Fitraver’s Bulk Log (first time drol/dhb run)


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Weight sitting at 198.4 again. Today marks day 14 on the drol and I’m up about 6.2 lbs on average the last 2 weeks. Took a pin of 1.7cc of the dhb today since gotta pack in the pins so I don’t travel with it tomorrow.

Getting in my fasted 25 minutes of cardio then some oats with almond butter per usual for meal one. Work then arms later today (sure my forearm will love that [emoji31]).

Happy hump day!


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Blasted some arms. Now time to grub.

10/11 - Biceps/Triceps/Cardio (Bens Mass Gain Routine #1 - week #2)

*alternated bi/tri today*

Barbell Curls: warmups: 40x15, 50x15, 60x15 ... working sets: 80x12, 80x12 (going for 8 but no 85 so stuck with 80), 90x8, 90x8 (going for 6 but no 95 so stuck with 90) (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 3 more reps) (slow reps, control negative and squeeze at top for a pause)

Close Grip Bench Press (overlapping grip): 95x15, 115x15, ... working sets: 165x10, 175x8, 185x6, 185x6 (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 3 more reps) (5 second negative all the way down, squeeze out)

DB Preacher Curls: 20x15 ... working sets: 30x10, 35x8, 40x6, 40x6 (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 2 more reps) (really squeeze at the top and hold it for a few seconds, control negative down)

Dip Machine: 110x15 ... working sets: 205x10, 220x8, 235x5, 235x6 (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 3 more reps)

DB Curls: working sets: 30x15x4 (full solids reps, squeeze the piss outta contraction)

Tricep Pressdowns: working sets: 195x15x4 (heaviest it goes) (slow negative and squeeze fully out)

Single Arm Cable Curls: 35x15x2 (run rack on last set with drops to failure until no more weight, drop by 10 each time)

Single Arm Cable Kickbacks: 15x15x2

Fasted Uphill Walk: 25 minutes


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Morning everyone. 198.4 again. I’m on my way to the airport. Headed vack home for my grandmas funeral Saturday. Will be good to see some family. Hard being away during a time like this. Today is a full test day. Will get back after it tomorrow.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
Morning everyone. 198.4 again. I’m on my way to the airport. Headed vack home for my grandmas funeral Saturday. Will be good to see some family. Hard being away during a time like this. Today is a full test day. Will get back after it tomorrow.

Sorry to hear about your grandma. Life can be tough at times.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Morning gang. Slept in this morning. Things at home have been good. Just family time and hanging with my puppy. Weight today on this scale shows 194.6 and I’m REALLY hoping his scale is just off and I didn’t magically lose 4lbs over night lol.

Will just be a relaxing day and hitting the gym for back day later.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Back day grinded out. Able to increase weights a little more.

10/13 - Back/Traps/Cardio (Bens Mass Gain Routine #1 - week #3)

*Focus on solid form with good stretch and contraction, 2 minute rest between working sets*

Wide Grip Pulldowns: warmups: 90x15, 135x15, 165x10 ... working sets: 220x10, 240x8, 260x6, 260x6 (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 4 more reps) *back home gym*

Barbell Rows: warmups: 135x15, 185x10 ... working sets: 225x10, 235x8, 245x6, 245x6 (rest pause at end for 3 more reps)

Seated Rows: warmups: 135x15, 180x13 ... working sets: 220x10, 240x8, 260x6, 260x6 *back home gym*

Single Arm DB Rows: working sets: 95x10, 100x8, 110x6, 110x6

Chin Ups: bwxfailx2

Barbell Shrugs: warmups: 135x25, 185x15 ... working sets: 245x10, 265x8, 285x6, 285x6 (rest pause at end for 4 more reps)

Seated Shrug Machine: 90(each arm)x10x3 *No shrug machine back home so did DB 90x10x3*

Inman Shrugs: 45(each Arm)x10 (lean forward some, focus on pinching traps up and back, 5 second pause at top)

Uphill Walk: 25 minutes


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Morning bros. Weight says 196.4 but this scale must be off so we will see what Monday shows back home. Training will be had today for some legs later, but have my grandmas service followed by a family gathering. Not sure I’m really ready for this :( thank god for sunglasses.

Enjoy your weekend guys. Hug your loved ones and let them know how much they mean to you.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Good log Fitraver! Keep hammering that iron!

Thanks man. Glad to have you following.

I think I’m starting to feel this dhb. I’ve been running hot and my mom even asked why my face was red today. Sweating BULETS at the gym during lifts. Also has a very small Nose bleed today so getting my bp checked tomorrow drol must be getting to those bad sides. Gunna start the cialis again at 5mg ed.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Knocked out leg day. Time to go walk my pup.

10/14 - Legs (Hams)/Calves/Cardio (Bens Mass Gain Routine #1 - week #3)

Squats (wide): warmups: 135x15, 185x15, 225x15 ... working sets: 325x10, 335x8, 350x6, 350x6 (did drop set of 135x25 instead of rest pause because difficult lift to do this with no spot to help)

Leg Press (high/wide): warmups: 270x15, 450x15, ... working sets: 855x10, 925x8, 970x6, 1000x6 (coulda done a little more) (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 4 more reps) *did angled hack squat back (wide) home instead of leg Press cuz machine sucks warmup: 90x15, 180x15 .... working sets: 230x10, 250x8, 270x6, 270x6 rest pause for 3 more Reps)

Seated Leg Curls: warmups: 130x15 ... working sets: 220x10, 230x8, 240x6, 240x6

Lying Leg Curls: working sets: 175x10, 180x8, 185x6, 185x6 *back home gym 185x12x4*

