Back at it
Bumping this log back up and getting it going again. Training has been going well last 4-6 weeks and has been pretty instinctual and I've been toying with some new things, and things I have not done in a while.
Toying with(I'm almost 100% at this point) of doing a BB show in mid April. So I'm pseudo dieting at the moment. Nothing too hard or serious, I'm not even counting calories, just keeping carbs low during the week and focusing on protein and fat. Cheating all weekend. Been losing a lb to 2lbs a week like this. I see myself being in the 220's come december. And then I may do something dumb before I start my prep but we will see what I look like come that time... But I'm thinking about running Farrahs insulin protocol, which is only 2 days a week but you pound slin and carbs those days. Need a GH sponsor to really make it work...
Came up with a new routine at least leading up to prep time. I may increase my training frequency come prep but probably not.
I'm going to train 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off. So something like Sun. Mon. off tue, Wed. Thur. off Fri. and Sat.
I want to focus on two things: bringing my legs back up, and my back so I'm training them twice a week. SO the 4 training day breakdown is something like this:
1) Chest and back width
2) Legs
3) Arms
4) Back thickness and legs.
I want to do some powerlifting next year also so I'll be doing some heavy bench and dead work early in the session and then some more BB style stuff to end it.
So chest day I'm going to work Flat bench and floor presses, then decline bench, incline flys, maybe some weighted dips
First leg day is going to be more volume than the second one. Going to hit up leg press, hack squats, lying and seated leg curl, SLDL, Calves.
Arms is going to be all supersets between bi's and tris:
Hammer Curl/rope pressdowns
Incline DB Curls/overhead tricep ext
Hammer strength preacher curls/dips
Back day is focused on deadlifting with some quads and hammies in afterward.
Deadlifts, speed deads, deficit deads and/or snatch grip deads.
DB rows, wide grip seated cable rows
hack squats or squat machine, lying leg curls.
I'll be doing quite a few bench sets and deadlift sets but low reps, working on speed and strength. All of the bodybuilding exercises will be 3 sets, starting heavy and working down in weight, all to failure.
I'm going to try and get at least a couple good vids per week and update with some progress pics too.