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  1. G

    damn that BD Deca hurts!

    even shooting only 250mg/ml with 500mg test e, that shit hurts like sust250!! I've only done glutes if I did quads I prob couldnt walk for 2 days!
  2. G

    anyone ever seen BD Anabol?

    I got some today from my reliable source and it looks like Thai dbol to me. Pink and pentagon shaped (5 sides) All BD stuff usually has a logo on it. I normally do Russian, but it looks like I'm stuck with Thai. My buddy told me that Thai IS Anabol, I call BS.
  3. G

    1 week in

    1 week of 100mg/day drol and 2 injections of 500g test e and 250g deca. up 8.5lbs
  4. G

    need to blitz my arms

    my pic is in the men's photos section, I had my bro take some pics at the gym today but the dumb ass deleted them before he could send them to me. Taking in to consideration that I'm back on gear - how do I focus on adding another inch or 1 1/2" to my arms? Can I train twice a week without...
  5. G

    leg cramps and drol

    hey bros.. everytime I take drol I get nasty cramps in my calves. Yes I'm drinking water, yes I'm eating bananas and taking potassium. Even if I'm doing say...curls...my calves hurt like hell. Any other suggestions?
  6. G

    should I use proviron?

    keep in mind I just started a 16 week cycle of 1g test e, 500mg deca, and 100mg drol followed by 50mg dbol. At what point if any should I add proviron? I have very little trouble with gyno. But I do get deca dick!
  7. G

    how do you guys take your drol?

    I was taking 50mg am and 50mg pre-workout. I'm guessing some of you like DR are cutting them in half and taking more frequently? Also what is the half-life of drol?
  8. G

    ok let me join the party bros, here's one of mine

    03 350z 430hp with Nitrous
  9. G


    Got my test E - halleluja - I'm doing squats tonight, will I still be able to bang 1g of test e in the glutes before I go to sleep or should I wait til the am?
  10. G

    FS: 5 years of Playboy mags 2000-2005

    hey bros I have all these mags in mint condition, need to get rid of them b/c I'm moving. Make offer, PM me. Thanks.
  11. G

    can I front load with Deca or Prop??

    Hey Vets and DR, I started getting my gear for the next cycle and I was ready to go until I realized that I got my Prop and Deca first and not my Test E. I was going to front load 1g of Test E, then start A50 3 days later and Deca 1 week later. TIA!
  12. G

    Creatine Ester

    Is this worth taking the month I have to wait before my cycle? I do ok on creatine monohydrate, but I see alot of hype over the ester. Is it BS or worth 4 weeks of my time?
  13. G

    how's this for a monster cycle?

    16,000mg of test enath (1000wk) 7,000mg of British Dragon Deca (500wk) 3,000mg of British Dragon Anadrol (100day/4wks) 2,250mg of British Dragon Anabol (50day/6wks) some test prop first 2 or 3 wks. :) I am psyched.
  14. G

    carb drop

    I tried this carb drop technique out of FLEX mag. I dropped almost all carbs for 72hrs. It said that it causes your muscles to crave carbs, and utilize them rather than store them as bodyfat. Then when you consume the carbs again almost all of them are stored in your muscles increasing their...
  15. G

    quad injections

    hey bros I'm looking for any advice on shooting the quads. If you have any links or details on how you do it lmk. I've done 5 cycles all just glute injections. I plan to do 1000 test enath/week and 500deca/week and that much gear won't fit in my ass lol.
  16. G


    as some of you know I've been cycling ECA and Clen. I'm down to 193 now. It scares the shit out of me to lose weight b/c I'm a hard gainer. I've only lost about 1/4" on my arms but like 1 1/2" on my waist. I still have a little fat on my lower stomach. A 4 pack essentialy lol. Should I...
  17. G

    arms training

    didn't know where the best place to post this would be. When you bro's do arms do you do bi's then tri's (or the opposite) or do you do 1 exercise bi's, then 1 tri's and so on? Had a big discussion about this in the gym tonight. Once I'm back on gear I'm going to do arms twice a week.
  18. G

    Anyone here used T400?

    If so how much did you take? I'm starting my 6th cycle July 1. My bro has some T400, I usually take 750wk test enath. Thx!
  19. G

    ephedrine, how much have you used?

    My ECA has 12.5mg ephedrine, 200mg caffeine, and of course white willow bark aka asprin. I have some 25mg ephedrine tabs that I want to supplement my next ECA cycle with. Would 1 25mg tab with each ECA be enough? The label says the highest recommended dose is 100mg a day for 12 weeks. I will...
  20. G

    att: DR

    hey bro, we seem to be on a similar level. My last test shot was February 8th. Last dbol taken Feb 27th. This ECA/Clen just isn't my thing. I want to start my new cycle in a month, do you think that will be long enough off for my receptors to be clear? I didn't wait long enough last time...