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  1. N

    Guaiacol recipes

    Anyone use this over eo and if so can u post your recipes thanks. For my aas were I use over 50% eo I'd rather add n some guaiacol but rather then trial and error recipes from the beginning again if anyone uses it can u post'em up. Thanks.
  2. N

    Highest mg/ml test uv made

    As above what's the highers test concentration uv made or can be made? I'm thinking test600? 300test'e 100test'c 200test'd ?
  3. N

    Test undeca

    Anyone brewed this ie for self admin trt (nebido) 1g e8-12weeks rather then 250mg e2weeks test'e. The melting point is 155c (around the same as test'p) so wondering how much will hold with the standard 2/20 + gso mix? Idealy 500mg/ml would be great but doubt it without eo
  4. N

    If your suspension crystalises...

    This must mean there's too much solvent in there? Therefore the only way to save it it to put it into solution, right?? This was suposed to be 100mg/ml test no ester suspension oil based. 10% guaiacol, 3%ba, 10%bb. Plus carrier oil (apricot oil)
  5. N

    What happened to this guaicol+winstrol?

    Iv mixed my winstrol with guaiacol and left it to make it tomorrow its 1g winstrol to 2ml guaiacol and a few hours later its gone like gel I made a vial up of it which is 20ml vial at 100mg/ml winstrol with apricot carrier, 3%ba, 20%guaiacol. This also has solidified, this is me holding the...
  6. N

    Anyone used corning filters? F@@king sh@t!

    There fuking sh1t, bought 100 0.2u syringe filters just tried to filter a carrier oil (no aas) and nothing goes thru them total waste of cash $250 there junk! Even trying to push air through takes full force to get it through, trying to filter carrier oil just blows the filter off with...
  7. N

    to the guys that brew large batches........

    ok cool dude, is this 1 ok? [/ATTACH] both 1/4" and get a 2cfm pump
  8. N

    Anyone have poor slin resistance (hypersensitive)

    Ok so when I 1st start using slin I can handle 2-3iu novorapid or humalog max! Can gradually build up and the most I got to no hypo was 5iux3 ed after 8weeks on tho, when I came off I had random moments of light headedness through the day for weeks till my body adjusted to not using slin. The...
  9. N

    Fastcaps can't reuse!

    So ran 300ml through my fast cap, went great, diconnected then when to filter another 300ml, didn't work? It vacuums to the flask ok but won't suck up the oil once its been disconnected, which I need to do to filter different oils.
  10. N

    Suspension gloop

    What causes the blobs in water suspensions? Is it the guaiacol or the ps80? There the only thick substances that go in the brew. Anyway to stop prevent it? Iv yet to fine a guaiacol recipe for test that gives no blobs, (its not the raw clumping its clear blobs)
  11. N


    Who uses it in there homebrews and is it werth it for the high pip gear?
  12. N

    What filter is best

    What to buy for the best value: 1 fastcap $25 Or 1 zapcap $15 Also is I set the psi to 10-12 is this enough? I don't want to go too high and damage the filter, is 20psi too high, crack or split them?
  13. N

    Trouble with filter?

    For some reason my mast'e wouldn't go through my 0.2 filter, 5ml max and I've tried a few filters, The solution is clear so I don't know what's up with it? No raw powder in the filter either, or could the raw just have aload of sh1t in it?
  14. N

    Anyone enlarged LVH

    As above anyone have this? Is it as serious as it sounds? Or is it a ticking time bomb? I'm mainly asking for aas and training induced enlarged LVH Thanks for any info on personal experience.
  15. N

    Check my suspension pics.

    Just made 20ml of each about 1-2hour ago do they look ok so far? Tren base/susp 50mg/ml Test base/susp 100mg/ml Winstrol 50mg/ml Recipes were. Water solution: Ba 2% Poly80 3% Dis water. 20ml solvents+raw. Raw 1-2g 2ml guaiacol Bb 30% only in win and tren, not test. Adding 17-18ml of...
  16. N

    USP and lab reagent

    Is lab reagant grade good enough for homebrews being filtered? I don't know the grading lf lab reagent tbh, I no USP is the top standard, but what does lab reagent mean? Can we use it ok? Ie guaiacol lab reagent grade.
  17. N

    Primobolan enanthate

    Thinking of giving this ago in my next cycle, anyone used it rate it for a lean bulk with test+winstrol, is it as great as its made out to be? I'm thinking of running: 10-12 Week cycle: 500mg test e ew 800-1000mg primo ew 100mg winstrol ed
  18. N

    300ml test e gone cloudy?

    As above iv decided to brew all my test'e to get it done, used standard recipe 300ml 300mg/ml 90g raw Ba 3.6ml 1.2% Bb 60ml 20% Gso carrier 0.2 naglene (syringe filter)filtered into a few 10mls and its gone cloudy, what all that about?
  19. N

    100%eo why use bb?

    If you use 100%eo as a carrier, do you even need bb? Ml for ml which is the better solvent?
  20. N

    Best solvent for inj oral and no ester aas.

    Would it be better to replace the standard 20%bb with eo, Example: Ba 2% Bb 20% Eo carrier Guaical % Instead of upping guaiacol could you just remove the bb and replace with eo also. Ba 2% Eo carrier Guaiacol % Since bb is used to prolong the raws liquid form within the inj site, with 100%...