Search results

  1. aon1

    Good video for beginners

    I like this guys vids....this would have helped me with nutrition alot when I started...It's all simple common sense approach but when your starting out , at least for me ,your over ran with info and simple is good https://youtu.be/aUu3xdxKBAU
  2. aon1

    Question on mobility exercises

    Got to noticing today that I can't use the shoulder press anymore my arms won't stretch into position to grab the handles the new gym also has a decent calve machine so havnt been doing calves on the smith lately well tried to do calve on the smith today and couldn't get under the bar with my...
  3. aon1

    anyone have experience using just primo for cruises

    Title covers it just curious others experience using moderate dose primo by itself for there cruises .....Ive decided to run a little higher dose cruises and thinking maybe primo with no test is a little easier on the body and gives it a break from test plus no ai needed so less...
  4. aon1

    sex drive question on gear

    Ok I know usually guys are asking how to fix shit like low libido, Ed ect because of the gear. Well like most things I'm the fuckn opposite I need to turn mine down. I have a fuckn high sex drive anyway but this latest stack is really shinning and fuckn Viagra ain't got shit on this. It's a...
  5. aon1

    fellow Metallica fans concert live today on Pandora

    Just a heads up Metallica is streaming there concert Minneapolis today on Pandora.....songs from new album I'm guessing......not sure on the time but I think around 9 central but I'd check if your wanting to catch it
  6. aon1

    work options

    I have no doubt this thread will go nowhere but worth a shot.....it kinda goes with Sully's thread but didn't want to high jack his....... What kind of work could a guy with skills and ability to learn about anything get into that would keep him and his family traveling all the time.....sorta...
  7. aon1

    Happy Independence Day

    Hope you and yours are having a happy 4th filled with plenty family,friends, good barbeque, and ice cold adult beverages .......
  8. aon1

    just don't understand it

    I guess this is more of a vent but I just don't get it . I've been screwed over,ripped off,held back,stabbed in the back,fucked over etc. most of my life and it just fuels my fire and pushes me to push back that much harder, whatever it takes. I just heard a kid I knew and watched grow up in...
  9. aon1

    question for the guys that compete or follow it

    A lot of the reason I went down this road was to set the standard for my kids and family. This has been very successful....my kids now gripe if they don't get to go to the gym....my wife goes regularly and is putting more effort and dialing the diet more everyday...I couldn't ask for better...
  10. aon1

    opinions on adding shakes( real food not powder)

    OK on my current run I have went back to basics for bulking , big breakfast then eating every two hours plus pre and post workout shakes. I've came to a stall in gains,I know its not gear I'm on more than I really need, my training is also the most dialed in to me its been, so it has to come...
  11. aon1

    AON1's journey to 290

    OK the title is a little miss leading, I've said from the very get go when I started down this path my end goal was the biggest,shreadedest, 245ish superhuman a dad could be but have come to realize that the path to get there for me will be close to 300 first. This won't be easy but I have...
  12. aon1


    I've done a search and my phone won't run the boards search right.....so here goes I stumbled upon a good bit of this from the pharmacy .....opinions/ facts on it I apologise for being lazy about it but I'm really busy this week.I'm considering dropping it in my cycle for fat burning.
  13. aon1

    more over thinking ....lol

    The input on my post about calves the other day got me thinking about my whole work out so here's where it went. I cant list exact workouts or style because i change it according to what im feeling every workout , heavy,light,medium,rep,set numbers ect. Whatever it takes to feel like i killed...
  14. aon1

    over training question

    Just looking for others opinions here. Everyone has good body parts ,I'm lucky enough to have good calves, I didn't even train them for a long time and they looked better than any other body part . So I decided to build on the positive and train the shit out of them. I've started hitting them...
  15. aon1

    wow .......just friggn wow

    I don't know what's in the f#$$n water now a days but tonight just beats all. I've been slow work wise for a few so I've been taking advantage of the time and hitting the gym middle of night while its empty and getting a good 2 to 3 hours in. Well tonight like usual by the time I finish cardio...
  16. aon1


    Just kinda curious of everyone's opinions on the 5% nutrition supplements. I'm not sure why but riches videos are one of those deals where your not sure why you keep watching them but you end up watching them none the less....lol
  17. aon1

    aromason questions

    Got into my doc over vacation and had him switch me over to aromason from my adex. I did this for a couple reasons 1 I think its good to not over do 1 medication, I've taken adex for a few years so time to change, the adex also doesn't help lipids. My question is for you guys that run aromason...
  18. aon1

    figured i would ask this in its own thread

    I've read up on the dosing , what to run with it ect. but wanted real world first hand experience on the dosing /effectiveness/ results of HGH for anti ageing / lowering body fat. How much difference you find in underground and pharm. How long it took to really feel and see the difference. Any...
  19. aon1

    var doses

    My wife wanted me to ask how high of a var dose most can go without running into problems if she keeps an eye on sides. She does fine 5 morning 5 night . I don't see many women post but figured there were wife ect on var here.
  20. aon1

    blood pressure supps

    My bp isn't out of wack yet but has been getting higher I was reading the post on scripted meds but just curious as to everyones non scripted bp favorites, foods , supps ect.