It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today I have followed the diet plan I posted yesterday and feel good. I did add some collagen to my usual greens/eaa/glutamine shake. Everything else is the same and I don't plan to change any drugs until the end of this run. Today was legs and I had a great workout...

Calf Raises... 3 working sets.
Calf Presses... 1 working set.
Seated Leg Curls supersetted with DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 2 working sets.
Unilateral Seated Leg Curls... 1 working set (with 3 negative reps) with each side.
Leg Press... 1 working set.
Smith Split Squats... 1 working set for each side.
Hip Adductors... 1 working drop set.
Leg Extensions... 1 working set.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Everything was going so good and just like that the government have closed all gyms in my city. They announced it today and both of my gym's close at 10pm tomorrow. It's likely going to be at least 4 months as well which is very frustrating. Some independents are fighting the ruling so I will see what happens. Even if they were to remain open you are going to have everyone in the nearby area trying to train at those gyms and due to social distancing/capacity rules it will be extremely hard to sort out any regular training.

I won't go into things (could rant all day) but just a complete joke. As I moved country recently I have no gym equipment here so I have ordered some dumbbells. It's not the same though and a pair of 15kg db's doesn't cut it but at least I will have something. I will do home workouts and cardio up the steps in my apartment building. So it looks like tomorrow could be the last time I train in a gym for a very long time unless I manage to sort something out. I am going to get some pics done this week then just come off everything. Gonna stay on 150mg test per week and just maintain condition whilst eating a healthy but relaxed diet.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
That sucks bro

It's very annoying but many gyms in my city are fighting back. They have stayed open and it's been all over the news. It's looking good as well so hopefully they will reopen soon.

I won't go into too many details but it's ridiculous what has gone on. They have put the next region into the same level of lockdown but the gyms there are staying open. In some areas that are located between areas you literally have 1 rule for the left of your property and another for the right. So if you walk to the right you can go to the gym but on the left all the gyms are closed. That's just 1 example of many highlighting how stupid all of this has become. I understand localized lockdowns but in practice they won't work. It's all common sense what needs to be done but let's not go into covid talk.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
For my pics I decided to try some tan and it couldn't have gone any worse It was my fault and I put it on 20 mins before getting pics done and it was a complete mess. I had patches were the tan didn't stick all over my legs and back. I looked stupid but figured try and get some done as my front wasn't too bad and under some bright light I may still get a decent pic.

I didn't even pump up because I was annoyed but I had taken 5ml synthelator 1 hour before so I was pumped up just by applying the tan.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should be training next week in a new gym. It's small and far from ideal but it's looks ok and has a few machines so I will train there soon. I think/hope the gyms will reopen soon so I will just get a day pass and will go from there. Worst case scenario and they remain closed (and forcefully close the gyms that have stayed open) I have me and my new dumbbells so I can still train.

I have done next to nothing for the last few days and rested my body and no surprises my back has started hurting more so I will start stretching daily. They have also kept salons open so I can actually still book in for deep tissue massage so I may do that as my body definitely needs it. I am in a chilled mood and happy resting up even more before I push hard again. I state that but there is a high probability I end up training tomorrow :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I spent a few days just eating what I wanted and the flood gates were opened. I can't believe the amount of food I went through at times. Even on the 3rd day I was looking ok so my body just sucked it up. Although when I started with pizza, peanut butter, cheese and other high fat foods I knew it wouldn't be too long until I looked like a complete mess.

Now I am back on plan and just eating what I always do (meat, berries etc) but with more carbs in the form of rice and pasta. I mainly have beef and chicken for protein and for a couple of weeks went to mainly chicken but now the beef is back. I have bought some low fat steaks and also low fat (10%) meatballs. I oven baked the meatballs so the fat content is only about 20g per meal and that went with gluten free pasta for 1 meal and some jasmine rice for another. For breakfast I had some whole eggs with tea cakes and blueberries. Preworkout was oats, banana and whey protein (peanut butter and cereal milk flavour). My last meal of the day will be chicken breast with 1 avocado and maybe a few berries.

