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    Bicep Tendonitis

    I went to my Sports Medicine doctor for a sharp pain in my shoulder, she said it was bicep tendonitis and cortizone would not help and I could potentionally make it worse. So she recommends anti-inflamatories and 12 weeks of physical therapy!?! Question: could I just shoot some deca or something...
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    Test Levels

    When you have blood work done, what figures represent "low" testosterone levels versus "high" and what are "normal" testosterone levels?
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    Test Levels

    When you have blood work done, what figures represent "low" testosterone levels versus "high" and what are "normal" testosterone levels?
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    50mg Nolvadex

    Hey, my Nolvadex capsules are 50mg. But I notice the recommened dosage is 20-30mg I've been taking them anyway, or should I be opening these suckers and trying to figure out 20-30mg? which needless to say is a pain in the balls...
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    delt pain

    curious, when I had tendonitis in the elbow my sports medicine doc shot some cortisone into it and it basically healed... now I have some shoulder pain and a full gearbox... is there anything I can inject myself (like deca) into the delt, that a sports medicine doctor would do anyway? or is this...
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    Doctor insomnia

    The insomnia came back...going to se a doctor today should I tell him the truth about my cycle? I'm thinking of just telling him I was taking M1t... would a doctor ever alert police who would check my home and find my gear box? (sorry if that sounds stupid I'm just nervous and havn't slept...
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    chronic insomnia

    Does anyone get insomnia from gear?
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    No Pct

    what would happen if you decided not to take anything after your cycle...is this ever reccommeded?
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    is high blood pressure reversable?

    I know i gave myself high blood pressure using AS... I have had trouble sleeping lately and I sweat and get flushed easily...question is how do i reverse it naturally? I don't want to see a doctor. I'm off the cycle. and serioulsly need to address this ( I think its pretty bad going to check it...
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    Please Help (PCT)

    OK, i 'm definetely ending this cycle (little over 10 weeks) consisted of mainly test (but also did some anabol then d-bol at the begining) I'm thinking to start my next cycle June 1 (or do you think I could do it sooner?) Anyway this is what I have on hand for PCT: 42 clomid 28 novdex HCG...
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    math question

    If a cc is the same as an ml, what then is an mcg?
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    creatine shits

    sometimes i use a tablespoon (lazy ass) to measure my morning creatine rather than the recommened teaspoon (300 grams creatine monohydrate) and i get the runs sometimes...well i've been doin it for awhile now and i notice some blood come out my couli today...i'm hoping that its just the...
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    i feel like a child asking these questions... but what does it mean to "frontload"?... Dad
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    Vitamin B shots

    damn I'm full of questions today... just bought some vitamin B Complex (see pic) 1,B2,B6,B12 B1...... 12.5mg B2...... 2.0mg B6...... 5.0mg B12...... 5.0mcg100ML USP grade Anyone try this before and in what dosages? thanx.....
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    Here are some of the benefits listed for this product I've been taking 1 250mg capsule a day with my creatine ...does anyone else use R-ALA and in what dosages? R-ALA (R-Alpha Lipoic Acid) is up to 33X stronger then normal ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) and has multifunctional benefits such as: -Liver...
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    Parabolan Frequency

    In the profiles section for PARABOLAN it is written: "a weekly dosage of 250 mg was average" My juice is 100 mg/ml...Should I spread this throughout the week or pop the whole 250 one day a week? (which seems assinine) just checking...I thought 1ml on monday and 1.5 on thursday (repeat) any...
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    Conversion Kits?

    I'm confused about what they are exactly.. but i'm not so dim that I can't figure it out... does this mean with one of these "kits" I could be my own Steroid Emeril? and how stupid a proposition is this?
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    Bad Boy (off cycle)

    OK, I'm going off my first cycle today...I guess it was about 10 weeks? and I made amazing gains but was pretty cowboy stupid about dosages and nutrition (won't get into details) Here are some side effects from my first cycle: 1. night sweats (not easy to explain to the chick next to you) 2...
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    skinnyass biceps

    Ok, I've made alot of progress since discovering this site, and thanx to the bros who helped me. I'm happy with the gains to my chest and shoulders, but I've always had skinny arms. Although I do see the difference on my first cycle, I can't seem to get a"peak" in my biceps, they just look...
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    cuban press

    whats the dif between a cuban press and a clean and jerk...I see conflicting accounts all over the net...just asking da pros...thanks