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  1. N

    Low tolorance to slin.

    Anyone here got a low tolorance to slin ie needing far more than the 1iu=10g carb guideline? I seem to be very sensitive to it just wondered if others were aswell, if I stay on for 5-6weeks I can get upto 5iu x3ed but that's about it. Then when I come off I have unstable bg at certain times in...
  2. N

    Why use micronized stan.

    Since in need to be put into solution to filter, why do you need to use micronized raws? Once its broke down to a liquid it won't re-form to its grainy form again?
  3. N

    DNP & insulin together, anyone?

    When I use dnp to cut I normally run: 2-4weeks 400mg dnp ed 25-50mcg t3 ed 50-100mcg clen I was wondering if using slin with dnp allowed you to keep your muscle fullness or do you still become severly carb depleted. I want to start slin again but between aas cycles, but don't want the fat...
  4. N

    A few recipes that's working so far for me.

    Ok iv made 10ml of each and so far 3days later there still clear apart from 1. :( Dbol 50mg/ml Ba 2% Bb 20% Guaic 15% Eo carrier Oxy 75mg/ml Ba 3% Bb20% Guaic 35% Eo carrier Tren-base 50mg/ml Ba 3% Bb 20% Guaic 35% Eo carrier Test base 50mg/ml Ba 2% Bb 20% Guaic 10% Eo carrier From you...
  5. N

    Help! Winstrol 50mg and 100mg disaster.

    Ok so tried to make 100mg/ml winstrol with this recipe: 100mg/ml. 10ml Ba 0.2ml 1.2% Ba 2ml 20% Guaiacol 1.5ml 15% 100% Eo carrier 5.5ml Didn't disolve even in the water/pan bath. Upped guaiacol to 20% addin 0.5ml making it 10.5ml total volume, Still didn't disolve, So decided to switch it...
  6. N

    Vaccum filters, and filtering

    Ok so iv read a lot about bottle top filters and from what I gather there sh1t as a lot say they just crack, and once cracked no vaccum so there fukd. What about the glass once were you just buy the filter membrane to fit in the top? How many ml will 1 membrane filter? Plus on my last brew my...
  7. N

    Inj anavar? Poss for blend

    Thinking of a primo/var blend, anyone done this? Vars melting point is very high is my worry, 240oC isn't that over 400fh? I'm thinking: primo acetate 50-75mg/ 50mg var Per ml With this do: 2%ba 20%bb 15%guiac Eo carrier, Or is that over the top? ??
  8. N

    Storing raws

    What temp is best to store raws to preserve them and reduce degrading over time? Mine are just in a cuboard in my room at room temp, should they be in the fridge? Anyone know how long it takes for degrading to occur? When you hear about some ugls having underdosed gear etc, maybe its just...
  9. N

    Methenolone e (primabolon) recipe

    As above anyone brewed this? What recipe would work with it I can't find 1 on the net anywere, also what max concentration with zero -minimal pip? I can't find its melting point liested anywere either so can't guesstimate a recipe myself
  10. N

    Salicylate, benzyl and octyl?

    Is benzyl salicylate and octyl salicylate the same thing? Iv seen the benzyl version is used to reduce pip as its liquid asprin but the site I'm looking at only sells the octyl version???
  11. N

    Peg300 injection, when does pip kick in

    With water based aas what % of peg300 or peg400 does the sting kick in? Some oral soluitons ask for 100% peg300, to make it an injection I'm guessing you just simply add the below: 1-5% ba 20% bb (mauy not be needed but iv read it will reduce pip while hold some aas in solution clear) 3-5%...
  12. N

    Guaiacol, eo and any other strong solvents, real life experiences.

    Anyone had any experience with guaiacol for bad side effects? Not what's copy and pasted over the net but actual real life experiences, I no its used but may seem to be put off by its use, so was just interested in feed back. Thanks.
  13. N

    Tren enanthate 300mg/ml crashed help

    Ok so brewed 33ml at this 10g tren e 1.2% ba 30% bb Gso, This crashed in a 50ml vial so I added 5ml eo which cleared it no problem making it 38ml at around 270mg/ml, Held fine in the 50ml vial for over 1 week, so put it into 10ml vials 7days ago, checked today and there crashed, iv heated...