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  1. cawb

    quick question ?

    what is the normal time to start feeling the effects of test e. i am in no hurry or anything i know it takes a little time just wonder on a timeframe ......thanks
  2. cawb

    spoiled milk

    when was the last time you took a big swig of rotten milk? i had a quarter gallon at work in the frig and i smelled it and everything seemed alright so i poured a glass and took a big ass drink. i spit that shit out as fast as i could but it didnt help the after taste still made me puke and of...
  3. cawb

    First Shot

    well i took my very first shot on monday and i scared my girlfriend so much with all the bull shit i talked to her about killing me if she injected into my vain she would nt do it so i got to do it by myself my hands where shaking just a little not to bad because i was excited as hell. the only...
  4. cawb


    during the time it takes for me to get my gear if it gets hot or just say very warm ...will it still be good or is there something i would need to do to it befroe i use it ?
  5. cawb

    water retention

    now some water retention is good right, but i dont want to go around looking all bloated,so i read that drinking alot of water will help reduce water retention! is this true and if so why or how doesthat work?
  6. cawb


    when i do the aspiration test ! how far do i pull the syringe pusher back? if that makes any since :confused:
  7. cawb


    when i count out my calories for the day to make sure i am getting enough do you count cal. in drinks ,sweets,sodas and so on?
  8. cawb

    site injections?

    when doing site inj. does it benefite that site particarily? say i wanted to do quad inj. instead of glute
  9. cawb


    i know that of all meals breakfest should not be skipped ,but i have a problem of getting myself to eat in the morning. i was just wondering is a protein shake and a multi-vitamin good enough or should i step it up a little the shake mixed with milk has 250 cal.,28g protein,14g carbs.
  10. cawb

    Bf %

    is there a way that i ,myself could figure out my BF %?
  11. cawb

    estrogene question

    is there anything that i can take that will just keep estrogene out of my system for the most part?
  12. cawb


    would proviron be good to run with nolvadex and clomid for pct and if so how much of each?
  13. cawb


    using a 23g x 1 inch pin should the whole thing be inserted to the glute, all the way to syringe head...
  14. cawb


    HAS anybody used this stuff you can get it at GNC it is an anti estrogene. and if it is what it says it is could i run this throughout my cycle?
  15. cawb

    How Much?

    how much nolvadex should i have on hand for a 10 week cycle of test e.?
  16. cawb

    Hurricane Dennis

    this is a message to all my bros in the direct path of dennis. it is at a catergory 4 with winds at 140mph that is enough to rip a stop sign right out the ground and bash right through a solid wooden door. please to all in the path please be prepared. dennis will hit land stronger than any of...
  17. cawb


    I Have Tried 10 Different Times To Purchase The Source By Buddy Just Used The Card Yestarday It Worked Fine But It Does Not Work On Here What Is The Maulfunction?
  18. cawb


    has anyone used there products? prices seen fare
  19. cawb


    can anyone tell me as far as brand names and producers is one better than the other ? nolvadex by nikfi,bulgaria..... or nolvadex by astra ,zeneca,england :confused:
  20. cawb


    Question?? is nolvadex better than clomid or vis versa? or do i need both for just a test e. cycle? and if i need nolvadex when should i take it during my cycle ?