Cable Stiff Legged Deads: 100x15-20x3

Seated Calf Raises: 90x15x4 (lower all the way down, explode up and old contraction for 3 seconds)

Smith Machine Calf Raises: 155x25x4 (lower all the way down, explode up and old contraction for 3 seconds)

Fasted Uphill Walk: 25 minutes


Feb 6, 2012
Great log so far. Just a suggestion but don't become too fixated with your weight. When you start checking weight daily it becomes an obsession and can even effect the quality of your progress. It's not like you have to weigh a certain amount for a competition and you have a time limit. Still weigh yourself but do it once weekly. You want to be putting weight on but you shouldn't judge your progress by numbers on a scale. It's easily done and in the past I would aim for a certain weight and try to get to it no matter what and that usually resulted in unnecessary fat gain and forcefeeding.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Great log so far. Just a suggestion but don't become too fixated with your weight. When you start checking weight daily it becomes an obsession and can even effect the quality of your progress. It's not like you have to weigh a certain amount for a competition and you have a time limit. Still weigh yourself but do it once weekly. You want to be putting weight on but you shouldn't judge your progress by numbers on a scale. It's easily done and in the past I would aim for a certain weight and try to get to it no matter what and that usually resulted in unnecessary fat gain and forcefeeding.

That’s a very goood point bro. I like to weigh myself each day and then each week I average those 7 weights and those are what I compare week to week. But as far as shooting for. A goal weight your orollly very right that could lead to feeling too much. I’ll try to not do that. Glad to have you following bro


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
So was 196.4 this am again and went and got my bp checked and it’s actually fine. Slightly elevated at 126/85 but that’s about where I normally am and for on drol not too bad. She wasn’t concerned. So glad I got that checked.

Time to eat some pancakes as my last meal at home with the fam! Shoulders later before flying back.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Shoulder work complete. Now to spend my last few hours with fam and pup.

10/15 - Shoulders/Forearms/Abs/Cardio (Bens Mass Gain Routine #1 - week #3)

DB Shoulder Press: warmups: 35x15, 45x15, ... working sets: 70x12 (going for 10), 75x9 (going for 8), 75x7 (going for 6), 75x6 (did a drop set of 45x15 instead of rest pause because difficult lift to do this with no spot to help)

Hammer Shoulder Press: warmups: 45x15, 70x10 ... working sets: 90(each arm)x10, 95x8, 100x7 (going for 6), 102.5x6 (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 1 more reps)

DB Side Raises: warmup: 30x15 ... working sets: 50x10, 55x8, 60x6, 60x6 (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 4 more reps)

Cable Front Raises: warmup: 7.5(each arm)x15 ... working sets: 17.5x10, 20.5x8, 22.5x6, 22.5x6 (cage rack - both arms at once - neutral grip and lean forward with arms starting behind the body ... hold pause at too for a second then slow negative)

Bent Over Rear Delt Flyes: warmup: 25x15 ... working sets: 45x10, 50x8, 55x6, 55x6 (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 5 more reps)

Cable Rear Delt Flyes: 17.5x15x3 (cage rack) *did single arm peck deck rear delt Flyes 100x15x3*

Seated DB Wrist Curls: 20x10x2

Seated DB Reverse Wrist Curls: 10x10x2

Leg Raises: bwx20x3 (straight legs)

Decline Crunches: bwx20x3

Cable Side Crunches: 70x15x3

Fasted Uphill Walk: 25 minutes


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Well back at my normal scale today and guess what... 200.6!! I’m here again! 3rd time in my life haha but this time the goal is to keep the numbers moving.

Hitting my 25 minutes fasted cardio now, then going to get my e2 checked again. Want to see where that’s at so if it’s high I can get it corrected and test again for my full panel bloods in 2 weeks.

Starting week 4 of the 500 test e and 510 dhb. Body is definitely starting to heat up. I think I am going to leave the anadrol right where it’s at at 50, was debating bumping to 75 for the last 10 since my bp was fine but gains seem to have been solid at 50 so may just leave it.

What do you guys think? Leave it?

Chest day gains coming later!


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Welllll maybe against my better judgement I upped my drol to 75mg lol. Went in and smashed chest and put up the 110s on DB Press. Not sure I’ve ever attempted those before.

10/16 - Chest/Cardio (Bens Mass Gain Routine #1 - week #3)

DB Bench Press: 40x15, 55x15, 75x15 ... working sets: 100x13 (going for 10), 105x8, 110x5 (going for 6), 110x5 (going for 6) (did a drop set of 65x15 instead of rest pause because difficult lift to do this with no spot to help)

Incline Bench Press: 95x15, 135x15 ... working sets: 195x10, 200x7 (going for 8), 200x6, 200x6 (did a drop set of 135x15 instead of rest pause because difficult lift to do this with no spot to help)

Decline Hammer Press: 45(each arm)x15, 70x15 ... working sets: 120(each arm)x10, 130x8, 140x6, 140x6

Peck Deck Flyes: 210x10, 220x8, 235x6, 235x6 (Seat all the way down, focus on upper pecks, slow negative and open palms at contraction hold it for a pause)

Pullovers: 45x15x2

Fasted Uphill Walk: 25 minutes


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Morning guys. 199.4 today. Got my morning oats in and headed to work. Yuck :( Back to reality. Should hopefully hear from coach at some point about my checkin yesterday. Should also hopefully get my e2 back.

Leg day later for some quad and calves action.

Happy Tuesday!


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Did a little compare shot of last time I hit 200 vs this time. Feel like I look slightly leaner, so hopefully that is a good thing (especially still wanting another 20 lbs lmao).