I haven't injected anything for nearly 1 week. My sex drive had dropped a little over the last few weeks (was up and down) but now it is sky high which is frustrating when you're single :eek::D I plan to start trt soon so will add in 150mg test e and see how I feel. I was planning to dose it higher this time as I usually do 75mg x 2 each week but I may go with 200mg (or even 250mg). I will go with 150mg for 4 weeks then move up to 200mg for another 4 weeks and go from there. Next year when I blast again I plan to keep orals out and just go with something basic. I usually dose fairly low these days but I will up things this blast so something like 1g test and 600mg of deca (I may even try eq instead). Like most of us I always get that big to get huge so let's get back to the original theme of this thread and I promise it will be good :)

It looks like the gyms may be reopening which is great. As I posted I decided to train today and booked the local gym. You have to book slots and only 3 people are allowed it at one time as it's a very small gym. Now if I could deadlift and squat etc the gym would be fine even long term but as I am more limited it's not ideal but for a temporary gym it's very good. They have 4 leg machines, 1 smith and 1 power rack and well most of the basics. It's more of a classes gym and they train outside on the concrete so I was pleasantly surprised. After looking around I realized it would be better to do upper and lower so I trained upper today and tomorrow I will train legs. I won't post all the details but my workout looked like...

Warm Up.

Incline Bench Rear Delt Flyes.

DB Lateral Raise.
Machine Shoulder Press.

Machine Fly.
Machine Chest Press.

Lat Pulldown.
Seated Unilateral Cable Row.

Overhead EZ Tri-cep Extensions.
EZ Bi-cep Curls
EZ Reverse Curls.

I supersetted a lot of movements for each bodypart (listed together). I also done 1 working set for most movements. My plan was to just get a good pump but with the loud music and using a preworkout for the 1st time in 1 week I ended up pushing the weight on most movements and it felt good. I hope everyone had a good weekend.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
As posted due to the limited equipment (and the fact I can't push squats and deadlifts etc) in my temporary gym I figured it is best training upper/lower. I will probably do that with 1 day off after legs so it will be 2 on 1 off with hitting everything twice every 6 days. I could change over and split my upper day into push/pull. The reason I didn't is the only back machines in the gym are a lat pulldown and rear delt flye machine. There is a cable station and some db's and of course barbells so 101 possible movements but I don't trust my back with anything heavy (barbell) and the db's only go to 35kg. I can already do the full weight rack with one arm rows so it's more a case of maintaining unless I start pushing big weight for barbell rows and deadlifts which I know I can't do (not worth the risk). My back is already tight just from doing some light weight barbell stiff leg deadlifts today. I may still change over but I don't mind doing upper/lower as a temporary split and I enjoyed training my entire upper body in one big day.

My mate wants to train every single day but I have told him to back off as this is more than enough because we are pushing every session hard. Today was leg day and whilst the equipment is limited and very old every piece felt great so I had an amazing workout. We had the gym to ourselves and with great music playing we had 1 hour to destroy ourselves.

Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses supersetted with Smith Calf Raises.
Seated Leg Curls supersetted with Stiff leg Deadlifts (db and barbell).
Horizontal Leg Press supersetted with Leg Extensions.
One Legged Smith Squats.

It pretty much went in the above order but we mixed things up a little. An example is for quads I done the 1st superset but later done a tri-set with the smith squats. Then for the final set I added one last set of smith calf raises at the end. On the final set I also took everything to complete failure with heavy weight so I would rest approximately 30 secs so it wasn't really a superset as I wanted to push each movement to the max. For the final smith squats I had closer to 2 mins rest beforehand so I could push that set to the max. For hams I used 3 different stiff leg deadlifts variations for 3 sets. One with both legs and db's, one with a barbell and the last with db's and unilateral reps and a 35kg db. That was very much in the moment as someone had left a barbell with 20kg per side so I just used that but the db variations were planned beforehand.

