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  1. kell11

    ...Just wanted to say

    Happy Holidays... ya sorry sunsabicches....j/k LoveloveLove to all. Im out.Back soon. Oh,In the mean time you chemical freaks get yourself some Galenika Test-e for Christmas...WHOA!!! thats all I have to say about 'bout that... be good boys and girls-hohoho! tty'all soon, F.Gump
  2. kell11

    to get rid of the fluox thread..

    what's ECA stand for? man tell me what the feck ECA stands for? ~signed,the rookie
  3. kell11


    Damn, I hit 1000... Oracle wouldve had a pussyfart for me.
  4. kell11

    Thanks Heavy

    ...For slowiing them titties. I was feeling the onset of siezure evertime I saw them.WHOA Man...too much..
  5. kell11

    wingo!!!back off the wagon

    Add Tren or Not Just popped my usual of a 16 to unknown number of weeks run. TestE500 EW EQ 400 EW Tren 100 EW? the 1st two are my usuals,well with oxydrolic50mG a day should I add the tren? I never Have really used it before but, I got like a gallon of the stuff-maybe it's time to give it a...
  6. kell11

    Hey AS gurus heard of this argentine bunch?

    Heard of mfr. Calastreme? Y or N 25ml test prop
  7. kell11

    OK Im on and Everybody split.

    I see how it is. I can sure clear a room with my childish off-subject banter. I used to be loved,not anymore. Hel,Im gonna have go cry for a minute...
  8. kell11

    Ana has come to a standstill

    If youre not comatose,I hope you're doing your homework on the topic at hand you buncha barneys...what happened?Nevermind I know . It just sure is quiet a lot lately
  9. kell11


    I have a bunch of this. Of course everyone knows of it... it's the 1% 5g Alcohol base Gel packet you rub on you upper arms and belly...ED. whattya think its best use/benefit will be.(Besides hRT therapy in men) just to curious for those who know. ...Pin
  10. kell11


    I have a bunch of this. Of course everyone knows of it... it's the 1% 5g Alcohol base Gel packet you rub on you upper arms and belly...ED. whattya think its best use/benefit will be.(Besides hRT therapy in men) just to curious for those who know. ...Pin
  11. kell11

    I Miss Oracle...

    ...So,Oracle if you come back and read this thread--- ---You're a big asshole.
  12. kell11

    Heard of Calastreme'?

    Heard of the brand Calastreme'? Pronounced kal-a-stream? gotta load of prop (25mL botts.?) argentinian. shits got an '02 mfg/lot date. Calastreme' rings a bell but Im old now and forget..
  13. kell11

    I leave for a few days...

    And the place is fulla newbies...And new mods. Hope everyone showed an ID at the door. They all appear to be watching porno currently.Thanks Tee. WELL HELL!, hello everyone. Good for AnaSci. who the hell are ya?j/f/k
  14. kell11

    All the pickles in one barrel...?

    ...But I sure would like to place my 30mL TEnanthate and my 30 mL of EQ into one 60,75 etc. barrel. I know some esters are like oil and water and the impossibility of accurate dosing makes it an unfeasible idea. But,Damn wouldnt it be nice to be pragmatic and be able to load our flavors into one...
  15. kell11

    who invited guests

    Theres 65 people on site right now.Almost 40 guests.Who invited guests? Identify yourself you spineless swine vermin!!! ...sorry I'll go take my medication now.
  16. kell11

    ixnay on the wifer turanibol advice

    Gents,I will only say at this point that Im glad I only got 100 of them for her. she is wearing my ass outAnd I have some stamina. This cialis for women? well,you better be up for it...damn,I'll be glad when their gone...she likes to fuck anytime anyway...BIG difference between anytime and ALL...
  17. kell11


    Juice,this buds for you... iwantsomejoos7 hangin' around? he was earlier hes "the fed" you know. other than that......no comment. I ......uhhh,yeah...reserve comment.except this one. juice, dont pm me pweese.
  18. kell11


    I wouldnt want to PM and disturb your stiffened giblet.. But everytimre Im on here,I occasionallyhave a question worthy of attention and need help with... but your all in the damn peep show...if you cant beat 'em,beat off...Im joining ya all. dirtybirdys...the fascination with the giblet and...
  19. kell11

    Feedback... bronchial tickle when inj'ing

    Hey. 50th shot. 2nd time in a row Ive noticed. 1/2way through plunging 275 andropen and 200EQ I notice a strange tickle high in the bronchial tube just below trachea. It wants to trigger a strong cough reflex... Anyone ever experienced this? I'm definitely in muscle.I'll aspirate 2 sometimes...
  20. kell11

    Who Sniped My Points?!!!

    Theres a thief amongst us. I had 9000. changed my username and NOW IM IN THE HOLE.-287 or some crap..,.. I know who it be....And vengeance is mine Thanks, Cheap Shot. and...also,thanks fukko :sniper: I'll see you first...next time :cool: NEVERMIND, it appears the site bank teller did it.ANAsci...