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  1. D

    dumb gyno question

    How do you know when gyno is starting to form? is it like extra flesh around your pecs? or droopy pecs? and should novaldex or something else always be taken when doing a cycle? thanks, gettin a little freaked out here.
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    Raw Meat

    OK, this is my third week into my first cycle... And lately when I go food shopping,I suddenly get neanderthal cravings for raw meat. So I tried it, with lean beef cubes (hmm tasty). Do you think a human body can process this raw protein easily? And does anyone else crave raw meat?... Or have I...
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    PCT=no bitch tits?

    What is PCT? I read in these forums that it is related to returning your natural testosterone levels back up. But I don't know what the acronym means or how to get it? Also, one more bit of paranoia... what does gyno look like? besides that exaggeration from "The Fight Club" I can't find a real...
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    Liver Regen

    Does anyone take Liver Detox supplements? and is this legit... http://universalkits.com/Supplements.htm I've been taking Milk Thistle from the health food store, but wondering if anyone had any liver care tips while on a cycle? (I'm sure most just ignore it)
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    Does anyone have an opinion on "Superslow" workouts? Its a fitness trend where the weight is lifted in approximately 10 seconds and lowered in five seconds. I've tried it and liked the burn, but thought it might be "elongating" the muscle. which is the antithesis of "bulking up". Or is it fine...
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    Virtual Trainer Wanted

    OK, heres the deal, I'm trying to do this on my own but realize I lack the knowledge necessary. (even though these forums have taught me alot) Offer: I hire one of you guys to train me via the forums. I post my pic, you rip me apart, offer suggestions and routines. more importantly advise me...
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    Sus Pain

    Why does Sustonon300 leave a "pain" behind it lasts a few days, and will my body ever adapt to it? or is it something I should expect with that paticular juice? Deca on the other hand is fine, but the sus burns....
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    knot ass

    Uhm, I guess I did this wrong. yesterday I did a Sus injection in the grey dot area, and today i have a big red knot on my ass. not much i can do but wait right? and what did I do wrong? thanks, little nervous here...
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    Refigerate Gear?

    Do Tabs & Injectables have longer or shorter shelf life if kept in the frig? My apartment is hot as hell and I'm worried my shit might go bad. Thanks
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    Spot Injecting/ Same Needle?

    Hey Bro's, I've read the section on spot injecting and just started doing it in my chest and biceps...Question: is it cool to use the same needle if you cleaned it with alcohol? or should you always use a new needle for each bicep or pec? Thanks in advance....