Damn good changes FR!! Keep pushing it hard!!!
Thanks bro. Glad to have you following. You ran drol or dhb?
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Damn good changes FR!! Keep pushing it hard!!!
Great read so far. How does the DHB make you feel? If you are having issues you might be better avoiding most leg exercises for a short period. You could just do high reps for arms as well for the next few weeks. Do you use seo or inject all your gear in your arms? Great bi-cep peak!
Morning guys! 196.2 this morning. Starting day nine of the anadrol. Up 2lbs so far, so not really feeling that crazy bloat people talk about as of yet. Hitting my fasted cardio then I believe it’s back day later.
What brand of drol are you using? It could be a nerve thing especially on drol. I am surprised you haven't put more weight on this week eating like you do. The bump in calories with the drol should add some pounds. The injects will be building up so more weight to come from them :headbang:
Good log. I find the less you do the more you will gain. You still need to train hard but no surprise you are gaining better after dropping some cardio. How many days are you training per week? The same can be said about drugs as well. What doses are you on? If I add tren I find it very hard to gain weight. Some test and deca and training m/w/f with enough cals and I gain much faster.