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  1. AnaSCI

    Motivation - Earn It

    BODYBUILDING - EARN IT by Zhasni - YouTube
  2. AnaSCI

    Can I Avoid Polycythemia while on TRT?

    By Michael Scally, M.D Q: Is there any way to avoid Polycythemia when doing TRT? I know that injections are more prone to causing this. I recently switched from shots and am currently doing 25mg T cream and 100iu HCG every day, but I am still getting elevated hematocrit and RBC. It looks like I...
  3. AnaSCI

    Planet Estrogen: Hormone Therapy, Training and Diet

    By Elzi Volk A common concern amongst many women is how their hormones affect their exercise training and diet. Women’s bodies are influenced by fluctuations in hormones not only throughout the normal monthly reproductive cycle, but also throughout their entire lives. Both men and women...
  4. AnaSCI

    Introduction to Hormone Replacement Therapy Part 1 – Hormone Balancing for Men

    By Karlis Ullis In this two part series, I will be giving an overview of my approach to hormone replacement therapy. I call my approach “hormone balancing”, which is based on the principles of keeping your sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone) at the same levels that they were...
  5. AnaSCI

    Introduction to Hormone Replacement Therapy Part 2 – Hormone Balancing for Women

    By Karlis Ullis Many post-menopausal women in the United States are on some sort of hormone replacement therapy program. However, I believe that hormone replacement therapy the way it is commonly done may cause more harm than good for many women. I prefer to use a personalized, case-by-case...
  6. AnaSCI

    AnaSCI Motivational Videos!!

    Be sure to check out our new AnaSCI motivational videos link in the navbar at the top of the board!! We will be uploading new videos all the time so be sure to check back often: View them Here ==> AnaSCI Motivational Videos If you have a facebook, youtube, twitter or google+ page please be...
  7. AnaSCI

    Transdermal Testosterone Profile

    Testosterone is a hormone produced predominantly in the testes of males. It is the hormone responsible in giving males their specific sexual traits. Transdermal testosterone mimics the body’s natural rhythmic release of testosterone through a time-release patch. Medically, this form of...
  8. AnaSCI

    AnaSCI Motivation - Sculptors of the Past

    Newest AnaSCI Motivational Video!! We had to make some quick changes to it as UMG decided to block it from youtube for no other reason other then their contract with youtube. AnaSCI Motivation - Sculptors of the Past - YouTube
  9. AnaSCI

    AnaSCI Motivation - Sculptors of the Past

    Newest AnaSCI Motivational Video!! We had to make some quick changes to it as UMG decided to block it from youtube for no other reason other then their contract with youtube. AnaSCI Motivation - Sculptors of the Past - YouTube
  10. AnaSCI

    The History of Nutrition in Bodybuilding

    by: Randy Roach The sport called bodybuilding demands the extreme in body presentation. No other athletic endeavor requires such high levels of regimentation for muscle development and body fat reduction. To outsiders, such efforts may appear vain and self-centered, even looming out there on...
  11. AnaSCI

    Synthetic T-3 & Clenbuterol Stacking – A Quick Weight Loss Solution

    by: Raver This is to be a far from scientific article, one based, rather, in practical experience in losing weight and helping others to lose weight. We are not, on the average, concerned with obese individuals, but those who have packed on an additional 12-25 pounds beyond what was expected in...
  12. AnaSCI


    posted by: weight77 While injecting test increases protein synthesis by roughly 50 times, depending on dose and time, most bodybuilders forget that it will reduce collagen synthesis by more than 50% — more like 80%, giving you the collagen synthesis rate of a senior citizen. Since collagen...
  13. AnaSCI

    Peaking For a Show and Drying Out

    by: Magnum Over the years I have seen too many guys screw up months of hard training in the last week more often than not and I am too the point that I want to scream everytime that I hear about someone who is going to carb load, sodium load, decarb, water load, water deplete, take x amounts of...
  14. AnaSCI

    What Really Causes Heart Disease

    by: Dr. Dwight Lundell Prevent Disease © n/aWe physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having...
  15. AnaSCI

    5 Steps to a Bigger Bench

    posted by: Wesley Inman Thought it was an interesting video. 5- Steps to a Stronger Bench Press- Wesley Inman Strongman - Prescription Nutrition - YouTube
  16. AnaSCI

    Administering a Successful TRT Protocol

    By: John Crisler We have already learned a practical bit about the various hormones that make up the metabolic “symphony” which comprises our hormonal milieu. We know where these hormones are produced, what modulates their production, and the target tissues of their various and varied actions...
  17. AnaSCI

    The Almost Pro Guide to Insulin use

    by: GK Disclaimer (warning): I have personally used insulin for over 8 years and can control it's effects for my personal level of development. I am not a medical doctor and therefore not fully qualified to recommend insulin use for people. What follows is my experience in 8 years of use and...
  18. AnaSCI

    The Almost Pro Guide to rHGH use

    by: GK Disclaimer (warning): This information is for entertainment value only. I am not a medical doctor , therefore, I am not qualified to offer any medical advice nor advise you on how to take any substances. What follow is my experience and knowledge of HGH. According to studies in the New...
  19. AnaSCI


    posted by: andrew.peplin Basic Overview: Just about every function of living depends on the function and use of proteins. The word "protein" is derived from the ancient Greek word proteios, meaning the "first" or "primary". Proteins are essential to everyday life and are used in a...
  20. AnaSCI

    Intracellular Receptors and Testosterone

    posted by: andrew.peplin Intracellular receptor proteins are found in the cytoplasm or nucleus of the target cells. In order to reach this receptor a chemical messenger must pass through the target cells plasma membrane and bind to the receptor protein, therefore activating it. A number of...