Okay guys, I finally worked out my DC split for this deal. I really tried to pick exercises I liked and had room to progress on. I also really went back and forth a lot on the widow makers. I was trying to only have one per day, but I ended up with one for almost every muscle... THIS IS NOT THE WAY IT WOULD USUALLY BE DONE. I feel like I can handle the extra amount of volume though, and I really want to hang with the big boys so I'm going to try and bring everything up.
So this goes 2 on 1 off 2 on weekend off.
Biceps/forearms/back width/back thickness
Day 1:
BB Drag Curls 15-25 RP
***BICEP WIDOW*** Hammer Strength Preacher Curl
One arm reverse cable curls 12-20 SS
Rack Chins 12-20 RP
***BACK WIDTH WIDOW MAKER*** Nautilus machine pulldowns
Yates rows 2 SS 7-9 reps and 10-13 reps
Rack Dead with a shrug and hold. Set of 8 with 3 second holds, 10 sec. last rep.
Day 2:
Incline Smith Press 12-20 RP
***CHEST WIDOW*** hammer Strength Wide Chest Press
Nautilus Machine Press
***DELT WIDOW*** Face Pulls
PJR Pullover 15-20 RP
PJR Pullovers.MP4 - YouTube
***TRICEP WIDOW*** Cybex Dip Machine
Day 3:
Standing Calf Machine 15-20 RP
Seated Leg Curl 15-24 RP
Adductor machine 15-30 RP
Hack Squats 2 SS 7-9 10-13
***LEG WIDOW*** Sled
Day 4:
Alternating DB Curl with false grip 15-25 RP
bicep widow
reverse grip drag curl 12-20 SS
Hammer Strength Pulldowns 12-20 RP
width widow
2 Hand DB rows 7-9 10-13
Rack Deads with shrug
Day 5:
Machine Incline Press 12-20 RP
chest widow
Smith Front Press 12-20 RP
delt widow
CGBP 15-20 RP
tricep widow
Day 6:
Seated Calves 15-20 RP
Lying Leg Curl 15-24 RP
Adductor machine 15-30 RP
Front Squats 2 SS 7-9 10-13
leg widow
Day 7:
Spider Curls 15-25 RP
bicep widow
Cross Body hammer curls 12-20 SS
Close Grip Pulldowns
width widow
Hammer strength Row 7-9 10-13
rack dead with shrug
Day 8:
Machine Incline Press 12-20 RP
chest widow
Scott Press 15-30 RP
Delt widow
Reverse grip bench 15-20 RP
tricep widow
Day 9:
Hack Squat toe raise 15-20 RP
lying leg curl 15-24 RP
Adductor Machine 15-30 RP
Back Squats 7-9 10-13
leg widow
You may have noticed the lack of a third hamstring exercise. I only have access to two types of leg curls, and I don't want to do SLDL with the rack deads being on back day every time. So I am alternating lying with seated leg curls.