Beginners question on pros and con's of coming off steroids after almost three years?


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
So I started out on the 400 milligrams of testosterone cypionate per week about two and a half years ago approaching 3 years now, I used to fiddle between two and four hundred milligrams a week for my first year. I would always go to the gym at least 5 days a week and my workouts were spot on! I continued my excellent work ethic during the second year and up the dose to about 600 milligrams a week and also started using three to four hundred milligrams a week of deca. Again my workouts were spot on my protein intake was spot on in my nutrition was okay but not great. Now I'm back to running 400 milligrams a week and working out like a champ. I started off as a sloppy 260 pound man and now I am a beast of a powerlifting giant three hundred and forty pound man. I am thinking about going off steroids for a few months to try and balance my hormones but I will add that all of my blood work has come back good throughout these years. I have tested my blood levels every 3 months and my test levels were sitting right about 650 to 1300 depending on when my last shot was, but I'm guessing even with the steroid injections I'm sitting around 600- 800 on my total testosterone count... I'm wondering if it would be a great benefit to taking a break after all this time or just cruising on like a hundred milligrams a week for 3 or 4 months. I do not compete and I already have two children so I'm not too worried about the infertility thing but I'm thinking if I ever want to cut back down to a solid 260 I may have to come off the juice for a bit. I am just curious about the pros and cons of coming off steroids after this long of time. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.


May 7, 2013
So I started out on the 400 milligrams of testosterone cypionate per week about two and a half years ago approaching 3 years now, I used to fiddle between two and four hundred milligrams a week for my first year. I would always go to the gym at least 5 days a week and my workouts were spot on! I continued my excellent work ethic during the second year and up the dose to about 600 milligrams a week and also started using three to four hundred milligrams a week of deca. Again my workouts were spot on my protein intake was spot on in my nutrition was okay but not great. Now I'm back to running 400 milligrams a week and working out like a champ. I started off as a sloppy 260 pound man and now I am a beast of a powerlifting giant three hundred and forty pound man. I am thinking about going off steroids for a few months to try and balance my hormones but I will add that all of my blood work has come back good throughout these years. I have tes ted my blood levels every 3 months and my test levels were sitting right about 650 to 1300 depending on when my last shot was, but I'm guessing even with the steroid injections I'm sitting around 600- 800 on my total testosterone count... I'm wondering if it would be a great benefit to taking a break after all this time or just cruising on like a hundred milligrams a week for 3 or 4 months. I do not compete and I already have two children so I'm not too worried about the infertility thing but I'm thinking if I ever want to cut back down to a solid 260 I may have to come off the juice for a bit. I am just curious about the pros and cons of coming off steroids after this long of time. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

Your blood work was great ? What was your E2 at with no blockers ? What was your cholesterol like ? No way your rbc and hematocrit was ok after running deca. Post some numbers.


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
Everything I have read/learned is to come off for at least 30 days with proper PCT protocls with you, you might have to run PCT for a longer period of time. IF it was me, I would come off for 4-6 months and really give your body and receptors a good rest. Maintain a clean diet to stay lean. Then hit it for no more than 16 weeks, come off, PCT. Thats what I would do....


Jul 10, 2013
The pros are you give your body a chance to find homeostasis and for your natural hormone balance to return. This may take some time. PCT will help of course. Also consider HCG (kind of a given)