1 scoop of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar, 1 scoop of greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Chicken, peppers, basmati rice and blueberries.
Steak, Mediterranean vegetables and gluten free pasta.
INTRA... 1.5 scoops of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar and 10g glutamine.
Chicken, jasmine rice and raspberries.
Beef meatballs, spinach and gluten free pasta.
1 scoop of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar, 20g collagen powder, 1 scoop of greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, wild/wholegrain rice and 1 avocado.

I am going to dose 75mg test e before bed and carry that on every 3 days so it's 150mg every 6 days. They goal is to get fuller but stay in condition and not going to lie I was tempted to bang in about 400mg test per week so I can just grow/rebound hard but I am going to stay low for a bit and move up when I feel it's best. So the goal is growth I just have to be careful with calories/carbs for now and move up in all areas gradually. I probably should be having a little deload from training for a few weeks but fuck that and I will be pushing it hard. Although I did have about 6-7 days off the gym recently though. Now I am not an idiot and I see many people and they have injuries and they continue to lift silly weights and always make the problem worse. My body is fine and I am still careful and I am staying away from the problem movements so I should be gtg

I will just keep an eye on recovery during this cruise and when needed I will take a few days off at a time so I don't dig myself into the ground. Then before I blast again in the New Year I will have a week off over Christmas so I am fresh again. I have booked a deep tissue massage for 2moro and got a deal for 4 sessions for the price of 3 so will see him at least once per week to make sure I stay loose. It will just be trt and food for now but come the new year I will be doing some interesting protocols. More on that at a later date.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Now my gyms are back open I have just resumed my usual training split. Yesterday I trained chest, shoulders and bi-ceps and today it was back, tri-ceps and calves. The addition of calves is the only change. So it's those 2 days then legs and I will be adding in calves on an upper body day as I want to up the frequency for them. Everything is hit fairly frequently and obviously I hit my bi-ceps and tri-ceps directly and indirectly every upper body day. My nutrition and sleep are good so I don't see this being an issue on TRT but if recovery becomes compromised I will simply take more rest days.

I was like a man possessed today. My new preworkout hit me good and I got to the gym really focused and hit it as hard as possible. My chest/shoulders/bicep workout was done in my temporary gym that is very small/restricted but it has everything you need. My last 2 workouts consisted of...

Warm Up with DB's.
Incline Bench DB Flyes... 1 working set.
Machine Press... 2 working sets.
Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working sets.
Unilateral Cable Front Raises... 1 working set with each side.
Wide Grip Upright Row... 1 working set.
Shoulder Press... 1 working set.
DB Curls... 1 working set.
Barbell Curls supersetted with DB hammer Curls... 2 working sets.

The 2 working sets for machine press were done in a different way. I warmed up to 4pps (it feels heavy on this old machine) and done my 1 working set. Then I warmed up on pec deck and quickly moved up to the full weight rack. I then supersetted pec deck (full weight rack) with machine presses with a deload weight of 2.5pps.

Incline Bench Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB High Rows... 1 working set.
Lat Pulldown... 1 working set.
Machine Rows supersetted with Straight Arm Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Unilateral Cable Rows (pulling low and close)... 1 working set with each side.
Lower Back Extensions... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Close Grip Bench... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Dips... 1 working set.
Calf Presses... 10 mins of abuse.

My nutrition over the last 2 days has pretty much been the same (minor changes) and today it consisted of...

1 scoop of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar, 1 scoop of greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Steak, jasmine rice and blueberries.
Beef meatballs, peppers and gluten free pasta.
INTRA... 1.5 scoops of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, peppers and gluten free pasta.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and goji berries.
1 scoop of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar, 20g collagen powder, 1 scoop of greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, wild/wholegrain rice and 1 avocado.

