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  1. Z

    cycle help....

    well I''m almost ready to place my order.I'm still not sure on what exactly to start with. Test E and Eq seem to be a good combo I've also heard a D-bol/Eq was good for newbs.....just not as popular How about this for a cycle: Test E 250 mg/wk for 12wks...
  2. Z

    Average Expiration...

    what's the average expiration for most injectible gear? :cool:
  3. Z

    what's the deal with AP?

    Hey guys......AP seems by far to have the best prices. Why haven't more people used em......don't get it? Of the folks that have purchased they all had excellent remarks about product and shipping......no negatives at all..
  4. Z

    which do u prefer?

    Seems that Test E is more popular than Sust...especially for beginners, but sust appears to record less sides with better quality gains. anyone agree or disagree........and why? :confused:
  5. Z

    Email Encryption....

    From www.freedon-to-tinker.com The states of Massachusetts and Texas are preparing to consider bills that apparantely are intented to extend the national Digital Millennium Copyright Act. (TX bill; MA bill) The bills are obviously related to each other somehow, since they are textually similar...
  6. Z

    For the Mods...

    I purchase a membership but nothing happened. Am I missing something?
  7. Z

    Just a question....

    A co-worker of mine who is a former bodybuilder and competitor told me that guys these days are using alot more gear than what's actually needed. Is there some truth to all this? I'm just trying to learn as much as possible.....ya know.......the more opinions the better. :smoker:
  8. Z

    Glad to find a good forum...

    About time I found a forum that doesn't spend all their time picking off the new members......... :sniper:
  9. Z

    what's up

    what's up members....... newbie here