Glad to hear you like your new routine. Here are a Co please good reads on HIIT cardio. It's best done fasted or immediately after lifting. Also look into tabata training, I love it with a heavy bag. Your dummy would do just fine. It also works very well with a Bulgarian bag. You can either buy or make one with plenty of video ideas on YouTube plus you can do it at home. Tabata is only a 4 minute session so there is really no excuse not to do it in the morning or after lifting. Especially when you can do it right at home.
Fit with HIIT: Science Is Dropping The Hammer On Endless Bouts Of Steady-State Cardio. | folder/HIITvsCardio.html
Fit with HIIT: Science Is Dropping The Hammer On Endless Bouts Of Steady-State Cardio. | folder/HIITvsCardio.html