Most meals consist of approx 100g carbs so about 500g for the day.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have just done my 2nd injection of 75mg test c. I just put 0.3ml in a slin pin and do it like that. So my dose is 75mg test every 3 days. I decided to add in some HGH as well. Only 2.5iu preworkout but let's see how long I can keep that up for :eek: My diet is the same as when I last posted and pretty much meat with rice/pasta through the day with some fruit and healthy fats added. Although I did have a cheat meal in the form of 2 chocolate cookie doughs with vanilla ice cream and 1 slice of daim cheesecake. The last 2 days I have trained legs then chest, shoulders and bi-ceps. My legs are looking good for me so just going to grow them as much as possible over the next 6 months. It's an uphill battle when you are 6ft 2 but I am in proportion so it's better than nothing.

Today I really pushed the volume. Too much in many ways but we had fun and pushed it to the max like we always do. Lot's of different movements but a planned out approach. Some highlights included 40kg db flyes, 4pps chest press, full weight rack chest fly superset with full weight rack press, 20kg per side standing barbell shoulder press (behind the neck and front) for higher reps, 25kg per side EZ bar seated curls and a lot of forearm work. The plan is to destroy legs tomorrow then have a day off and I have deep tissue massage booked in on my day off as well.

Thinking ahead for when I blast again as I know people like to hear about drugs and I am going to run things higher than usual. I figured why not but I will gradually build up to these doses over the first half of the blast. Nothing crazy but I am thinking 1g test c, 600mg eq and 400mg deca. I plan to leave orals out and will just play about with slin and hgh at lower doses. I just have to see how I am with eq but now I am using an SSRI I hope I am fine but will start with slin pinning small amounts to see how I get on. If it's a no good I will probably just up the deca to 750mg.

With all the SEO talk recently I also plan to hit syntherol again. This time pretty much as much I am willing to do every 3 days. I will load up many small pins and hit different muscles and post exactly what they are at the time.

I will post some updated pics soon as I am much fuller and still very dry. I am not sure how long this look will hold though on approx 150mg test weekly and 500g and rising carbs everyday :eek::D


Registered User
Oct 1, 2020
I think you look huge now that I know your 6'2 and I added that to my perspective.
I'm glad your gym opened back up.
After the intense lifting you did this week that ice cream should help you grow even bigger imo.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I think you look huge now that I know your 6'2 and I added that to my perspective.
I'm glad your gym opened back up.
After the intense lifting you did this week that ice cream should help you grow even bigger imo.

Thank you. I think because I had downsized a little and was somewhat depleted even though I had loads of bad food for a few days it just went to all the right places in a sense. I filled out very well and I didn't get too bloated which for me is always a bonus. I remember eating an 18 piece fried chicken feast and was ok. Then I had 1 bowl of oats with dairy milk and within 30 mins my stomach has expanded about 3 inches :eek::D

I knew I couldn't carry on eating that way as soon I would just get fat. But sure when lean and training hard you can get away with some junk from time to time. I am definitely back on track now and not really having any cravings now.

Yes I think people would be surprised if they stood next to me. Bodybuilding is very much an illusion and many of the best guys look incredible but they aren't what I would call huge people. I think most tall (and wide) people never look as good or big alone as when they are stood next to someone else. I am nothing special (far from it) but I do have a big frame.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I ended up having a day off yesterday because my body needed it. Today I trained back and tri-ceps and it felt good. When I was walking Flex postworkout I thought about the next few months and drew up a rough plan in my head. I want to keep moving forward but I also value my health so I will stick to my 150mg test but figured I would add some non hormonal aids to help me progress whilst I am on TRT. That way I can more than just maintain in certain areas and when I start blasting again I will be sensitive to aas and can really move ahead.

