AON1's journey to 290


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
OK the title is a little miss leading, I've said from the very get go when I started down this path my end goal was the biggest,shreadedest, 245ish superhuman a dad could be but have come to realize that the path to get there for me will be close to 300 first.

This won't be easy but I have learned more on my current cycle than all others combined. My body is fighting 260 tooth and nail so I can only guess how bad it will fight almost 300.

My current cycle in some ways is a fail but in most ways will be a success. As for the fail I say that because I'm probably going to end up with a solid 20 some pound gain instead of 30. The reason for this is pretty simple I fucked up a few weeks of my training while out of town, I trained but not to my fullest, also I planned to run growth/slin/anadrol but work didn't turn around and I didn't feel it right by my family dropping another grand on the cycle.

So instead of hitting 270 this cycle and cruising then cutting I'm going to get everything out of this run I can ,I'm going to take a short break and cleanse ,kidneys,liver,intestines,basicly flush my entire system then at that point if bloods are solid I'm going for 290. Like said before this will be a challenge to say the least,counting my pre cycle gains this year it will put me gaining around 50lb for the year,but I will make my goal barring some unseen health issues,being superman does my boy no good if I'm dead.
Anyway at that point its cruise then if I've put enough mass on I'm going to cut till I reach my goal.

I'll post up current cycle ,gains , training, ect in the next few then I'll get to posting my adventure.


Feb 2, 2013
I'm in bro. I had similar goals at one time but, couldnt take the constant discomfort. I was just 283 and felt like a water balloon lol. I dropped the GH and came back down to 270 which is much more comfortable. Still the biggest I have been at this much muscle. Each time I go all out I lose a bit more motivation. I think because of two things..1.I'll never be the best at anything and 2. I am already pretty big and strong.

That being said, I know a smart average type guy can do it if he keeps his eye on the prize. You sound motivated bro so good luck!



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Thanks for the vote of confidence.... I'm cursed with that need to chase a prize .....I really don't even have to have a real reason at times so makes it a curse and a gift but once I get my sights on something it at that point becomes a mission.....I will do this.

Going to try and get my training up tonight....a little at a time and hopefully won't get burnt out on the log before I hit my goals.

On the weight I can only imagine the discomfort at 290, I already hate some of the lifts,poor mobility, now but I hope to tough it out because I think for my age ect it will be my quickest way to my final goals, and to be honest everybody that builds would like to say they hit 300 once.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
My training has turned into a 10 day rotation I'm going to keep it to one of the rotations below but really it changes around every 4 week so if day one is chest,shoulders,tris now then next switch it might be chest ,bis ,tris or chest shoulders ect just anything to change what gets worked together.

I'm running 1.25 hrs cardio daily , and a note hear before this run doing cardio was hit and miss weather I done it or not at best and it wasn't any where near as long of sessions but doing it this way it will be a permanent part of my training. If it wasnt for already being in the gym 3 plus hours a day I would up it again.

I found even forcing through it running high dose tren the amount of cardio done has a direct relation to mental and physical well being while on high doses. If I skip it I regret it.

Day 1: push
Day 2: pull , calves
Day 3: push
Day 4: legs and anything I feel didn't get enough days 1-3 or extra shit like forearms lifts I don't normally do
Day 5: rest ,maybe cardio
Day 6: pull
Day 7: push,calves
Day 8: pull
Day 9: legs, anything that needs hit again
Day 10 rest


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I won't back track the current cycle but currently still at 1050 tren and I actually dropped test down to 300 .
At one point in the run I was running tren 1050 npp 700 test 350 , I bring this up because it was the first time running npp and tren together and in the future I think my tren runs will be some mix of tren/npp, I think they go really well together.

Looking to my next bulk phase I'm considering doing something in don't like ,running high test with lower tren/npp , maybe starting at 700/350/350 then 1000 then if I can take the high test 1400. Then again I don't run high test so I may get going and not need to up it near that much.

Its just a thought at this point,opinions on it would be appreciated. Only hesitations I have with it is the high test, I just feel like shit on high test. I can run all the nandro you want but high test and high carbs for me is just friggn miserable.

Im thinking if i run enough ai,supps and other shit with it maybe I can lesson the sides. I guess worse case I can switch in middle of the run if need be.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
I'm one that has no problem running nandros. High long ester test makes me I'll as well. I've run 400mg test e, 1000mg npp, and 200mg tren e for a very nice lean bulk. I can also add 50mg TNE preworkout with no problems bringing the total test to 600mg/wk.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Legs day today

Cardio 1.25hr
Leg ext
Laying leg curls
Seated leg curls
Leg presses
Front squats
Seated calves
Calve presses
Hammer curls
Easy bar curls
Reverse grip easy bar curls
Over head ez bar tri presses
Reverse grip pull downs setted with push downs

Moderate high reps to fail and high sets for all

I did a little experimenting this week with my t4 so the workout was good but not overkill I usually do a few more lifts for legs. I really couldn't tell I was taking the t4 so I dropped it just to see and my last few workout had no drive even with caffeine ect. Started back on the t4 and the workout tonight wasn't full force but a dramatic difference from the last couple, so for me.the t4 or next go t3 is a tren neccesity,


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
No workout tonight so working on my cals . I've added 4 shakes today to restart gains if this doesn't work instead of more shakes I'm going to start setting the alarm for meals during the night.
This run I've played with the diet in a few ways with varied results. I didn't really focus on leaning out at all I'm only really concerned with gaining. I was watching a video with cutler talking about how slow carbs just didn't do it for him so I've threw in some juices , sugars,ect.

