little bit of acne on my face. All small but still there. Also slight acne on shoulders. I my balls are small hahaha, but as I've said before, my biceps are definately larger, I've never been huge on working out biceps but i didn't want to be disproportionate so i decided to treat them like any other muscle group over this cycle, and they have definatly grown. My work shirt even fits tighter all the way around. Oh, also when working out yesterday i noticed that i would remain sore/tired after a set for maybe like a second, then i would feel as if i haven't even done a set, if that makes sense. What im trying to say is that my recovery is going through the roof. Will update tonight on my shoulder workout.
Mofo, sorry for the confusion, i was somewhat exaggerating on the "one second of feeling sore", i was just trying to get the point across that my recovery time has improved exponentially. When i lift, I do as many reps as i can with the weight i pick, which is generally about 8 reps, maybe for my final sets 5 reps, I never set down the weight if i can continue to do more reps. Sometimes i have a spotter as well whom helps me push through that barrier and do a couple more reps.