So I will be starting a syntherol cycle very soon using the plan I posted about the other day. I will also order some insulin and will add that in around training. I am currently taking 2.5iu hgh preworkout and that will just stay the same. As my carbs are approx 100g post workout I will start by adding 8iu insulin post workout. I was planning to add in some intra carbs anyway so after a few weeks when I increase calories I will add 60g HBCD's intra workout and with that 4-6iu insulin preworkout.

I had deep tissue massage done mainly on my back, glutes and hams today and it felt great. I will just carry on with what I have been doing and be careful with stiff leg deadlifts when training legs. I am 6ft 2 with long legs and not good genetics so they will never look fantastic but I have really improved them (albeit very slowly) over the years. I am in a good routine now so I just plan to progressively get stronger for certain movements and carry on with all the little tweaks I do in regards to execution in those movements. I finally have a good hack squat now and my back is safe so I can really use that to help grow over the future months. I actually took some pics of my legs the other day. I need to get a girl or mate to take some proper ones and I will. I woke up and they looked quite dry (have done for weeks now) so I took some unpumped pics. Whilst it's far from ideal taking them yourself I think they show some of the improvements I have made.

I go food shopping pretty much daily and to give an idea of what I am eating here is everything I bought...

Low fat beef meatballs (4 packs), thin cut lean beef steaks (2 packs), chargrilled chicken breast (2 packs), 6 eggs, gluten free pasta (2 packs), jasmine rice (6 packs), black grapes, red grapes, blueberries, raspberries, watermelon, goji berries, 3 bananas, 2 avocados, smoked houmous, tomatoe ketchup and 2 cold coffees.

1 scoop of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar, 1 scoop of greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Steak, jasmine rice and goji berries.
Steak, jasmine rice and blueberries.

INTRA- 1.5 scoops of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast and gluten free pasta drizzled in honey.
Beef meatballs, gluten free pasta and raspberries.

1 scoop of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar, 20g collagen powder, 1 scoop of greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, wild/wholegrain rice and 1 avocado.

Most meals are approx 50g protein and 100g carbs (80-120g). It may look like very low fat but those steaks and meatballs are about 12g fat each so that's 48g. I also add extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil or coconut oil to certain meals which is another 50g (approx) so that makes 100g. The avocado is about 15g so we are talking 115g for the day so fat's are not low but I am purposely controlling them at this present time. Well call it about 120g as I also take fish and cod liver oil everyday as well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
As some of you know they put my city into a localized lockdown. Many independent gyms fought and stayed open receiving fines from the police etc. They started a petition and it was successfully raised in parliament and after on the decision was actually overturned and the gyms reopened. Then not long after a complete national lockdown was issued so all the gyms basically close tomorrow. The one gym near to me that remained open last time I was disappointed to find out this time it will be closing. So I won't be able to train properly for a long time. They state the 2nd December but there is no chance that will be the real date.

Besides the above everything has been good and I have been eating on plan and training hard. As I knew the gyms would close I have trained more than I should have but I will have a break after tomorrow. I have just been having fun in the gym as well. I am on 150mg test and that is still building up so recovery isn't optimal but take today for example we abused chest, shoulders and bi-ceps for 2 hours. When I am actually trying to grow workouts will always be shorter but I have just been having fun with it recently and I love training. It is frustrating but I have a 30kg db/barbell set so I can do some basic training at home. I don't have an exercise bike now so will just run up and down the stairs in my apartment block for some hard cardio. I obviously take my dog Flex on many walks as well. I actually got back from the gym tonight and had 2 chicken, rice and berry (goji and blueberry) meals then took Flex out for 1 hour walking at a decent pace most of the time.

