How do people get ahead

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Mar 27, 2014
Hate to say - worked hard with My father and his father all my life - by my self and I have never worked harder just to stay a float- no extra ' s - I want to make a future for my children - I don't see it happening were I am. When it was good - it was good- but how can ya get ahead - my insurances went way up - water, taxes, heating, gas is out of control for no reason - sorry - speculation, how can we get ahead - stocks, what ones? We're do ya get the extra money for the stocks? I will make it but it is nuts


Jun 10, 2013
If you can pass a background check etc this is the company a new hire should try and get on at regardless of where you are living in Texas. I know people working down there in the Midland area driving trucks making damn good money for them. Worth a shot looking into them. Also just do a search for Permian basin jobs in Texas. Oilfield is the way to go



Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
Some of your points of view are similar to the small fat guy in the gym who sees someone in shape and says. "Yeah they just take steroids and have good genes"

Wanna know how to get ahead? Work your ass off! That's how. Saying that you have to be born into it, steal it or marry into it is a cop out.

Oh and also don't vote for socialists.

I think it's more like the in shape regular sized person who sees someone on steroids and can never get that big himself, no matter how hard he works...because the person on steroids is cheating... steroids were invented to cheat

like the bodybuilder selling n.o. explode as his secrete to getting huge...that is capitalism... someone in the know taking advantage of someone in the dark

but because most people can't do something actually meaningful like being a surgeon they have to take the boy wonder approach to feeling good about themselves, if they are smart enough to screw someone over they must be a genius and thus deserve to be rich

now if you want to lead a good honest life regular hard work will get you everything you need...but a dairy farmer or school teacher is never going to own a Ferrari
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Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
fun fact, the 4 Wal Mart heirs makes more money annually than the bottom 40% of Americans combined, which is great, they must be working REALLY hard

for each minimum wage employee they have we pay 1,200 in taxes for all the government assistance they require...and they have a lot of employees

what is wrong with this picture?


May 19, 2014
That there are people still working a minimum wage job trying to make I in life. Them jobs were not ment fir people to live off or raise a family.


Registered User
May 20, 2013
fun fact, the 4 Wal Mart heirs makes more money annually than the bottom 40% of Americans combined, which is great, they must be working REALLY hard

for each minimum wage employee they have we pay 1,200 in taxes for all the government assistance they require...and they have a lot of employees

what is wrong with this picture?

I can't even name all the things wrong with that picture..:sniper:


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
:lightbulb::mad:I have been reading this post for a couple of days, and money is tough and so is our sport. To make $ you really have to bust your butt and moving is expensive. Making cuts in the check book is the easiest way and putting money away every month for suppliments helps alot! Personally I make 6 digits a year, (I am not bragging or trying to be an ass) I live in one of the most taxed states in our union, have 3 kids and mama doesnt work. Money is tight, and I do overtime (lucky to have it). At the end of every month I am close to broke or broke(no lie). I stash cash for my "hobbie" and mama is ok with it, as long as we are finacially ok. hell milk here is 4.00$ a gallon! My point is friend, do that side work stash money, lose some sleep, so you can live the IRON PILE life style. Stay strong and focused! I just found out while im at work writing this (on OT) my son hit a grand slam in his baseball game, am I there right now to see it? NO!! I chose to make $. Now that SUCKS!! Choices and decisions we have to make to live the way we want. Much Love my friends.


May 7, 2013
Hate to say - worked hard with My father and his father all my life - by my self and I have never worked harder just to stay a float- no extra ' s - I want to make a future for my children - I don't see it happening were I am. When it was good - it was good- but how can ya get ahead - my insurances went way up - water, taxes, heating, gas is out of control for no reason - sorry - speculation, how can we get ahead - stocks, what ones? We're do ya get the extra money for the stocks? I will make it but it is nuts

What was your work?

I think it's more like the in shape regular sized person who sees someone on steroids and can never get that big himself, no matter how hard he works...because the person on steroids is cheating... steroids were invented to cheat

like the bodybuilder selling n.o. explode as his secrete to getting huge...that is capitalism... someone in the know taking advantage of someone in the dark

but because most people can't do something actually meaningful like being a surgeon they have to take the boy wonder approach to feeling good about themselves, if they are smart enough to screw someone over they must be a genius and thus deserve to be rich

now if you want to lead a good honest life regular hard work will get you everything you need...but a dairy farmer or school teacher is never going to own a Ferrari

A school teacher SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER be able to own a Ferrari because they are a public "tax paid" servant and chose that life. TOUGH deal with it!

A dairy farmer????……i know a dairy farmer who has 4,000 acres, tons and tons of cash, extremely rich and did it all on an 8th grade education.

fun fact, the 4 Wal Mart heirs makes more money annually than the bottom 40% of Americans combined, which is great, they must be working REALLY hard

for each minimum wage employee they have we pay 1,200 in taxes for all the government assistance they require...and they have a lot of employees

what is wrong with this picture?

