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  1. kell11

    Tees-bathing suit ideas

    Tee, Oracle sent these to me. said it was you.I dont believe him Y'all vacation together? Hey! Nice Pecs. Your BIGGER than I imagined.
  2. kell11

    Oh OK...

    I know most of my remarks dont dignify a response. what the fekk? You givin' me nothing? I see how yall are. No love here . Must all be looking at new porno.Or, or,...no one lov----sobbing now. Fukkerz.
  3. kell11

    Computer Question?

    Does anyone have a problem with adshooter? an adware pest that my PC blocks. But too damn often,pops onto my taskbar and interrupts things a lil bit. CAN YOU DELETE IT FROM THE REGISTRY?? ya know,command prompt...C:/regedit? Anyone know about this? My spybot S&D will not remove it... :confused:
  4. kell11

    New question,thread

    Men, I was poppin my left glute this eve.(3ml) ahh(grumble)AndroP,Eq.BD stuff Anyway.Pin goes in fine but depressing the load was HELL. I know i was puttin' 20Lbs on the enda that plunger. Aspirated 3 times while tryin to push the shit in,cause I tapped a lil blood the first aspirate,backed out...
  5. kell11

    Speakin' of AWOL

    Wheres all the homeys tonight? well,Im out too then. :(
  6. kell11

    Hey Steve!!

    Orkle said to get off me...I am not pokin' that sloppy buffalo vagina you got flappin in the wind.NO MORE! :o
  7. kell11

    what would you do?

    Tell ya what Im gonna do? Im Jumpin off this ship a foos
  8. kell11

    How to be somebodys bitch

    Being O's lil bitch Nevermind the worm has turned
  9. kell11

    Improper PCT example(whatnot to do)

    you see,now look at these dorks. This is what might happen w/o proper PCT gear.Have you ever seen such fucked up giblets? Moreover can you believe these morons wore RED and stood for this picture? Their tittys must be duct taped.
  10. kell11

    PIN Read the hcg thread below...

    And answer please.... tanks,brudda...
  11. kell11

    newbie info.

    Its just a feeling I have or maybe a little bird told/moved me to say: "The Admins & Mods,Veterans and Pro Bowlers here are the greatest and most helpful people." That's whythey're running the board. They are happy to help. They Don't get paid for answering PM's all day. They dont get paid for...
  12. kell11

    Any crash experiences?

    The last time I stopped a long run.I had a hell of a funky crash. Sucked so bad,I am procrastinating taking my overdue break now.Ive got my clomids,Nolv,etc,etc. Anyone else experience a particularly lousy crash before?how bad?How'd you minimize the symptoms & so on? I need to take a break and...
  13. kell11

    I want a raise,how long a newbie?...lol

    I don't want to be a lowly newbie 'round here anymore. When is my probation up? Im ready for another star,brownie button,bad nickname or Something.
  14. kell11

    Has Anyone seen diff.color corks on BD?

    one time gray stoppers.next time the green w/BDragon in the middle. what was the deal with the gray stoppers. anyone got gray and green in their kitbag. Just wondering...
  15. kell11

    sorry fellas...

    indeed,I was in the wrong arena...bad kell11! let me be an example. watch where ya open your big mouth and watcha say when your doin' it..thanks dragonrider.
  16. kell11


    Doesn't this thread belong on another board in another forum on another site. seems to me chempro is the method here. so why the contradiction in thread?
  17. kell11

    Long live Admiral X (and Crazy Horse...)

    nevermind nevermind,fugettaboutit
  18. kell11

    In the mood to pincushion..A krazy foo's day.

    In the mood to pincushion..A Very Juicy Day Of course this is all make believe,but I was in the mood for 31 flavors. maybe it was all just a dream. 10 AM-andropen275,boldabol200,tren100 1mL of ea.one big glute pop. 10:30-big breakfast-(3) A50 for dessert & 4 liv-52 with cherry on top. 11 AM-...
  19. kell11

    STUSSY,you finally did it.

    That damn avatar of yours finally derailed me.Was a bout to throw down a pearl of feedback. and BOOM!there she was again...my train of thought derailed.that's mean.But she's sweet.Reminds me af an Ex-girlfriend from my single days I think is the problem.Well,I'll work on my problem...with your...
  20. kell11

    I will cap lock no more,forever.

    Sorry guys, I dont type.Caps just let me pop along at about 45wpm. I told dragon "no more caps for me". (this took me a minute and a half).