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    AnaSCI Best ASS Thread

    By request. Lol
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    AnaSCI Best ASS Thread

    Lol! For IB.
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    Gear and the Immune System

    So ive read many a thread claiming that high levels of test stimulates the immune system. Some claim thats why many people do not get sick while on cycle. Now i am seeing threads saying that say high levels of test actually depress the immune system raising the chances for cancer and disease...
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    Everyday Injections Bloodwork

    Old bloodwork is in this thread. http://www.anasci.org/vB/anabolic-steroid-discussion/35123-mens-libido-depends-testosterone-estrogen.html Dropped the cyp and went with prop injected at 11-15mgs a day. -Test serum was midrange of normal at 527 -Free test was midrange of normal at 17.4...
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    People having enough......

    This organization in Nevada around the Nevada cattle rancher is giving me some pride once again. These people are finally starting to have enough of this tyrannical government. They are openly carrying their rifles and side arms as a warning.I find it to be excellent!
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    Gun Owners have small WEENERS

    Well according to this guy anyways……i love these idiots. :sFi_slapface: Liberal Talk Show Host Calls NRA Nazis, Says Gun Owners Have Small Wieners, And Prays For Their Deaths - Downtrend.com
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    This is awesome!!!! Lol!!!!!!!!

    Watch as Man With Road Rage Gets Dose of ‘Instant Karma’ | Video | TheBlaze.com
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    I love democrats!

    Huge, huge anti 2nd amendment, anti gun california Democrat arrested by the FBI for TRAFFICKING FIREARMS!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Calif. State Sen. Leland Yee accused of firearms trafficking (+video) - CSMonitor.com Calif. State Sen. Leland Yee accused of firearms trafficking Calif. State...
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    Prescription Lovaza for cholesterol

    Has anybody tried running Lovaza during a cycle our after to aid in cholesterol recovery ? Google this stuff. Apparently it's high grade, purified, esterfied, fish oil concentrate.
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    Need some help, no libido

    Im on trt injected at 50mgs eod. Sex drive was fine and test came back in the 800 range but e2 came back high ,like 135, so i started aromsin at 12.5mgs every day. Shortly after this my libido died but e2 came down to 17 which is low range of normal. So i cut aromsin to 6.25 every day. E2 went...
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    Synthetek Synthergine

    Is Synthetek still offering their incentive of a free bottle of synthergine if you send them before and after bloodwork? I didnt see it on their website anywhere.
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    tell me what is wrong with this picture

    so I was taking a dump today at the gym and I heard a guy going to the song next to me so when I went to wash my hands i looked over and this is what I saw
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    Me love Valentines

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    Breaking the Barrier

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    AnaSCI Most Badass Movie Scenes Thread

    I don't think anybody can top this scene from The Watchmen. The movie was average at best but this scene almost made me come out of my seat. Enjoy! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B3lsJmwNO40
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    A little motivation for the ladies.....

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    Need some input on which Estrogen Blocker to use?

    I'm running: -100mgs of prop injected every day (700/week for the dumb people) -100-150mgs of test suspension on workout days which is 4 times a week -600mgs of mast enanthate -600mgs of primo enanthate I'm not sure exemestane at 25mgs/day will keep my estrogen in check since I'm running a...
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    Low Neutrophils and High Lymphs on bloodwork

    Anybody ever had low neutrophils and high lymphs on their bloodwork? I had it in August bloodwork then did bloods again in October and was fine then did bloods again in November and theyre outta whack again. Thoughts?
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    Pomegranates melt away plaque???

    Did I read that right? Powerful Health Benefits of the Pomegranate
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    1 Year Transformation...Lol

    Epic 1 year Steroid Transformation - YouTube