Wellllllll, almost at the three week mark.
Have a dermatologist appointment today to see about getting this cystic acne cleared up on my back and shoulders. Shit is getting old. I've been getting it for the last three years or so no matter what I'm on. Multiple showers every day hasn't helped, dawn dish soap didn't work, sun didn't work. Diet changes, nope. I took a three month course of doxycyclin (spell check) and that helped but, it just came back after.
Hope it'll get figured out.
Happy with where I'm at so far. Haven't bounced back as quickly as I had hoped but, still decent progress made. Scale has leveled off a bit and I feel tighter and fuller but without pictures to compare I'm just guessing.
I've been VERY happy with my digestion this far. The increase in calories hasn't been nearly as bad on my gut as I had imagined so it seems the extended "detox" or whatever you wanna call it worked as intended. No constipation, gas or bloating to note. Also not sluggish after I do hit the big meals.
Haven't faltered on my nutrition willingly yet. The two meals I had to substitute have been the only slips there and I did miss my 5th meal one day this past week. Got stuck working and couldn't pull myself away to get it in.
Training has been good. No issues with the leg and I'm progressing strength wise very nicely. I'm still not going to increase volume since I'm just getting enough time to recover right now. I'm actually thinking about pulling back volume a tad for that reason.
I put an order in with one of our sponsors for some long ester test yesterday that had favorable bloods drawn recently so I'll keep everyone updated to how this goes.
All in all, just keeping in the groove.