Search results

  1. aon1

    opinions on bloodwork

    I just ran bloods like I always do and need an opinion about what caused a spike in my alt ast numbers. I have ran the same stuff many times with no trouble but this go around everything was fine until I got a new batch of test 400 , I pinned 1/2 ml then 3 days latter again then went for blood...
  2. aon1

    needing some feed back

    I've been on a new run for a couple weeks with some changes I dont always see. I try to learn and improve from everything I do and was hoping to get some feed back on my assumptions to make sure I'm on the right track. When I made the decision to start lifting and dieting everything I read...
  3. aon1

    hey phoe

    your in box says its full and wont accept anything just a heads up
  4. aon1

    looking for coach

    Ok im to the point that this is what I am in life...lifting is the only thing that gives me peace....this is my purpose. ..having said that I need a trainer that can work with my fucked up schedule....my age....my very impatient aggressive attitude. ...my no limit personality ..ect..im not rich...
  5. aon1

    test c to e

    If a guy were running say test c at 210 every other day and switched over to test e eod is there going to be much dif I know the ester is close but alot of people claim less conversion so I thought it would maybe be better for upping to 200 per day .....any thoughts on it apreciated
  6. aon1

    cow juice knowledge

    Has anyone used the either/freezer method on rev 200 the lye method is a bit tricky and a pain in the ass at best was hoping someone had a better way
  7. aon1

    looking for a solid direction

    Ive kinda hit a wall and was hoping one of the vets that know there stuff would take the time to go over what ive done up to this point , were im wanting to go and give me some advice as to what im doing wrong because I have a pretty good handle on the diet , lifting and the drugs but im just...
  8. aon1


    Did I miss something were did venom go?
  9. aon1

    happy new year

    Title says it all may eveyone have a safe and happy new yeat
  10. aon1

    trt north dakota

    I've got an emergency, I called in to change my appointment for my six month visit back home today because I'm working in north Dakota and this nurse that didn't like it when I got put on trt ran her mouth to my doc so now since hes semiretired so he drops me and the clinic tells me I need to...
  11. aon1

    look over diet

    Ok so Im in a new state living out of my pickup till probably mid week the work I thought I would get hasnt happened yet but I have a couple offers that should pan out this week. Any way heres where this is going ive found a gym thats working out well , a little getting used to though. And heres...
  12. aon1


    Hi all I don't post much but do more reading trying to learn. I've been back to working out a little over a year , I've had some successes with it and some setbacks I've really tried to use the first year back as an experimental time to see what works best and it has worked well for that. I...
  13. aon1

    you guys probably seen this ,thought it was funny as sh*t

    The Wife Zone Chart!!! By Dana McLendon The Wife Zone Chart!!! By Dana McLendon - YouTube
  14. aon1

    component th

    what gives with component th being out of stock everywhere it was still in just a few weeks back. If anyone knows of anywhere its still available a pm would be appreciated.