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  1. B

    Is Cardio Needed!

    Al right here's the scoop...I got on the eliptical machine Monday nite..I couldn't do 5 minutes...I squated really heavy on Saturday,went up to 505 for reps so my quads were already sore....I'm trying to loose the power lifters fat...I can honestly feel if I do all this cardio I'll loose some...
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    Just Remember Guys!

    Just remember there are no stupid questions ,just stupid people asking questions... My old lady hates that when I tell her that because alot of the questins are really stupid....
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    Well I ordered parabolin,clen & cytomel should be hear in a day or so....I've never done parabolin,clen or cytomel...I'm coming up on week 7 and a little disappointed with the andropen...I should have went with either cyp or enen. like I've always done..Too late for that now....I'm 255,5'9" a...
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    Allright No More Sus...

    Hey guys I'm getting married in 7 weeks and were going to the Dominican..anybody need anything?...Just Kidding.....I have to quite the andropen and I'm going back to the old faithfull cyp and or enan.....Now I have a roll around my mid section but very big power looking type body...I want to...
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    Off The Andro!

    Well I guess the andropen didn't agree with my system,pimples seem to be getting worse....Is there a problem being in my 6th week changing over to enathate and cypionate....Since I'm changing I was thinking of adding Fina....I'm not getting the gains I had hoped to get...Perhaps it's just a...
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    Weird Acne?

    Hey guys I need some advice here...I used to get huge pimples on my back and they were crushed when I used to squat,I'm sure test pimples..I know it's really gross,powerlifters there all the same......The problem I have now is last nite I got home and my fiance looked at my white under armour...
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    Muscle Research

    Has anyone been able to access there web site I've tried repeatedely without any success..It just keeps saying access denied....
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    Totally Loosing It! (Rage?)

    Well here's a good one of roid rage....I got divorced in Nov. of 2004 and moved to R.I from Atlanta..I left the house all the furniture and gave the wife 2 years to sell or pay me half the equity..I was trying to be nice because I left her for my high school/college sweetheart that I was suppose...
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    Gyno-No Gyno

    Well I'm coming into week 5 and having really sore nips....My question is it even worth fucking with gear like d-bol, when the gyno is a serious threat...is it worth having to take nolva to counter, when in fact your gains are diminished with the nolva...I'm also using andropen 275 2cc's every...
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    Getting Caught With The Stash!

    I just read a thread about getting caught in a routine traffic stop with some gear...It hit really close to home....I have 3 bottles of injectables 2 seperate bottles of d-bol,probably 30 or so syrynges...What do you think will happen if they find that shit?..I have it there because I'm afraid...
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    I need some idea's on how much clen and how long to take it..I just got some in on Friday..I'm waiting towards the middle or later part of my cycle...How much?..And how long?...I'm on 600mgs deca,550mgs of sustanon and d-bol for another 4 weeks..I'm on week 2 right now..I'll be doing a really...
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    Push-Pull Method

    Has there been any feed back as far as using the push and pull method for your routines....Chest,tri's and shoulder's are all push...Back,bi's and traps are all pull exercises..and legs is a total workout in itself...I never understood why someone does another body part with the leg routines....
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    Well, this is my second week and here's the gains on the bench...@ 1/2 weeks ago is was struggling with 4 reps with 295..Last night I smoked an easy set of 10 with 295....This is with power lifter's form too..No bouncy,bouncy....I felt like I could have went up in weight to 315 for 6-7...
  14. B


    I just read something,perhaps it was wolfy saying only to do d-bol for no more than 5 weeks...Which I do respect Wolfy's opinion...I've read some of his post,he's very knowledgeable....If you start out and only start to see some gains by or on the third week,that only gives you a couple of weeks...
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    Under Armor...

    I've recently bought 1 Nike and 3 Under Armor shirts...I've been wearing them as a base and then a couple of t's over that...It seems I feel more able to push a little harder than usual...I have something to constrict against and it feels like it's giving me a rep or 2 more on the bench and...
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    I tell I did 6 sets of squats excluding my warm-ups....Then hacks,which I never do...leg-extensions...absolutelty burning the shit out of them...My calves have never been so pumped...This is the fourth work-out I actually feel totally pumped.....I'm guessing the d-bol is kicking in between 9-11...
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    O.K. guys you can come out of the closet now...How many of us smoke weed to induce our hunger...I'm hoping I'm not the only one out there....I could say it's for my glaucoma which I do have....Sometimes at nite it's the only thing that'll put me in a sound sleep.....I'm probably going to catch...
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    Well I just had my blood pressure checked again,not good....I had a headache all day so after the shower I went down and had it checked...182 over 122 with a heart rate of 109 and checked it again after I ate...Then it went 179 over 105...I've been taking 2-25mg of g-pharm d-bol 1 in the morning...
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    Blood Pressure

    I went to check my blood pressure as it's always a little high...I was 156 over 103....How about the rest of you guys...What's considered normal amongst us? Big O
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    New Start!

    I want get this started early I need a consesus here...I have deca,D-bol and test cyp....Any suggestions on a strong frontload?....I'm 46 many cycles under my belt....I have serious elbow pains all the time so a little elbow grease of deca should be a big help...2cc is shot of deca,1 cc of test...