I was thinking about the things I can do to stay productive and in condition and basically prime my body for when I can hit the heavy weight again. After the weight and diet thoughts I realized this would be a perfect time to just concentrate on my planned syntherol cycle. So I will start my arm cycle in a few days and I have weights at home so I can train arms daily and really concentrate on them. So by the time I start blasting again I will hopefully have giant arms :D

I will post all details of my cycle in here. I already know it will simply start of at 0.5ml in each bi-cep head and 2 tri-cep heads daily for 2 days. Then I will move up to 1ml per muscle head and as I move up to higher volume the injs will be changed to eod. I will go on feel but I prefer EOD (recovery etc). As a result the volume per muscle head will be increased from 1ml, 1.5ml and 2ml and I will see how at that time and make changes if needed. When I hit my max dose it I will carry on with EOD injections and building size gradually. Then next year I will AAS to the mix next year and the gains should carry on coming and the final result should be very impressive.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Last day in the gym and it was back and tri-ceps...

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB High Rows... 1 working set.
Smith Rows... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Lat Pulldown... 1 working set.
Cable Pulldowns... 1 working drop set.
Unilateral Cable Rows... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off) per side.
EZ Bar Skull Crushers... 1 working set with 30kg per side.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working drop set with full weight rack, then approx 80%, 60% and 40%.
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set.

1 scoop of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and goji berries.
Beef meatballs, gluten free pasta and blueberries.

INTRA- 2.5 scoops of Ghost EAA's and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, gluten free pasta and honey.
Chicken breast, basmati rice and goji berries.

1 scoop of Dragon Pharma Dr Feaar, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, wild/wholegrain rice and 1 avocado.

I have snacked on some black grapes and walnuts today as well. I am going to take Flex on a 1 hour walk now.

The plan is a few days off then I will start my syntherol cycle on Monday and will post all the details.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a short break to allow my body to heal. I had a few very minor issues in my upper body from basically just pushing things so much recently so the break pretty much sorted all of those out. I stayed in my parents for a few days so relaxed my diet (a lot) but I am back in routine now. Now my lower back whenever I stop training always goes worse. I have to keep it active and moving around and stretching it otherwise it just tightens up on me.

I done my first home workout on Monday and it felt great. It felt like I hadn't trained in weeks but it had only been about 5 days :eek::D I had purposely "overtrained" before the lockdown so was happy to have a break. I was thinking have over 1 week off but I recall laying in my bed on the weekend and the thought of how much I wanted to train ran***ly popped into my head. I don't recall ever having an extended time out of the gym in 2 decades so my mind and body just loves the gym. Anyway me and my mate trained in mine on Monday night. Not ideal with some light db's (10kg) and a light barbell (20kg) in my kitchen but it felt great. Mainly just pumping every muscle and using slow and high reps.

Me and my mate just rotated the barbell and db's. Supersetting various combinations of shoulder presses, front raises, lateral raises, push ups, back rows, rear delt flyes, shrugs, bicep curls and overhead tri-cep extensions. Then for legs more of the same but with squats, stiff leg deadlifts, lunges, split squats, calf raises etc. I will be training everything but my main focus (what I will train more frequently) are going to be my arms and calves during the next few weeks in lockdown.

I have 4 bottles of syntherol and I am starting later today. I always recommend starting at 0.5ml per muscle head if new to injecting them. I haven't injected my arms for a very long time but I know it's painless and 1ml is not much so I am going to just start with 1ml per muscle head from day 1. I will slowly work up to 1.5ml per muscle head and go from there. I will do both bi-cep heads and 2 tri-cep heads eod and some light weights after each set of injections.