They also pay a shit ton of the percentage of taxes. And make sure u thank them for the kick ass company they run bringing you extremely cheap and affordable goods as NEVER BEFORE SEEN IN THE HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE WORLD BUT YOU STILL ARENT SATISFIED WITH THAT BECAUSE OF ENVY OF RICH PEOPLE!!! Now thats a fun fact! The so called poor people in this country have microwaves, tons of clothes, tons of food, plasma TVs, a car or two and a roof over their heads. Show me another place in the world that treats the poor so well?

That there are people still working a minimum wage job trying to make I in life. Them jobs were not ment fir people to live off or raise a family.

EXACTLY! If youre dumb enough not to find a better job than minimum wage then i dont feel sorry for ya!

I can't even name all the things wrong with that picture..:sniper:



May 7, 2013
A close acquaintance of mine used to own 50% of this company.

Black Kow - The Mature Manure

He knew all the dairy farmers around area (including the one I mentioned above) and one day he had a bright idea. He came to them and told them he would haul off (FOR FREE) the cow shit that accumulated in the sheds where the cows get milked. You see the cows would shit a lot while being milked. So he dug out a huge hole at the end of the concrete pad and scraped all the shit into the hole and hauled it off. He then let it sit for a number of days then bagged it up and sold it as fertilizer and thats how the company was born. When he got older and sold out…..the buy out was around 10 million.

So dont tell me he stole, married into or cheated somebody into getting rich because he grew up poor. He sold bags of shit and people bought it AND IT WAS BENEFICIAL TO THEIR FARMS, GARDENS or whatever.

You act like people steal to get ahead…..if that was true then why would people give their money for things that dont work? Steve Jobs got rich from selling kick ass products not some piece of shit that doesnt work.

When i see comments like this I can only think that you must live in some horrid democrat/socialist/communist controlled area like Detroit or Chicago OR you are just simply dumb and a simpleton and the best you can do is go work for someone 9 to 5 and complain because you have no money.
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May 7, 2013
I think it's more like the in shape regular sized person who sees someone on steroids and can never get that big himself, no matter how hard he works...because the person on steroids is cheating... steroids were invented to cheat

like the bodybuilder selling n.o. explode as his secrete to getting huge...that is capitalism... someone in the know taking advantage of someone in the dark

but because most people can't do something actually meaningful like being a surgeon they have to take the boy wonder approach to feeling good about themselves, if they are smart enough to screw someone over they must be a genius and thus deserve to be rich

now if you want to lead a good honest life regular hard work will get you everything you need...but a dairy farmer or school teacher is never going to own a Ferrari

Thats called MARKETING! Man, are u educated or not? Who FORCED you to buy NOXplode or any other so called product that doesnt work? Maybe you are the guy who buys Budweiser beer because theres a lady with huge tits on the Budweiser poster and you think if you buy their beer that magically you will get that lady. When in fact you will get fat, drunk, smell bad and be repulsive to any lady of quality.


May 7, 2013
I thought the thread title asked how people "get head" . Oh well....

Lets get back to this topic…..the NUMBER 1 way people get rich in this country is through the ownership of Real Estate.

We can talk about this if you like but remember there is risk in real estate just like anything else.

If you want to be taken care of from the cradle to the grave then remember YOU WILL NEVER EVER BE RICH!


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
sounds like someone is a little defensive...it's all semantics man...to me it's still taking advantage of some people some how no matter how you want to try and justify it...every once in a while someone may get lucky and find a niche in the shit business but he probably hires illegals and pays them low low wages for picking it up

so what kind of honest hard work do you do amateur male? real estate? that's such a noble profession, thanks for your contribution to society

Walmart and Apple use slave labor for their awesome affordable products

Foxconn has nets around their building to keep people from jumping off and committing suicide...not to mention wars are fought over the precious metal in Africa....
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Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
Thats called MARKETING! Man, are u educated or not? Who FORCED you to buy NOXplode or any other so called product that doesnt work? Maybe you are the guy who buys Budweiser beer because theres a lady with huge tits on the Budweiser poster and you think if you buy their beer that magically you will get that lady. When in fact you will get fat, drunk, smell bad and be repulsive to any lady of quality.

so you agree with me? only dumb people buy into the smart persons marketing, awesome, thanks

stay calm, no need to try and insult me...it's just the internet, don't get your panties in a bunch because someone may have conflicting view points than your own
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May 7, 2013
Sorry man but you sound like a loser. If you want to get ahead then maybe first change the way you look at things.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
A close acquaintance of mine used to own 50% of this company.

Black Kow - The Mature Manure
When i see comments like this I can only think that you must live in some horrid democrat/socialist/communist controlled area like Detroit or Chicago OR you are just simply dumb and a simpleton and the best you can do is go work for someone 9 to 5 and complain because you have no money.

worse....I work in healthcare...taking care of the rich and the poor, neither of which know how their meat suit works and are effected the same way regardless of wealth...all the money in the world couldn't save Steve jobs' ass from a brain tumor


Dec 2, 2013
Lets get back to this topic…..the NUMBER 1 way people get rich in this country is through the ownership of Real Estate.

We can talk about this if you like but remember there is risk in real estate just like anything else.

If you want to be taken care of from the cradle to the grave then remember YOU WILL NEVER EVER BE RICH!
Dude, I just wanted to find an easy way to get some head. But it sounds like you wanna sell me something....:D
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