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  1. K

    omnadren 250

    what do you guys think of omnadren compared to sust ?
  2. K

    next cycle

    ended my cycle at the last week of may and got one more week of pct .. I should start my next one in the begging of sept right ?
  3. K

    trouble breathing

    on week 11 of cycle of 350 sust n 400 deca n 250mg of dbol for the last 4 weeks n having trouble catching my breath , any advice?
  4. K


    is the stealth stuff 01 or 03 ? thnx
  5. K

    creatine and juice

    is there n e need to take creatine while on a cycle?
  6. K

    Want To GET HUGE !

    Ive done 6 cycles but this time I want to go all out any advice im 5'9" 27 years old 185lbs 18% bf
  7. K

    HGH Somatropin

    is there an off time with this type of hgh or do you just keep on taking it for months and it dosent screw with your test? I got an unlimited suppy and I was gonna take it for 6 months....and I want to stack it with some deca and winstrol in novemeber the deca and shit ill b on for 3 months
  8. K


    I have this knot under my skin after a shot of sust two weeks ago it dosent hurt untill I put a lot pressure on it. it is the size of two quarters side by side.
  9. K

    sick question

    I got the flu this week and I missed my dose this mon cause I was coming off a 10 week cycle and I was doing 250 sust is this gonna screw me up
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    Mixing question

    Can you mix suston with test c?
  11. K

    Winstrol question

    Im gonna be getting winstrol tabs 50mg What is the best way to take that 25 in the morning and 25 at night or just one tab of the 50 in the morning? and 6 weeks should be good do get ripped
  12. K

    NEXT cycle

    I want to keep on bulking up but test e makes me sick I get bad side effects like the test flu.... Is there any other cycles you can advise Ive done like 5 cycles im 5 9 190lbs also what pct plan should I have thanks
  13. K

    Long cycle

    How long of a cycle can I go with sust I was thinking 15 weeks maybe longer what does everyone think
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    Max chest

    What's peoples max bench and how many sets does it take to get there
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    toporol for hbp

    I have 50mg topprols and I def. Got hbp does anyone know if that is a good amount to take for that
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    Amino acids

    I take amino acids with my daily whey protein but do u think it's nessesary to take more from pro labs I'm on juice know so do u think it's worth it
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    How long do u think I should run dbols I was thinking of 5 weeks of 120mg per week. Also everyone else knows what I'm running with that
  18. K

    500 sust

    Just wanted to know n e body had better results by doing 250 sust Mon and fri or just hitting it with 500 every Mon
  19. K

    Sust ?

    first I want to say I work for pepsi and I do alot of physical work all day then I hit the gym......after my first shot on mon. I was extremely tired at like 7 pm and I just felt tired 2day this happen to me the last cycles I did, just curious if that happen to anyone else
  20. K

    stealth sust and deca

    anybody try this stuff....if so how was the gains?