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  1. Z

    Need help with a good A-I

    Femara seems to be a good choice.............Is it too strong..? what do yall prefer....? and what would be a recommended dosage for your choice..? thanx bro's
  2. Z


    what's a good avatar website..?
  3. Z

    mixing cyp and enth...

    hey bro's is it ok to subsitute enth for cyp during a cycle..?
  4. Z

    where did my thread go.....

    any of the mods know what happened to my thread...?
  5. Z

    question about blood drive....

    my gym is goin to have a blood drive..........does this rule me out for participating...?......since I'm on gear... :cool:
  6. Z

    Help with protein powders..?

    Hey bro's.......what's yalls favorite protein mix..? what is the best tasting, easy- mix..(with a spoon) protein supplement..? I don't even know what's popular anymore.......... :confused: thanks bro's.... :)
  7. Z

    Tri's are outrunning chest...

    My chest is definately starting to lag behind the rest of my body......My tri's are doing all the work on pressing movements and are growing like crazy.....Chest is not growing at all.........(nothing is working now) I'm assuming that this is very much possible once tri's become strong enough...
  8. Z

    can d-bol cause..?

    Can d-bol cause fatigue if taken prior a workout..........( 2 hours )
  9. Z

    what size scale....

    will a 50g scale be sufficient...... :cool:
  10. Z

    extreme exhaustion and fever....

    hey bros...... the past year or so I've been having trouble with exhaustion and fever in the face.......I don't know what's going on. About half way into my workouts I get so tired almost to the point of passing out and dizziness. I continually have to drink and splash my face with water to...
  11. Z

    proper time to inject......

    My workout days consist of M-F..(evenings).....rest sun/sat.. I've heard the best times to inject are Mon...and Thurs in the am.., but does it really matter when I inject as long as I'm consistent.......I would prefer sunday and wednesdays before bed... what's yalls advice on this... :smoker:
  12. Z

    Tren depot=$$$

    Damn....this shit is expensive... :eek:
  13. Z

    Morning Star?

    Anyone familiar with Morning Star or T.O.M. Labs....? :smoker:
  14. Z

    Angelina Jolie...

    She just keeps gettin hotter and hotter..!!!!
  15. Z

    Aratest 2500

    This was popular back home before I moved. I haven't heard it mentioned here. Is everyone just mixing E and P to their own dosage likings... :confused:
  16. Z

    syrs and pins?

    hey guys.......I know someone posted the link to a good place to buy syringes and pins, but I can't seem to find it....... :confused:
  17. Z

    Cousin Sal....

    I love watchin Cousin Sal's skits on Jimmy Kimmel.....He's freakin hillarious. :D
  18. Z

    Is it worth it?

    I didn't know that making your own gear was as popular as what it was. Seems that one could learn how under a relatively short amount of time. Say you spent $200 on Test C from a source. 40cc's How much...as an average could you possibley save if ya made your own. (Not counting time involved...
  19. Z

    Which is your Favorite...UFC/Pride

    UFC Pride
  20. Z

    what makes Bd gear betterr?

    Hey guys......what is it that makes "bd" gear better than the other gear? I know its becoming extremely popular, but what is that actually makes it better? :smoker: