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    Tendon Strength Cycle For Me And The Wife.....

    As some of you know both my wife and me suffer from arthritic knees. My left and her right. The pain and stiffness is always worsening as time goes by. After deadlifting a measly little weight of 405 last week I can't even stand up quickly because the joint will lock up on me and its been...
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    Don't Be a Dish Head......

    YouTube Phew!!!!
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    TRT with test plus PRIMO......

    I am currently experimenting with running 150mgs of test cyp and 100 mgs of primo enanthate for my trt. I plan to get blood work soon but does anybody see anything detrimental to my health by adding primo? The only reason I added it was for the extra joint lubrication that it provides. I...
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    "Common" compounds ladies use?

    The world of AAS and women is a secretive one but does the writer of this article expect us to believe that a common compound for female users is TREN ACE??? :sSig_lol3::sAng_banghead2: The World of Women's Drugs: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS)-Part 3 of 3
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    Badass Batman.....

    I never have time to play video games.....but I make time when a Batman Arkham game comes out. YouTube
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    My bloodwork.....YIKES!

    Ive been off cycle for 3 weeks when blood was drawn. I ran 600mgs cyp, 600mgs test suspension and 600 mgs mast. HDL - 33 (low but not bad) LDL - 120 (again, high but not bad) Triglycerides - 36 (good) Total cholesterol - 160 (decent but not great) T3 Uptake - 41 (high and i dont know why...
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    Primo and Deca or Var and Deca???

    Anybody have feedback on running a primo/npp stack or Var/npp stack? Maybe something like 10mgs/var a day with 25-40mgs npp/week Or 25-40 mgs npp/week with 50-100mgs primo. Thoughts?