It seems this run my chest,shoulders,arms, legs all have gotten bigger and leaner but my midsection has stayed exactly the same no more or less fat no matter how I eat.I've fought gut bloat most of the run also no matter how I eat, eating carbs early helped some.

When back to cruise I'll probably run keto till next blast


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Havnt done a morning workout in awhile so thought I'd change up. Well that was just a brilliant fuckn idea...lol I forgot why I quit doing mornings, the gym fills up so fast you have to push through your workout in hyper mode. It did turn out a good work out for a short work out ,I went heavy and high paced to get it done and I'm pretty beat.

Just cardio,chest and shoulders but got it done.

Will hit back ,bis ,tris, and calves tonight .


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus

Wide lat pull downs
Easy bar under grip pull downs
Wide seated cable rows
Easy bar cable rows
Middle height cable pull across
High cable pull across
Reverse grip tri pull downs setted with rope push downs
Bar tri push downs setted with rope tri pull overseas
Hammer curls setted with easy bar curls thumbs up
Flat curls setted with easy bar preachers
Bent rows setted with upright rows
Machine back extensions

Was out of fuel by this point so didn't get calves or deads in but was a really good back day


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit chest and shoulders tonight, adding the shakes has got me growing again. I'm discovering the real issue with running high doses is eating enough to make use of all the gear .

Db flat presses
Db inclines
Db center chest inclines
Bar bell shrugs
Rear bar shrugs
Low cable trap pulls
Rear Delt cables
Machine flys
Db rear Delt
Db side lat
Machine side lat


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit legs tonight , was kind of a mixed workout . I had a good cardio session but think I over did it because the leg session was just kind of a push through.

Standing calve raises
Leg extensions
Leg curls
Seated calve raises


Feb 2, 2013
I won't back track the current cycle but currently still at 1050 tren and I actually dropped test down to 300 .
At one point in the run I was running tren 1050 npp 700 test 350 , I bring this up because it was the first time running npp and tren together and in the future I think my tren runs will be some mix of tren/npp, I think they go really well together.

Looking to my next bulk phase I'm considering doing something in don't like ,running high test with lower tren/npp , maybe starting at 700/350/350 then 1000 then if I can take the high test 1400. Then again I don't run high test so I may get going and not need to up it near that much.

Its just a thought at this point,opinions on it would be appreciated. Only hesitations I have with it is the high test, I just feel like shit on high test. I can run all the nandro you want but high test and high carbs for me is just friggn miserable.

Im thinking if i run enough ai,supps and other shit with it maybe I can lesson the sides. I guess worse case I can switch in middle of the run if need be.

Been following along and given your goal and your experience my advice is two fold. Take as much as you can safely handle because each additional pound will get harder.

Two, I have never seen a leanish 290 pound guy (6' or so) who didnt use a bunch of GH and slin. If you think of bbers of old before gh was synthesized 260to270 off season was big and most competed at 220 to 240. Now, I got a budy who has me by 50 lbs and at 320lbs he is a monster but his belly is as big as a barrel and its permanent. So he is huge, but not real lean. He never eats clean but eats everything in sight.

Just thinking out load bro,


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I worry about getting the gut like your buddy because I fight it even without the growth and slin. Even when I'm dieting for leaning out you will see my abs but the gut wants to push out if I'm not just after it constantly, so I'm going to have to really watch as the weight climbs.

I've been looking at a lot of other peoples off season bulks and there results trying to put the next phase of bulk on this run .


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Back bis tris tonight. Was feeling a little run down so took an extra day off, won't be doing that shit anymore. All it served to do was stiffen all my muscles and make for a rough workout.

Wide lat pull downs behind the head
Ez bar under hand lat pulls
Seated wide rows
Upright rows
Reverse grip bent bar rows
Db rows
Stiff leg reads
Tri machine push downs t grip setted with straight grip
Behind the head machine pull downs
Hammer curls
Ez bar curls overhand thumbs up
High pully pull across
Rope tri pull downs setted with bent bar push downs


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
chest shoulders calves tonight, changed it up with a little more machine work than usual

upper chest iso plate machine
db incline center chest
machine fly
machine chest press
machine shoulder press flat grip
machine shoulder press hammer grip
standing calve raises
bar shrugs front
bar shrugs rear
db rear delts
cable rear delts
db side lats
machine side lats


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
back bis tris

close grip low row
lat pulls
easy bar under grip lat pulls
hammer curls
easy bar preachers
cable curls
easy bar reverse tri pull downs setted with rope push downs
bent bar open hand push downs setted with over head rope extentions

was a good set today seems like it didnt take much to tear down the muscle today and get a good work in

my strength has leveled out weight is still climbing but slow, thinking of bumping to 1400 with the tren to finish out the run


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Well no work out tonight dumb bitches in the office at the gym seem to keep fucking up my key. Seems when i go out of town or theres a long weekend that the office is closed my key is fucked up and doesnt work. Im not sure if its the way they keep activating it in the system or what but i have there home number ,they abought got 1 am call, happens again and they will. How fucking hard is it to enter info on a gym computer, fucking idiots......tren rant over


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
well after a unwanted three day break hit chest, shoulders
didnt want the break but it may have been beneficial, jumped 3 pounds and felt alot solider on all my lifts.

db chest press
db incline chest press
db incline center chest
cable flys
machine flys
decline smith press
shoulder press
front bar shrugs
rear bar shrugs
ez bar front raise
db side raise
db rear delts