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  1. B

    Here's My Next Cycle!

    Well here it is.... 1.Suspension everyday for the first 3-3 1/2 weeks 2.1-12 1000 mg's test e 3.1-12 600 mg's deca 4.1-16 600-800 Eq. 5.1-12 turinabol 6.12-20 Winny/tren 7.10-20 Anavar 8.22 Clomid I'm starting this Monday...
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    T.O.Is An Asshole!

    Allright Pin..I know it's down your way so here goes..... Here's what should be done with the T.O......It's very simple...don't give him any attention at all...none....He's like a fucking 2 year old..the more attention you give him the more he wants...so ignore him..he's a fucking CANCER....
  3. B

    Underground Steroid Handbook!

    How many guys started out using this book?.....I know I did...That was my bible,but someone told me the Mick Hart was worth the read..any feed back on this book?
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    How About Balco?

    Has anyone ever known or done any business with Balco before they went under?...I'm curious to know about the un-detectable stuff they were doing in there lab...Anyone?
  5. B

    Prop vs.Suspension?

    Is there any diffence between these 2...I know prop is a short estered test but is there any advantage with suspension as far as size and retaining gains...I'm getting ready for my next one so I'm weighing in all info and I'm going to try something different...No power just Body Building...
  6. B

    Stricly Mass Cycle!

    I'm 6 weeks removed now and ready to get this cycle going...My last cycle was more of a fat reducing cycle rather than bulk.....I'm looking for some input on nothing but pure bulking of quality muscle not so much water.....D-bol is out..It gets the gyno symptoms going within 5 weeks and then I...
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    Funny Guy!

    Well guys this is 1 reason why you shouldn't drink...Sat. was my wedding party and had 40 or so guests...I tapped a keg of Sam Adam's Summer Ale at 11:00 in the morning..Yes I started at 11:02...Well my neighbors dog keeps coming over and shitting on my front lawn and never,ever picks it...
  8. B

    Hey Guys!

    I'm back...My hard drive blew and couldn't do a thing about it either....I see we have a few newbies...Welcome all...I've been off 5 weeks now and probably going to start up real soon....I got an injection in my left elbow and all is really well with it....In case you guys were wondering the Doc...
  9. B


    Congradulations PIN! Congrads Pin...I just noticed you were a mod now......Have a talk with Grouchy will you...LOL
  10. B

    Another Bust!

    All right this guy owns a gym called Powerhouse Gym....He was making gear in the back room of the gym and selling it right out in the open...He's going to loose the gym in 30 days from forfeiture.....www.woonsocketcall.com I'm sure someone can post this info here......
  11. B


    Allright guys..I'm starting the equipoise in week 16 of my cycle...I already now I have to do at least 600 mg's a week...What's the minimum and maximum amount of time for some serious results?..6 weeks?..8 weeks?I tried it along time ago but i was using so much shit I truly didn't know what was...
  12. B

    Cypionate & Enanthate?

    Does it make any sense to do both cyp and enan...I used to do that combo back in the 80's along with d-bol thru out and then throw in anadrol about 5-6 weeks before a power meet...I made really good gains when I used this combo.... Or is just more of the same and a waste to do both?
  13. B


    Well last nite was exactly 2 weeks to the day with the anadrol...I started out with 2-50mg's for 1 week and added 1 more for the 2nd week..It really kicked in good last nite..I was struggling with 315 for 4 -2 weeks ago and last nite I repped 2 sets of 8...I felt really strong but my left elbow...
  14. B


    I know back in the 80's niacin was used for a vascular look along with another compound that made you extremely vascular..I believe it started with an M---.. I don't believe it was masteron or mastabol,but really close....I'm looking for a more vascular look..My body fat is in the mid to low...
  15. B

    Flex..Muscle Fitness!

    Well I haven't looked at 1 of these mags in years..I picked 1 up last nite to read....I have never in my fucking life read so much fucking bullshit in my life...There were hundreds of supplements named after or similar to the gear...Then I read a few articles and most of them say we'd never do...
  16. B


    I would love to see the sources start carrying bolasterone.....It's as good or perhaps even better than Anadrol....With Anadrol you loose alot but with the bolasterone you keep alot of those gains.....Come on guys screw all that multi mix testosterones which IMO are garbage.....Let's see who can...
  17. B


    Well this is the first time using proviron...(Thanks Pin)......Pin suggested the proviron would work,and yes it's all good now......I went for almost 2 1/2 weeks with out blowing a nut..... It's been 7 days and after I upped the dosage to 75 mg's, did I see a nice load dripping out of my fiance...
  18. B

    Winny Tabs

    I've never done winny tabs...always d-bol/androl...I'm 47 now and it seems the d-bol seriously affected me...Gyno....I was thinking of the 50mg's...Who's made serious gains from them?
  19. B

    Another Supplement Shop Quicky!

    Well I placed an order on Saturday morning again and in Tuesday's mail my gear was right there........I'm going into my 2nd week with the parabolin and noticed a weight loss/fat loss and a considerable gain on my seated presses and flat bench...I'm talking 25lbs on a set of 5 in a week....My...
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    I remeber back in the 80's there was an injectable called bolastereone...Anyone hear of it and is it still around?