My diet is the same as usual and mainly chicken, beef, rice, pasta and fruit. I am running 150mg test c per week. I have also been doing 2.5iu hgh preworkout and will carry that on. I am probably going to train at home frequently so 5 days per week. My next workout will be more of the same and later on today. My goal is just to maintain and stay healthy (mind and body) and get my body primed for pushing some big weights over the winter. Having an extra 2 inches on my arms for when I start blasting again will only be a bonus :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Another training day in my kitchen and more of the same. I hit everything and the workout lasted about 50 mins. My meals are pretty much the same daily now. I always do 2 beef and pasta meals. I always do 2 chicken and rice meals. Each one contains approx 100g carbs. I usually add some fruit on top of that (blueberries, goji berries, raspberries or red/black grapes) as well. My final meal is usually meat with wholegrain/wild rice, 1 avocado and some berries. Sometimes I will replace a meal with something like high protein yoghurt with berries and mixed nuts but it's pretty much been those 5 meals most days. I am having a few amino shakes daily as well. The first and last contain greens powder and all of them also contain 10g glutamine. When I am able to train in a gym again and I up calories one of the first things I will do is add in some intra carbs into my now EAA and glutamine shake. When I up to 6 meals I will probably do an egg meal first thing containing 5 whole eggs, some toast and fruit. I have enjoyed both my home workouts and I don't see that changing.

I took some calf pics recently and I have been meaning to post them. I have really improved my calves over the last year and I am trying to get them as freaky as possible. I have bad calf genetics but I am slowly getting there through sheer will :eek::D I haven't injected them for years so it's all from training. I have a lot of vascularity in my calves which I like but the pics don't really show that too well. I also got some quick pics tonight when I was training. Some upper body and some arms to show where they are at to begin my log. I am fairly pleased and as I posted yesterday my goal right now is just to maintain and get my body ready for my next blast (training and aas). The pics are on my phone which is charging up so I will just post them in a minute straight from my phone in a following post.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I didn't end up starting my syntherol log and have delayed it but will definitely start on Monday. Here is a video showing my arm before I start. I have never had issues with my arms but I want them to look freaky so let the fun begin :)


Ignore Flex barking :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been training eod at home and have had some great workouts. Just rotating light db's and my light barbell with my mate using high reps and minimal rest. Sometimes I will do giant sets for 5-10 mins with no rest incoporating various body parts. It's just a way to keep my body working and tight and maintain what muscle I have. Even with the effective training I feel I am not doing enough right now and do miss the gym a lot. I can't wait to start really pushing it again. Although I am still pushing it just in another way for now. I can also use this time to establish an effective stretching and mobility system and most importantly get me consistently doing it.

The one area I haven't trained much in lockdown is my chest so last workout I done multiple supersets of floor db presses, floot db hammer presses, floor db flyes, pushups and tri-cep extensions. Most sessions I do close to 500 calf raises and always hit them hard using various techniques. I am just going to carry this on and when the gyms open I will hit it hard. I came up with a new split when I am back in the gym and using syntherol in my arms. This split is temporary and geared towards my exact goals. The goals are frequent arm training, calf training and adding in much more cardio and stretching.

Calves, Biceps, Tri-ceps, Abs, Cardio and Stretching
Calves, Biceps, Tri-ceps, Abs, Cardio and Stretching
Calves, Biceps, Tri-ceps, Abs, Cardio and Stretching

Many will think overtraining but it's just for fun and a short period. I will do this split for approx 4 weeks and then I will go back to my normal/basic split which I will use for the rest of the year. So just a bit of fun and increased volume/frequency. The rest of the year will be basic lifts 4-5 days training per week. It will probably be split up into approx 15 mins for each bodypart and cardio so approx 90 mins per session on the calf and arm etc days.

My diet yesterday was...

1.5 scoops of EAA's, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, pasta and blueberries.
Beef meatballs, pasta and red grapes.

INTRA- 2 scoops of EAA's and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice, chopped dates and honey.
Steak, jasmine rice and goji berries.

1.5 scoops of EAA's, 1 scoop of Ghost greens powder and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, wild/wholegrain rice and 1 avocado.

I also snacked on some cashew butter and 85% dark chocolate in the day as well. Moving forward just more of the same with some extra effort into keeping loose and flexible. I am still on 150mg test per week and 2.5iu HGH preworkout. I can't use more hgh as I am already struggling with the fatigue at that dose but I will try to use that dose daily in the future.