The cons are the roller coaster ride of hormones you will go through. Not easy.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Come off 2-3 months you will be glad you did. Stock up on hcg, clomid, OTC supplements and when you do come off dont sit like a lazy ass keep up the gym but poundages will lower . Your organs will appreciate that and I bet u will feel great.. just in time for summer reboot.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
How old are you? Your natty levels now are no where near 600-800 while on. I would be surprised, depending on your age, if you could ever get them there naturally again. Congrats on getting getting bloods, but they cannot show all the damage you are doing internally. Also, unless you are 8', you are clinically obese. We all want to be big, but damn son, 340. Why are you this size? Do you compete in powerlifting? Even so, loosing some weight by coming off would help your health tremendously. Diet down to even 260 and if you are the beast you say you are, you will look incredible and probably even bigger. Do your research on proper pct and consider hcg, serms, and triptorelin. Here is a good read on triptorelin. There is also other great studies on the above compounds on the site as well. I noticed you posted this on another forum. Be careful as you will always get a mixture of answers and will then use the one you want to hear. The great thing about Anasci, you get the cumulative advice of several seasoned vets, which I would take any day.
Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder’s hormones going again
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Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
Your blood work was great ? What was your E2 at with no blockers ? What was your cholesterol like ? No way your rbc and hematocrit was ok after running deca. Post some numbers.

I will get some numbers ran the next week... I usually just do total testosterone with cholestral and red blood cell count and estro. Is there a specific type of lab work I should request


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
How old are you? Your natty levels now are no where near 600-800 while on. I would be surprised, depending on your age, if you could ever get them there naturally again. Congrats on getting getting bloods, but they cannot show all the damage you are doing internally. Also, unless you are 8', you are clinically obese. We all want to be big, but damn son, 340. Why are you this size? Do you compete in powerlifting? Even so, loosing some weight by coming off would help your health tremendously. Diet down to even 260 and if you are the beast you say you are, you will look incredible and probably even bigger. Do your research on proper pct and consider hcg, serms, and triptorelin. Here is a good read on triptorelin. There is also other great studies on the above compounds on the site as well. I noticed you posted this on another forum. Be careful as you will always get a mixture of answers and will then use the one you want to hear. The great thing about Anasci, you get the cumulative advice of several seasoned vets, which I would take any day.
Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder’s hormones going again

Cholesterol is in normal ranges! Loluploadfromtaptalk1395079141334.jpg

Ditto Magnus, I'm betting cholesterol is real bad at that weight.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
How old are you? Your natty levels now are no where near 600-800 while on. I would be surprised, depending on your age, if you could ever get them there naturally again. Congrats on getting getting bloods, but they cannot show all the damage you are doing internally. Also, unless you are 8', you are clinically obese. We all want to be big, but damn son, 340. Why are you this size? Do you compete in powerlifting? Even so, loosing some weight by coming off would help your health tremendously. Diet down to even 260 and if you are the beast you say you are, you will look incredible and probably even bigger. Do your research on proper pct and consider hcg, serms, and triptorelin. Here is a good read on triptorelin. There is also other great studies on the above compounds on the site as well. I noticed you posted this on another forum. Be careful as you will always get a mixture of answers and will then use the one you want to hear. The great thing about Anasci, you get the cumulative advice of several seasoned vets, which I would take any day.
Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder’s hormones going again

That's a pic of me recently at 340. Lol


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
That's the frustrating part is it all my blood work is awesome that makes me want to stay on forever but I know I could benefit from a six month break probably for at least a three month break I'm just worried about getting limp dick and going through an emotional rollercoaster because I'm starting a new job soon and I need to be very focused unstable so maybe I should wait another 6 months before I try to come off???


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
how old are you? Your natty levels now are no where near 600-800 while on. I would be surprised, depending on your age, if you could ever get them there naturally again. Congrats on getting getting bloods, but they cannot show all the damage you are doing internally. Also, unless you are 8', you are clinically obese. We all want to be big, but damn son, 340. Why are you this size? Do you compete in powerlifting? Even so, loosing some weight by coming off would help your health tremendously. Diet down to even 260 and if you are the beast you say you are, you will look incredible and probably even bigger. Do your research on proper pct and consider hcg, serms, and triptorelin. Here is a good read on triptorelin. There is also other great studies on the above compounds on the site as well. I noticed you posted this on another forum. Be careful as you will always get a mixture of answers and will then use the one you want to hear. The great thing about anasci, you get the cumulative advice of several seasoned vets, which i would take any day.
single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder’s hormones going again