Search results

  1. cawb

    kuochy muscle

    coochie muscle this is not what all you perves think it is. but anyways ... i did this new machine after i was done doing legs just to try it out, you know one of those machines that you only see girls using. (insert joke here) well the two machines work the upper inside and the upper outside...
  2. cawb

    i am such a liar!

    well one guy for sure always asks about my weight and my workouts , but i dont trust himj enough to let on that i am on gear. so i have this stuff called liqui-test. i bought it a while back before i was convenced that most of all that shit didnt work well i bought two get one free. i told him...
  3. cawb

    Busch Gardens

    has anyone here ever been to busch gardens. i will be going there next weekend 27,28,29. it will be my first time,and i have lived in florida for 11 years. they have a small budweiser brewery so i will get the chance to taste fresh brewed bud......on the 29 we will be going right across the...
  4. cawb

    uping the dose

    alright i will be taking my 10th shot out of 24 (12 week cycle ,2 shots a week) would it be alright to up the dose a little for the remainder of time. i use 500 mg=2 cc a week now i want to use 750 mg=3 cc a week. i have gained about 10 lbs in 4.5 weeks i work out 4 times a week and all my...
  5. cawb

    K-slim needs help

    OK guys i need some help here with my buddy k- slim he is a new member here and he is supposed to be my work out partner.... he is trying to eat as much as me every day and he counjts his carb,protein,cal intake from time to time to see actually how much he is taking in. but here is the kicker i...
  6. cawb

    gyno paranoia

    alright i think i have the beginning signs of gyno my nipples are a little puffy .. they do not hurt or itch and i checked for any type of small lumps behind the nip ,nothing there. what do yall think should i just go ahead and start using my nolva to be safe i am almost half way in to my cycle...
  7. cawb

    whats for lunch

    ok i was just wondering what everybody is having for lunch to day i think it would be educational for newbies and for myself as far as comparison.. for my second lunch today i had mashed potatoes and gravy (from KFC), and a six inch chicken sub from subway..and a coca-cola in the can. i know A...
  8. cawb

    I Stink

    :fart: i know :gives: but this stuff is getting worse every day ,hell i try to get myself away from it. and also my piss is now dark yellow is it from the juice or just maybe my diet
  9. cawb

    it's offical

    well guys i am now starting to see some good gains and so is everybody else i have had 4 different people say to me that i look like i am getting thicker. one guy came into the locker room while i was changing my shirt and he was like DAMN DOG YOU LOOK FUCKEN THICK he hasnt seen me in about a...
  10. cawb

    i got complimented

    I had probably the 4th biggest guy in the gym compliment my little ass (no jokes required) on my form while doing seated rows. he even said that after seeing me do my rows that he thinks maybe he has been doing them wrong for years he said that while he watched me hold at the middle of my rep he...
  11. cawb

    x-trem soreness

    well i did chest and back yestarday by the time i was done i did 8 sets of chest (different benches) 6 sets of back 2 sets lats 2 sets of shrugs..so needless to say i am sooo fucken sore today mainly in my dealts,bi's, and tri's from thursdays workout.. but the pump i get while in the gym is great
  12. cawb

    back in the gym!

    well yestarday i went and paid my new membership! i cancelled the last one there because of the hernia that i had. i have been working out at my house on my Weider. while i am at the house i am so unmotavaited i go in and do no more than three sets of what ever body part i am working. for...
  13. cawb

    i think it's over!

    well boys and girls i think me and my girl are done. i dont think it has anything to do with my cycle it hasnt made me moody or anything i pop of at the mouth real quick sometimes but when i do i realize what happened and i apologize.. but things have been kinda ify for a couple of months... me...
  14. cawb

    gyno ?

    how long before gyno will start to show symptoms? i am running 500mg a week of test e ! or is there no real time frame every body is different! i have no symptoms yet and i am three weeks in ....
  15. cawb

    test levels?

    ok ! i usally take my shot in the afternoon after i get home from work last night i worked 15.5 hours and needless to say i got home late as hell,, missed my workout and i didnt eat dinner.. but i added up all my calories,carbs,and protein and i was over on carbs and cal but a little shy on...
  16. cawb

    white spots ?

    i just noticed on my quads right around the area of the injection i have real little white spots about 6 or7 on each quad.. :confused: i checked my ass ,no white spots just little red pimples :D .... what are the white spots or has anyone ever got them before.....
  17. cawb


    a freind of mine is needle shy and was wondering about weather or not he could do just a d-bol cycle for 6 weeks.. was unsure how to answer so i just told him i would find out .. how much of the gains will he be able to retain? and is there a certain pct that he would need to take?
  18. cawb

    is this enough?

    or should i be trying to do more while i am on my cycle.. mon: bi's/tri's: (bi's) 4 sets,10 reps, curls, 5th set lighter till failure. (tri's) 3 sets 10 reps tricep pull downs 4th set lighter till failure tue: chest/lats/traps... (chest)3 sets 10 reps flat bench,4th set 1 rep max,then i drop 15...
  19. cawb

    amino acids

    now protein is broke down into amino acids, correct. so to say in would be benificial to take amino acid pills to help promote muscle growth.. is the amino pills a good source to reley on to help increase protein/amino intake..?
  20. cawb

    liver pills

    i heard about these pills called Liver pills. was said if you took two of them it was like eatting 8 pieces of liver , any input would be helpful