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  1. K

    Sachet ?

    I ordered some sust sachets and I was wondering if i can heat that up to help the injection and to get the oil out of the sachet, or will it mess up the gear? And Im getting some deca 2
  2. K

    12 week cycle?

    Just wanted to get some info on a cycle Im gonna run in june: week 1: 20mg dbol and 250 sust week 2: 20mg dbol and 250 sust week 3: 30mg dbol and 250 sust week 4: 30mg dbol and 250 sust week 5: 30mg dbol and 250 sust 200 deca week 6: 30mg dbol and 250 sust 200 deca week 7: 250 sust 200 deca...
  3. K


    has anyone used stealth labs? suston or any other kind from stealth labs? cause they are in packets.
  4. K


    I got my hands on this type of hgh...... but do not know how to use......some one said to take .2 ml everyday for 10 weeks.......does any body else have any ideas or used the stuff?
  5. K

    sust.and sust

    does anyone know if it is ok to use nutrivet sust for 6 weeks and then us bp sust for 4 weeks?
  6. K

    out of stuff

    Im gonna run out of stuff for my 8 week cycle Im on 300mg of deca, and the sust I ordered never came in so I need to more shots do you think its worth it to get 2 shots of sust for the end of the cycle? cause that is all he has
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    GPL by gen-pharma labs good/bad?

    just wanted to know if the lab above is good GPL by gen-pharma labs
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    I want to jump into another cycle in the beginning of july cause im going on a cruise on the 21st of aug. before this I did a cycle of sust 250 a week and 20mg dbols for 12 weeks and started it on feb 1st. so i was on till april 14th do you think it is cool to start a cycle up on the first of...
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    big biceps?

    how many sets of bi's should I be doing to get big? i train bi's twice a week but 4 msome reason they dont grow
  10. K

    DECA/SUST 2ml???

    can I mix 1ml of deca and 1ml of sust in one pin? and inject in a glute shot?
  11. K

    2 months or 3 months?

    Just wanted to see what you guys think about a 10 week cycle rather than a 15 week cycle. what were your gains like in the 15 week cycle? and do you think it is ok to do 25 mgs of dbol straight through the cycle? 1-10 dbol 25mg 1-12 sust 250mg 8-15 deca 250mg
  12. K


    Im using bd sust. with a 23 gauge....... i never got pain with nutrivet.....so i was wondering what was goin' on? plus i took my 4th pin and the day after my blood pressure was really high, my face was red and ears and had 102. fever, any suggestions for the next pin?
  13. K

    Just got sick tyenol?

    Imm on week 4 ........and i just got sick....im so pissed!....... my throat hurts and just run down.......is it ok to take tyneol flu or something like that?......also would the pills affect my growth? i was gaining 5 pounds a week!
  14. K

    Have You Seen This?

    Has anyone ever herd of Hong Kong/Global Anabolics? and is it any good?
  15. K

    Best Workout Split?

    I want to gain mass.....so this is my routine i want to get in 4 days instead of three N E Ideas Tues. chest bi's tri's Wed. Back shoulders Thur. chest bi's Legs