Search results

  1. AnaSCI

    DNP Mechanism of Action

    posted by: andrew.peplin Alright above is a picture of cell respiration, this is really just the overview to give you an idea of the entire process. I am going to explain DNP's mechanism of action at the cellular level and DNP inhibits the cells ability to fully complete cellular respiration...
  2. AnaSCI

    AnaSCI Motivation - Age of Champions

    AnaSCI's first motivational video is out courtesy of Fedor! If you have facebook or youtube pages please like and share so that it can get some exposure! Thanks:) AnaSCI Motivation - Age of Champions - YouTube
  3. AnaSCI

    AnaSCI Motivation - Age of Champions

    AnaSCI's first motivational video is out courtesy of Fedor! If you have facebook or youtube pages please like and share so that it can get some exposure! Thanks:) AnaSCI Motivation - Age of Champions - YouTube
  4. AnaSCI

    Dusty Hanshaw Describes His DC Training

    iForceTV - Dusty Hanshaw DC Training 2013 - YouTube
  5. AnaSCI

    Hardcore Bodybuilding Motivation - More You Do The More You Get

    Hardcore Bodybuilding Motivation - More You Do The More You Get - YouTube
  6. AnaSCI

    The Standard For Success: An Interview With Natural Bodybuilder Skip LaCour

    by Tom Venuto Skip Lacour has been a leader in natural bodybuilding for more than two decades. Now an entrepreneur and a much-sought after peak performance, leadership and success coach, Skip will always be remembered by we naturals as a legend in drug-free bodybuilding who not only drove...
  7. AnaSCI

    Major Sponsor: IsoVet

    Welcome Isovet to AnaSCI. Isovet has been around for a very long time and offers great products at great prices. Click on their banner to be directed to their email => [email protected] **MAKE SURE to add to the poll once you have used their services. Also post about your experience but...
  8. AnaSCI

    Growth Hormone administration results in an increase in lean body mass (LBM)?

    by datbtrue GH increases [resting energy expenditure ], lipolysis, and lipid oxidation, xxx, xxx. <- TEMP END RESTING ENERGY EXPENDITURE Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) in both GH deficient and healthy adults, has been found to be increased by acute growth hormone (GH) administration,1 2...
  9. AnaSCI

    February Contest

    February Contest is now open!! Please be sure to read and follow the rules of the contest!! http://www.anasci.org/vB/anasci-monthly-contests/30828-february-contest-red-diamond-pharma.html ALSO - Be sure to check out the latest AnaSCI Newsletter...
  10. AnaSCI

    February Contest - Red Diamond Pharma | HGHPower

    FEBRUARY CONTEST - SPONSORED BY: RED DIAMOND PHARMA | HGHPOWER CONTEST: A post # has been chosen - Whoever lands on that post # is the WINNER!! FEBRUARY CONTEST RULE(S) 1) You MUST have at least 25 QUALITY posts to be able to enter the contest. 2) You are only allowed to make 5 posts in the...
  11. AnaSCI

    AnaSCI Newsletter Issue #2

    AnaSCI Newsletter Issue #2
  12. AnaSCI

    A4M White Paper on HRT

  13. AnaSCI

    Controversies of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    The biggest controversy surrounding Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is the exactly the same as all Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Preventive-aging experts world-wide including Dr. Steve Zakany believe that hormones should be corrected to optimal levels for optimal functioning of the...
  14. AnaSCI

    TRT: Protocol for Injections

    by KSman TRT: Protocol for Injections * 100mg test cypionate or ethanate injected per week with two or more injections per week. * 250iu hCG SC EOD [every other day] * 1.0mg Arimidex/anastrozole per week in divided doses. Injecting testosterone once a week induces spikes in testosterone...
  15. AnaSCI

    Bloodwork: What to get tested for and when

    What to get tested ENDOCRINOLOGY Testosterone LIVER FUNCTION TESTS Albumin Globulin Total Protein Bilirubin Gamma GT Alkaline Phosphatase Aspartate Transferase (AST) Alanine Transferase (ALT) LIPID PROFILE Triglycerides Total Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol HDL/Cholesterol...
  16. AnaSCI

    Blood Work Reference Ranges

    By drgoodbody Well folks, I just got my bloodwork done and a battery of other tests and since I now have my results, I thought I’d post the reference ranges for all those people who wonder what “normal” is. I won’t bore you with my test results, I’m doing great. Now on with the Referance...
  17. AnaSCI

    Blood Test Results and How to Interpret Them a GUIDE

    Posted by: Massive G I see a lot of posts on blood results and what do they mean? Most don't know what most of the more specific tests are looking for or why the results may be off. These links below specify normal ranges in blood tests (remember there is some variance among the population)...
  18. AnaSCI

    Finding a TRT Doctor

    by: KSman The biggest problem for guys with hormone problems is finding a doctor who knows what he is doing. Most doctors are ignorant and unwilling and many who are willing are dangerous and stupid. Do not think that a specialist like an endocrinologist or a urologist is going to be able to...
  19. AnaSCI

    Estradiol: Why You Should Care

    by: happydog48 Since this is a subject that comes up time and time again, I decided to start this thread so we can easily refer people to this information. From the beginning... Estradiol is an estrogen. It is known on blood tests as E2. Many people (even doctors) simply call it estrogen...
  20. AnaSCI

    Thyroid Basics

    by: KSman You cannot live without thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones control metabolic rates and body temperature. The time frame for this is hours. You body temperature drops at night and warms up in the morning. As you will see later, thyroid problems can lead to lower body temperatures. We...