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  1. G

    need some guidance

    I really think I'm maxed out. Weighing 219.5 just 1 pound from my max ever and I'm not as fat. However I am a little fat (waist and some love handles) and I'm going to Miami Oct 7 with a fitness chick. I have one more week of Deca and 3 of test. What can I change to lose some fat without...
  2. G

    Details of my last 9 weeks on gear

    (copied from my reply on Recent Gains) Hopefully this helps some noobs, remember to take as much time as you can between cycles (like 6 months or more) for the most gains. I took 4 months off before this cycle, and only 2 months before that (and you can see I started at 206lbs and ended at...
  3. G

    Recent Gains

    Well I broke out of that sticking point @ 207/208. Not sure if it was the extra cals/MasTech or the intro of Test Prop. I added the Prop after dbol so I didn't expect any gains just stability. July 24th weighed in at 205. Took last dbol, did 1st quad inj Test prop 100mg July 25th added...
  4. G

    your analysis my knowledgable brothers...

    For 4 weeks my weight has been a steady 206 -209. I've been on 7 weeks, started at 193lbs after 2 mo's of cutting. I added MasTech Monday (830 cal, 150 carbs, 45 protein) once a day. Hasn't really added even a 1/2 pound yet. I've been eating clean, when I was 220 last cycle I was def fatter...
  5. G

    popped the left quad this a.m.

    Went about 3" higher, less painful for sure. Hit a little nerve again around 1" in but otherwise much smoother. Only broke a little sweat this time lol.
  6. G

    so if your quad is stiff from site inj is it ok to

    still work out legs? Tonight is leg night and my quad is somewhat sore but no unbearable like my ass has been, just curious how it will feel when I start squating.
  7. G

    popped my quad cherry

    Here's where I shot it (inside the circle): It felt like I hit a nerve about 1 inch in. Stung like hell then I pressed in a little deeper and aspirated. Didn't bleed much, but I got light headed and sick feeling in the stomach and started sweating. Did I hit a vein or was it just my nerves...
  8. G

    gear change

    I'm not really satisfied so far with my cycle (1g test e/500 deca wk) I took 100mg of drol for 30 days then 45mg of dbol for 2 1/2 weeks and b/c of headaches I know it's time to drop the orals for awhile. I'm going to do 750wk deca and 750wk test e. I know that's alot of Deca, but I'd like to...
  9. G

    Do you think that uncooked oatmeal>

    has the same nutritional value as cooked? In other words I'm so damn burned out on oatmeal every morning that I'd like to just put it in my protein shake and drink it. I use Quaker 1 min oats, think this is good or not?
  10. G

    Bi's/Tri's super sets

    Tonight I did bi's/tri's together and did them like this: straight bar curl 3 sets (after each 1 going right to tri's, then 2 min rest) straight bar press downs 3 sets preacher curl w/ curl bar 3 sets (same superset pattern) weighted bench dips 3 sets dumbell hammer curls 3 sets (same again)...
  11. G

    how long do you think - test in a pin

    Unlike Mexican gear most Euro gear is overfilled and every 1ml vial of test 250 e I have is a little more than 1ml. I put the extra in another pin each week and it stays in a dark drawer, room temp 70 degrees. How long before it's not good to shoot it? Right now I have 2ml started about 4...
  12. G

    quad injections

    Even after looking at spotinjections.com, I still don't know where to shoot exactly. Here's a pic of where I think I should do it. LMK! If anyone could take a pic when they shoot the quad I'd greatly appreciate it! Also when I start Test Prop should I do 100mg each quad eod? Or try to hit...
  13. G

    Proviron does not work for me

    I tried to keep an open mind and ran Prov 25mg a day for a week then bumped to 50mg a day for 5 days. At magic week 3 the Deca has kicked in and so has Deca Dick. It sux being on so much test and wanting to screw just about any woman and then can't get a nut! It looks like a looooong 3 months...
  14. G

    ** Update **

    You all knew my poor judgement situation with that chic, well for the love of God I was with her earlier (thanks to this 1g of test I'm a sex maniac again) and she started getting her period - early. I won't make that mistake AGAIN!!!!
  15. G

    need some advice on my cycle

    I'm on 1g test / 500deca / 100mg drol right now. About 2 1/2 weeks on drol but I'm out of it tomorrow. Why? B/C my bro forgot to send it first and I have a ton of dbol but no drol. I doubt it will be here sooner than 4 days. Do I just jump on 50mg of dbol then instead of waiting? I'm...
  16. G

    how many weeks before test e lowers your...

    sperm count? I'm on 1g a week but only @ 3 weeks. Trying to console myself from my recent heartbreak (see my other post about that) I was with this chick tonight who I thought was on the pill, and wasn't. I asked her while we were doing it and she "misunderstood" me and I did my thing. I'm...
  17. G

    Has anyone ever done a glute injection then...

    Had pain in their tailbone area? My last 2 shots went much smoother but strangely enough I have pain and tenderness in that area, more on the side of the last injection. Any thoughts?
  18. G

    thank God for self control

    I can't believe I'm on gear and didn't beat to death my friend today. I am CEO of a group practice of Dr's offices. The owner of the offices had his brother start working for me about 4 months ago. He's into the gym and nutrition and we quickly became good friends. Well another person...
  19. G

    controlled roid rage and 'drol

    I'm amazed at how mellow I am on drol instead of dbol. Drol makes me tired and even though I am more aggressive than off cycle - I'm much more mellow than dbol or even ephedra. This f#cker was in my face Sat and I kept my cool and didn't smash this dude. But once I start dbol in about 2 weeks...
  20. G

    new training split for cycle

    Tell me what y'all think, my goal is to push my arms, legs, and delts. My chest and lats are there already. Sun Chest/Delts (mid-grip flat bench, incline, decline, butterfly, delt press) Mon Traps/Legs (4 sets of traps, then squats, leg curls, hack squats, and calf raises) Tues Biceps...